Sunday, March 6, 2022

Oh Mom, I brought you the keys to Buckingham Palace!

 Thats right mom, the keys to Buckingham Palace! I know you have always wanted to live there and well, its empty!

The Queen moved out a while ago and she has decided not to return. So, its free and up for grabs. I know you are next on the list from all those stories you tell us kids about how you grew up in WWII London.

Really, if she wasn't there you would take us all by and show us your bedroom you stayed in when you were a little girl during the bombing and blitzing of London.

While your mother kept everyone abreast of the latest news on the BBC radio you got to hide out with your friends in the great big palace at Bucks'

And one day you were going to move back in, since your parents were reunited at the end of the war and went back home to boring California. They even had a new place for your mother to make her radio announcements, some place called Hollywood. 

It was not London, and it did not have a palace at your command!

Well, know you can go back!

She has decided to stay on at Windsor now for the rest of her life, since her husband has passed away and is roaming the cellars looking for his wine and other contraband, that the cooks never will allow upstairs.

So you see, she cant really leave, Philip is still there and after all she did marry him for life.

Thats why, I put you in the same place as my father whom you meet when you were a little girl and grew up with promising to marry someday. 

He had to wait until after he went off to fight in a foreign place called Korea. Finally, he came home and at nearly thirty your started your life together.

You went on to have half a dozen pregnancies, not to mention how many of those came out fine and how many got sent back to where they came from.

But Jim was not one of them, and I am afraid he refused his own father's insistence on leaving you alone, and kept trying to make you give him the right to be a permanent resident at Buckingham Palace.

After all we went through for you, you went and left my father laying in a hospital bed right after an eye operation just so Jim could know what it meant to be given the opportunity to step foot inside.

Of course, you knew she was gone and did not know she would catch you trying to reaccess the property. 

I am told Jim never got over the idea of stepping on the Queens property and showed  up everywhere she went assuming he had been given an invitation.

I hear they arrested a guy with a cross bow at Windsor, and I happen to think that it is one of the prettiest of the Castles and my favorite, so I hope Jim gets shot on sight he crosses that bridge.

When my father did wake up and had his eyes back, he was in a different place and none of us got to go back home the way everyone intended. 

I know you cried for three days after his death was announced. Thats is why you and him are buried together up there in that Rose garden overlooking the old town of Franklin.

It was the best I could do, and you seemed to prefer that spot to the others your family wanted.

At least, you can look out over the valley and up at the mountains while plucking at those rose roots.

I remember you used to sing "I never promised you a Rose Garden", and even though my father attempted to give you everything, you just always wanted your way with him before giving in.

I am sorry you are both gone, and the day Jim breaths his last breath he will not be joining you, your non adopted son who was really a stalker and a scammer of the worst kind.

I liked to drop inside a Volcano, but they keep going off, I don't want him scattered just deeply buried.

Oh, well, the world has a gone to war again by the way and all over Jimmy just needing to be the center of attention and getting in the way of the big guys.

Really, when it is all over and said and done with, I know I am going to hear how it was Jimmy who started the whole damn thing. 

Just a little bit of fireworks is going on over there in the old country. Good thing your grandmother is also dead and buried. 

Where did we leave her by the way? I know it says Salt Lake but that's what it says on all the records. I just don't want to accidently walk across her grave. She might reach up and pull me down with her to protect me from the world at large.

It this thing, Kiev went separate a while ago and calls themselves Ukraine and then there was Moldova who wanted to be independent and then Crimea and now this place called Donbass. 

It was a former English-speaking colony of a Welsh Industrialist who did not go bankrupt but ran into Stalin. He left behind a statue of himself, English schools, hospitals and church with a million inhabitants of a region called Donetsk. 

Anyway, there was some misunderstanding and this Jewish playboy comedian went and got elected President, his parents were former Soviet Engineers and things.

He is now complaining because his country is being surrounded just because he did not want to let go of that little bit of land right next to the Sea of Azarov.

Of Course, your guy Putin, who was never going to amount to anything, but woke up one day with him as President of Russia,  would not pass up a chance of a seaport so close to his country becoming available to him and well, he has circled the wagons around the smaller country.

Not to worry, they got those nasty nuclear plants under control, even the ones that were set on fire. It is just a matter of days before the former rebels allow the new freedom seekers their rights.

And then everything will settle down again. No harm done. After all, this last Pandemic has killed more lives than this little insurrection. 

Maybe most of them are better off, more than a million and a half have been allowed to leave without papers nor payment to other countries as refugees. 

A better life for all, if that little fellow survives his ordeal. 

They once, said, that Putin had no idea how to deal with Russia and now he is telling the world how he feels about it all those nay-sayers.

I recall, your grandmother said she had "tea" with Eisenhower's mother once after the war. Since her daughter had made announcement of the war on the radio, the other ones had become President, and she was making a statement about how worried her little man was about that Sea now that Stalin had decided to go the other direction and no longer be allies.

I do wonder, what the Sea of Azarov has to do with anything but ancient history. It was the Scythians center and a few other major Empires such as the Huns chosen spot for their ships.

Well, at least it wont fall into someone else hands, such as the Germans. 

Imagine Jim with his Nazi ways getting hold of such an innocent area.

Your man, probably has no choice in the matter. Protect that sea port area at all cost!

Everyone is very unhappy and upset and the news guys just don't seem to know what to do about a war in Europe much less Russia.

After covering Afghanistan for twenty years, they are a veery confused lot.

It is not funny I know, but your grandmother was from Saint Petersburg, not Moscow, and her husbands was from Kiev. 

It very unsettling for those of us who cant fly anymore, and I just wanted you to know, your castle is awaiting you and empty for you if you can rouse my father and flee before someone else takes up residency.

Myself, I still prefer Windsor, Philip was my favorite Royal and I am still researching the family.

My little dream "Aurora's Cliff" house perched out there as an outpost of incoming ships looks as if it might slip off at any moment into the medium blue waters.

Rest in peace mother and maybe I will forgive you some day for bringing Jim into my world.

(Probably not, but really. She was really my mother and all.)

Oh and one more thing mom. That little war over there just happened to start on my birthday, so really I do believe it is Jim all over again, ruining a little girls birthday. 

Coming inside someone else's house, grabbing cake and stuffing it in his mouth and then refusing ice cream to anyone until he ran around the back of the house. 

I don't know what you to agreed, to that day, when you had to get that ice cream bucket back, but its been hell since you have been gone, and I am a little bit beyond caring for the his friends while the world burns and innocents are being shown not even knowing they are probably better off than before.

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