Friday, March 11, 2022

They're here ... the Russians have arrived and at the backdoor

 Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa... what have you done this time?

We knew you were not aware when you said you would help them, that they would come to us and expect us to take care of them.

All those horrible pictures of the refugees having to leave their land.

Americans are used to leaving everything behind. Thats how they got here in the first place and then the environment is not kind. Those tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes and then the natives getting restless and burning everything down.

They know how to pick up and move on or at least retreat for a while and then go back to start over.

The Europeans have a funny attitude about leaving their homes. Most have spent at least a hundred years in the same community, maybe more in their families.

It is astounding to Americans, who have done nothing but move, move and then move again.

It is called relocating and making it despite the odds.

Here they come, crying to us, after most of their ancestors kicked us out in the first place.

The Hundred years war for instance, was a war of religion where they hunted down good bible reading people.

Quakers, Huguenots, and even Jewish people came to America to get away from communities that did not want them.

Everybody in Europe asks, how is it to live in America?

They think it is Disneyland where one gets to make a wish and have it come true.

They want to come to one of the hardest to live in countries and then be given a place to stay and a job as well as an education and even stardom in some cases.

Now the Ukrainians who no one really dislikes unless your name is Melanie Trump have had to pick up their belongings and put them in nice clean suitcases and leave the only place they know as home.

Millions have fled their own homeland, a place for over a thousand years has been theirs to call home.

They have endured many things including the takeover by the Germans, than the Communists and Soviets. 

Finally, getting their freedom, they deny it to others. They want out, not war.

So, they have come, in less than two weeks all the way from southern Europe, hundreds of miles to the borders of Poland and Germany. 

Only to be found, knocking at the gates of Southern California. How did they get here from over there?

They spent all that time crying and walking to get free of a place now under threat of war. Got a free train trip out of town and then what?

Did they hop on a magic carpet or something? They have suddenly arrived in Mexico asking for asylum to America. 

We knew they would come but how did they do it? Where free flights also made available to them?

How did they get through the airlines hoops to get across the Atlantic?

And without vaccination cards. Those who arrived not in New York city with free access to immigration, nor Mexico city where they must have landed but out of the desert on the very border that Trump was beat down about.

His border war has been approached by those whom we know nothing about except that they come from a war torn country. Fleeing with their belongings and passports but not the free vaccinations available to everyone.

Mexico has a new law requiring vaccinations, and these people claim they don't have the requirements. 

How is that possible, did not Ukraine get any of the Russian free medicines?

I still want to know how they  made it from Mexico city and on foot.

We have seen the migrants from Central America takes weeks and with rides to get to teh border, one reason that wall was being erected, to keep them out.

Here they are at the border. It takes about three days by bus from Mexico city or a little less by car without all the stops.

But there are also half a dozen military zone inspections to go through on the rode up towards Mexicali and Tijuana. 

How or how did they manage it? Did they really ride the bus and speak Russian to those men with machine guns?

Now they want asylum from their country and in less than two weeks, in fact, they began to arrive last week, within five days the immigration says. 

They don't look like "homeless" people. They have suitcases and clothes and perhaps a little bit of money in their wallet.

What they don't have is a way to live, no source of income without using the American system nor a place to stay.

It is not as if they were invited directly to the US by Immigration or Refugee programs.

Not even the White House would have them come through the San Diego port of entrance. 

Now what are they going to do? They don't appear to be drug dealers, nor human traffickers, nor even terrorists.

They want a new life in America, and they come on their own from a country which suddenly erupted into violence without warning.

We are expected to take them in instead of sending them packing back to the big country. 

How I wish those Berliners had been forced to go back to Germany when the wall came down instead od continuing to squat on other peoples properties.

There is almost no place left for them except homeless shelters.

The authorities will probably not tell them to live on the streets because their house has become occupied by someone else.

Nor will they be evicted over not having a job nor told they are not good enough because they don't have a college degree.

They will be allowed to arrive by the back door, instead of proper channels and offered a chance at humanity.

More than is being offered a man who is probably not guilty of being the cyber nut everyone claims.

That woman was killed on the streets was part of the Silicon valley computer geeks who know how to hack computers along with her children.

It looks like murder occurred more than an accidental shooting, but no one is going to investigate

They already have their culprit. The only one they will ever name and might not be as guilty as they claim. 


To our community, it does not look the same as when my grandparents were alive and it was a residential community that the Windsor's, a newly married couple were brought to tour and walk down the streets of what is called East Village. 

It was a village, and it was also home to Russian refugees. Most of them were forced out by the Germans and Italians. 

The streets are filthy and there are no more homes left, nor schools, churches nor libraries and all those other niceties.

You will find handouts and lots of people wanting to be your friends.

Listen to the government authorities and you might survive not being made into a human trafficking victim. 

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