Friday, March 11, 2022

Three refugees need shelter, - "FOR SALE", one space station, cheap ....

 By executive order there is at least one little astronaut who might never get home.

He is being threatened about being left behind. The problem is that the American space program no longer services the space station only the Russians have license to dock there.

Therefore, any attempt by the Americans to fly near the space station might be considered a declaration of war on the part of the US to Russia.

The same applies for the landing site inside Kazakstan. It is inside the no flight zone.

By executive order of the American President, Americans can't not fly there, nor the Russians fly out of the area.

So if the astronaut does land as scheduled in a now war zone as an American, he will do so behind enemy lines. He might be taken as prisoner of war and he might be allowed to walk out.

It is a long walk in any direction from Kazakhstan and there will be no ubers or lyfts going for him nor any marines nor special forces.

So much for being a retired colonel and getting a chance of a lifetime of going into Outerspace. 

He will have decided if he is still on active duty or not and then if he is able to navigate on his own, because i don't think they will be giving out directions.

As for the other little guy from Sevastopol, that cosmonaut has no place to go home. His entire home area is under attack.

In fact, he might be taken hostage as the first prisoner of war, as a Ukrainian on board a Russian space craft.

It is the one big Russian cosmonaut who has the real problem. He is now flying with an enemy Ukrainian and a possible non friendly American. Either of them could turn on him or join forces.

All he has to is hold his own for another three weeks until the Russian crew docks at the Space Station.

Or he could phone home and ask for immediate extraction.

That would require a rocket at a time when everyone is nervous and a little bit busy deciding which side they are on and whether or not they are actually going to shoot at each other.

My self, i would find a nice neutral party. Like the Queen. She is a nice person. Really, she is and she is celebrating her 70 Jubilee. 

I am sure she is a little bit board and would welcome a little diversion. And Boris would probably love a diversion at this point away from those party hat discussions.

Australia has a nice welcoming desert and has been used by the Americans in the past to land their pieces of junk. 

Maybe the Russians with a little bit of niceness, might agree to land the three unfortunate refuges in a designated neutral zone where both parties can fly to pick them up. 


You know they have a friend coming to visit them down under, that crazy Russian adventurer Konyukhov is scheduled to dock sometimes soon in Sydney. 

He has been traveling the Pacific on nothing but solar panels. I wonder if he has phoned home, in the Crimea. 

A former Russian Marine turned Orthodox Priest. 

I bet they would really like to see him about now.

Oh, well, and by the way that piece of junk needs to be put up for sale.

It is supposed to be scrapped in about 7 years anyways, but with the ruble is so low there is no way the Russians are going to be able to maintain any type of repairs. 

Besides, who wants to go up there right now and end up in a no fly zone!

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