Wednesday, July 20, 2022

But Oleana it is you who are killing your own children

 Right or Wrong

It was not Putin who threw the first stone

But Zelensky, when he refused to lose his neighbors

His country does not want to be diminished 

They are more concerned about the amount of land

Then the amount of population.

They have allowed millions of people to leave

While still refusing to allow Donbas 

To have its own free will and country.

Instead, they are providing targets

Thier own children for the disturbance

Instead of demanding their people stay indoors

It is your fault Oleana,

That the children still in your country

Are not at home or in bunkers.

It is your husbands' government's fault

That they refused to allow the same freedom

That Kiev was granted.

Who are the Donbas people to you?

Just more land to feel as if you are a large country

It is like a man who measures himself to feel as if he is a big man.

Instead of a small one.

Why not allow the neighbors their freedom?

Because you don't want to lose territory!

Then don't blame anyone else but yourselves

For the loose of children who are left outside

Besides mongoloid children are often taken care of by relatives

There is no real evidence that the little girl suffered

Anything more than the family making sure 

She went to heaven and the mother to a hospital.

It is a shame 

How many murders 

Have been allowed under the guise of war.

So many of the so-called atrocities

Are suspect and not at all like a war crime

But the neighbor's getting even with those left exposed.

It is really quite sad

Young woman

You appear to be beautiful. 

And happy in your marriage

And yet, you can't understand

That there are those who are not as happy

And your family are suffering 

While the world watches

Who will be left in your country?

After you get done blasting the other side

Who are you fighting for?

The measure of your waist?

Or the individuals who should have been given the assurance

Your president was not mentally unfit

Just as we are dealing with not one but two Presidents.

Who are facing charges of incompetence?

All because they allowed your country the freedom

To be invaded and the bad man have a stroke. 

From your constant barrages

Really, if you want the children not to be murdered

Then bring them into your own bunker.

Leave our people alone

Many of us are crying 

For your people. 

While you are still taking in the glory

Your husband was a good man when he ran for president

But you were not elected.

You are blaming someone who might not have had a choice

You need to sit down as a mother and daughter

And consider how to live when it is over.

When there is no one left 

When the other country will be given the freedom 

Already provided through Nato.

When Putin is done

No one knows

But he has to abide by his government. 

Just as he has done in the past

He will survive

But Biden might not be our President. 

Who are you to us?

To bring your problems to us

But not be compassionate enough to give the same freedoms.

All because you are more concerned about your size

And not about the conditions your people now live

Will there be a country for your millions to return?

We all want to have peace

But it is unfair to bring us an issue 

That even you are not able to provide an answer.

Where will you be if your send a nuclear bomb?

Where will those families be if they were not allowed? 

To give the news images that are not really real.

We want you not to be in pain

We want your neighbors not to be forced to be your slaves

We want the last man with knowledge of what could happen to not be eliminated.

May god bless your family

May your husband not be murdered

May you be able to lift your face up when it is over.

And Jill sits holding her husband's hand

As he is retired from the game of politics

Because you choose not to be honest about your reasons for not giving in to the obvious.

Please Oleana,

No more pictures we only have your word upon, 

Listen, and provide an answer to end the standoff. 

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