Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Helen of Troy set sail a thousand ships and Hillary a thousand artillary tanks...

 For the love of a woman, an entire nation is willing to go to the brink of extinction.

It is said she was so beautiful that no man could have her and yet her beauty won the head of the King of Sparta and the Prince of  Troy.

Paris and Helen were in love and ran off to get away from the mean cruel king who only wanted one thing. Her body and soul. It is hard to say whom or what she really was, certainly she was important to someone or else the great king would not have bothered with her no matter what her charms.

Paris wanted his youthfulness to be satisfied and her desires are also uncertain, to question a king's decision to betray his back to flee his bed and into the arms of an unknown enemy.

As it turned out he sent his entire naval fleet against this not unknown city of its own repute. 

Troy must have been of importance in the Mediterranean or the offer to the prince would not have been extended nor his flight from completion.

Naval areas of the old world were controlled much more carefully than they are in modern days. 

It was highly unlikely they could have hidden a millionaires yacht in any harbor. Nor been able to cross even by dingy into the arms of any larger vessel.

Their flight was not unknown but also unheeded thus his title and his cities were thought to be worth the risk.

The entire known world or at least those in the area of what we know as Rome, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Babylon and Egypt the biggest and maddest of all the cruelest armies in the area. 

Everyone wanted to join the fight including the gods, who took an active part in some of their subject. There are various versions, but they say the war lasted ten years, a whole decade. 

And his family blamed her for the fate of the city which was once one of the finest. She was allowed to live among them until the death of her husband. 

In some stories she is forced to go home with her husband in others she herself is put to death. All for the love of a young couple who meet and wanted a life and yet their countries or cities were against them.

Beware of the Trojan Horse! In the end, the city fell after all the sieges and bombardments by the simple trick of sending in a wooden horse which contained the best of their warriors hidden inside. 

The innocent villagers brought it in and celebrated their success, allowing themselves to become victims to a cleverer madman. 

Was it worth it? Thier city was wiped off the face of the earth, and only recently discovered to have been real at all, while the young couple faded in people's minds except for fireside stories of the fairness of one single female course of action on an entire worldly community. 


Forward march to our own beautiful and fair Hillary. 

She was one of the more advanced women, earning her own degree in law and her own place in history.

She was both wife, mother and woman of the people. 

Although many did not like it when she did not take care of herself and wore the wrong types of clothes or cut her hair they did like her words and her presence.

She made history in running for President of the Untied States and almost made it to the White house on her own carpet.

Like many before her, she failed to read the small print. It says she has to get the electoral vote and not just assume the popular vote is hers for the taking.

She is probably still a very fine person and really good diplomat but what kind of President we will never know.

She instead caused riots and protests in Washington DC to occur during the entire Trump administration.

The final outcome was the taking of the Capital itself, attributed to Trumps carelessness, but really is he the bad king of Sparta? Is she really the cause of Troy going to war over her falling for a young fair young man of great charms?

It is still too early to tell, as the further results was the really bad guy cast in this deal was not the guy who would not give up the Oval Office Chair for a lady nor matter what she misread the words in her American government class on civics.

But the really bad lone wolf from across the even bigger sea in Russia. Always cast as the bad guys, from the time of the Russ, who not mentioned in the Greeks stories but did exist and must have played a hand in keeping everyone else at bay until the Huns took over pillaging.

But they have always been the big bad wolf, from the times when Kiev was the most dangerous city on the Danube just above the Greek Islands, to the move to Moscow way out of the way of anyone except well-seasoned winter types. 

Even then Moscow was burnt down so many times it is hard to say what it looked like, and even Hitler attempted to take its other main city of Saint Petersburg. 

These guys never do learn, the Tsars took over from the Boyars, or they moved into travel and trade by water to land to air. The people of the land did not like being serfs but did not have to stay any more than any other community, but it was their land.

They complained so much, that they began killing off the Tsars, and what good did that do? All they got was a group of German based Marxist Fascist cruelest who ruled the area with an Iron Fist. 

The people got tired of these, instead of assassinating them, they tried other things including coups and poisonings. They finally got their Iron Curtain down and ran around declaring themselves free and independents.

All these did was make their lives more miserable, they could now travel and act out as they really wanted. What do these people want? They want not to be told what not to do, but to have everything their own way.

It does come at a cost, and with our modern war weapons, they should know as Paris and Helen not to tempt fate by asking for too much trouble. 

Previously there were many different ethnic groups and called themselves communities or countries, some of these people want their own independence and some nations forget that just as they themselves got freedoms that others want their own way of life without having to pay for the past wrongs of a people never satisfied. 

Any Historian knows their words are never good enough and assuming the same story is being told at the same time is also never certain but really where is the world going with all this condemnation.

One group say they want out of one more situation and another willing to support their move. Unwilling to stay at home and nowhere else to go, they simply want out or is it what is really going on?

Ukraine has always been special to some of us as far away from the corruption of the Moscow politicians, which killed off Tsars and Soviet Leaders and maybe even a few Patriarchs. 

They claim all innocence in their desire not to be attacked but also did not comply immediately when asked to let their neighbors go freely.

What is the issue, are they guilty or are they being betrayed?

The issue is whether or not this guy named Putin is at all the guilty man they world media makes him out to be.

They claim he could not stand the sight of Hillary so much he made sure she did not win the election but instead of caused the greatest nation in the world to have their voting results corrupted.

Imagine that the greatest country in the world, the smartest and what but they can't get their own voting results right. Nor can they read their own constitution and know when to shut up about it all. 

Instead, the media itself is launching everything they have towards this country which has had everything taken away from it over and over again.

No one like the little communist bitches running around America false claiming to real authorities instead of criminals just wanting more corruption.

No one wants a world dictator who will shoot his own mother or daughter for disobedience as many in the old days did.

And no one wants a nuclear war brought to our shores.

But was it really such a big thing for the media to stop their own assault for over a decade now, over a little issue of misunderstanding who does and does not win the Presidency?

They claim it is his fault and have thrown everything at him. They would not even let his athletic team paly fairly at the Olympics.

Instead, they went after him when he at least showed up while his neighbor refused to show up at all, already throwing down the rampart of war towards his peaceful napping.

They kept after the doping issue and everyone knows that drugs are all Americans want when they travel, in fact the only reason they want the Mexican border our long-known enemy is for their freedom of drugs to pursue for themselves.

They even made little Camilla cry and have to go home without a medal, they were so mean, why did she show up anyways?

Really, it was just heart medicine, not pain killers or inhalers with steroids. 

Now they are prepared to publish assumptions without fully understanding when and where this all started.

No end in sight. for the man who might not be guilty but where would Biden be today if Hillary had sat down in the Oval Office? He would not be giving his first address to the Congress tonight because she would still be there holding on to her desk.

She might have stood for justice and innocence and may have defended unwelcome religions and introduced unknown persons in her time period.

But like anyone else, once that power is theirs is unlikely to give it up and there would have been no reason for her to move over for a new lady to occupy the White House.

The lack of sympathy that they showed Melanie, a native of Ukraine and now they are showing a lousy actress as Milla as a Saviour of her people.

Really, where is it going to end, the extinction of the entire Russian people or just a safe zone where American can still feel good about themselves and those people being told to flee are also told, how many Americans are homeless and have no way of ever getting out of poverty once the government agencies decide not to care about their own because money is in immigrants and refugees. 

Their day will come too, when they will be moved aside, and a little bit sooner than you think.

Destroying one economy always results in a backwards spiral on their own economy and America will regret having Seven and half dollars for a dozen eggs come out of a convenience store.

Is it really worth it this launching a thousand ships for the beauty of one female over a so-called bad bully who won't take no? 

Or is it his fault, is his opposite worth the effort? Will we ever know what the truth is? No one seems to know how it all started nor where it should have stopped.

A whole decade of unleashed attacks verbally has resulted in actual fire as many refuse to hear the other side. 

Helen went back home when it was over according to the legends, will everything be the same for America after getting involved in someone else's misery? 

Will we ever trust the voting results of any election again? Nor the blood results of any medical facility?

Are we willing to pay the cost of the war that could that have been avoided if they had really sat down and talked fairly to both sides instead of demanding more and more than one woman had been mistreated while another woman never had a chance in front of the media?

What did Hillary have that Melanie not have?

The right husband or the right face or the right country?

No one wanted to hear of Ukraine until last week. 

Who will win this time Sparta or Troy?

Or does it matter?

As long as DC does not fall?

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