Thursday, July 7, 2022

How does this work?

 Abe has been shot!

Abe was a good Prime Minister.

Forced to resign over health issues.

And just before the Japanese Olympics came to town.

He also missed the wedding of the Japanese Princess and her exit from society.

And now the economy is in bad shape.

All he wanted to do was make a speech.

A man walked behind him and shot him in the back.

Almost no one shoots someone in the back unless they are making a point.

What did he do wrong?

Did he agree to resign to be out of the way for the Olympics or the Wedding?

Was it supposed to be okay to come back into the limelight?

Was this a decision made for him by someone else?

It seems no one is safe from gang like warfare.

The mafia has a long arm and those who keep interfering for no reason at all have won again.

Or so it seems!

What is next?

Boris had it all and did it all.

No one minded, he goes things done.

Including Brexit.

He even got a new wife and two adorable kids.

What could he do wrong?

Those damn crybabies!

They always have something to complain about.

With the Jubilee being enjoyed by the populace, while the Queen pouted behind her curtains.

It was thought he was in the clear.

And then the parties got leaked.

And he got caught covering over some of the others doing things.

Lying to cover for his guests.

Who ever heard of that!

Anyways, it all came out and a mutiny occurred.

He was not going to have it affect him and yet he came out number 10 today

And resigned!

Overnight decision.

Is he going to be next?

Will he be shot or knifed if he gets invited to a public feature?

Will his wife and kids be held hostage?

What is going on anyways?

Are we living in a new era?

Where the rulers are being threatened with misdemeanors.

And if they don't comply...

Then if they do step aside, are they still going to be victims?

What about Trump?

Did he refuse to hand over his desk to Hillary?

Was that why there was so much trouble?

And then they decided to storm the Capital to teach him a lesson?

Is this the type of extortion that is going on around the world?

If they don't give in to the mafia type politics, they get cut out of life?

This is old style politics.

But it is the new generation which has been too obvious about not playing with the rules.

They want it their way and when they get tired the want to change the channel.

Now or else!

Whose next?

Putin or Biden?

Wait for the next set of instructions, please...

We have your President or Prime Minister held hostage.

And he is going to do it our way or else....

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