Monday, July 25, 2022

I don't know Al!

 Dear Albertus, 

What did your mother's name you anyways?

I would tell you what my grandmother Laura named my father but then the hackers would be off and running with the story.

We simply called him Terry. 

You know your visit to Meet the Press went without announcement.

I am afraid I went for groceries and was on my home, pushing them all the way from Old Town.

I am sorry I missed it but go the replay.

You look pretty good for your age. 

I like the white hair and no visible signs as Joseph has suddenly leaned over in his walk of your age.

You do know I live in a valley where they replaced the church with a hotel.

It is so common, these old neighborhoods where one no longer recognizes the surroundings.

I have had a number of Monarch butterflies visit me.

They appear to want to know where to land, fluttering around me.

Where's the garden?

There is no longer a garden, nor a cemetery, I suspect I am living over it in fact.

How many others in their migration, have no way of spending time where they once had access?

Not everyone notices the path of migration nor the need to not destroy every piece of habitat.

They are now after my Seaport village.

There were once people living in the buildings and then someone came along and made them into stores.

We went to court and won the argument.

But the business owners never left, except by going out of business.

Even the old barn where they hung drying salmon and the schoolhouse have been repainted.

This was once a Russian fishing village before it meant death to be of that ethnic background.

Now they have all these plans for the little area, they want a hundred story hotel to take over the tiny inlet where people used to fish.

They have already destroyed the other little island with an outdoor Ampitheater.

Why are they building out into the water, in an area that was once harbor and actually the water went inland like in San Francisco.

I am sure there are boats under the asphalt and maybe even another burial ground as there was also a small church where the old police station choice to build and then abandon.

Where are the little creatures supposed to go to Al?

All these buildings, we can't smell the ocean anymore.

Just mustiness and other odors.

There is nowhere to go downtown anymore, all the parks are gone except for the ones along the harbor, and they want to build on those as well.

They built the baseball stadium on top of the old Pool club, filling in the deep hole in the ground with the Horton Plaza dirt. 

Does not seem safe if there is a strong earthquake.

Imagine a sinkhole opening up under the pitcher's mound as one did in Israel!

And this Comic con was once a small forest and beach area for people to enjoy.

Now it is cement and steel. 

All those people came this weekend, walking on top of the same site that the homeless were housed.

All that coughing and peeing and other things on that very same floor.

Contagious it might be and with monkeypox arriving in the Homosexual community.

Seems like disaster will strike.

If the President can come down on a trip to the Arabian desert, what are these guys taking home with them?

A small cough, scratchy throat and what other symptoms?

I think they are downplaying his illness.

Poor Kamala, pretty enough to be on the posters but not trusted as the Vice President to take over not even for a weekend.

Wonder what they do for Putin?

You know he has been sick, no second in command. 

Do they hide behind their doors as he walks and coughs?

Or do they plot in the old style in the basement for what they want to do with this war?

Who is in charge when he gets a high temperature?

No one?

Or everyone!

I went to the beach to look at the ocean.

I found it full of travelers and homeless. 

I wish they would put up tent cities for the poor who have no place to go.

And send the tourist back to where they came from, this is my town.

Anyways, I got to where my new hat but got yelled at by the coffee cart.

She was young and did not know any better.

Who remembers those horrible Susan Anthony dollars?

Yep, one more time, excuse me!

You don't have enough!

I had emptied my coin purse, instead of waiting for the Thrifty ice-cream treat,

I often wait to get that special coffee drink with my excess coins.

She did not recognize them as dollars.

I had to tell her I had found them in my change, from the grocery stores.

I don't think she heard me nor accepted my plea that I had given her the correct change.

She dropped her head and put them in her drawer.

I bet she threw them in the trash at the end of the day.

They say we are in a coin shortage, that is because the clerks don't know what to do with them.

Cards please and only plastic is all they understand.

That and phone apps. 

My WASH card shorted me a few washes and I had to drip dry my clothes this weekend.

I wish you well on your quest to save our planet.

It is hard with all those nuclear arsenals over in Ukraine.

Left over from all the wars and with no one to tell the new guy what not to do.

Antagonize the old one who knows what is burried in his backyard

Buzz is selling his things at auction.

One can get a piece of foil.

Or all those scrib sheets he used to get through the day with nothing else but twirling around in space.

I think the Texas flag that went to the moon and back should be wrapped around my non brother Jimmy.

Then we can shoot him into space cocoon style and see if he can morph into a space alien.

He is actually known as a mutant, no skin color. And an alien, non-American, he agreed to deportation the last time he was caught with his hand in someone else till.

He is still running around stealing little girls' underwear and using extortion on those in the oval office.

I understand he made another phone call this weekend.

Wonder what Jill did wrong on her way to becoming Professor?

We will never know.

Patricia always shows guilt about her father losing his job.

Jimmy Jimmy

A trip to space would do him good!

Maybe the astronauts w\could go strike that weekend!

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