Tuesday, July 19, 2022

What if Dillinger had been a college professor?

 Instead of robbing banks?

A professor like on Gilligan's Island out to do for people through his experiments.

Or something.

The days of the Roaring Twenties

We are told were full of vices for those with purses

And bank accounts.

They did not hide their money under the mattress

The rich poured it into the banking and financial system.

Then they wined and dined off the proceeds.

The Stock market crash of 1929

Meant that those with the money

No longer knew what to do with themselves.

While some through themselves off of buildings

Others had to learn to live without

And some even went so far as to reinvent society.

The Great Depression was caused by widespread drought

Or so we are told, a natural catastrophe

That disrupted the harvests of the lands already robbed of their natural resources.

Bank robberies was the next best thing to boot legging.

A ban on alcohol had gone up throughout the country

Another reason the swinging twenties were so good

Boot legging moonshine

Many became famous and rich

Including one Dutch who was undermined by a friend in a lousy diner

Dillinger seemed to come out of nowhere 

He and his girl robbed banks and were very good at it

His gang held off those nasty FBI guys 

Who heard of accountants with badges?

Anyone could get a good cop to turn an eye 

Every once in a while, or so they said.

But an account!

Straight lace and no nonsense.

That was just not fair to do to the bad guys!

Bank robberies were the way to go

And they were good at it.

In fact, there was a whole batch of "third grade teacher" types

They kept showing up at all of these banks.

These quiet girls with an education.

Not like the broads hanging out with the band.

No fair!

Anyways, prohibition came to an end.

And in the end, so did the Great Depression.

It made some rich off of their stories.

The gangs with the guns got away or put away.

But those little girls with the big eyes of innocence.

They ended up all across America.

The FBI actually kept records of these girls just to make sure 

Accountants and those who record keepers.

Who knew their were pictures of them?

Fifty years later a researcher might come across the collection.

Of sweet face girls with no reason to rob a bank

Except of course for being broke like everyone else.

And knowing a certain type

Such as their brothers' mechanic who needed a little decoy in the show room.

One never will know about them

The innocent ones who kept showing up at the banks

Not withdrawing money but always present

A distraction to the tellers and the guards.

Who wants to shoot an innocent bystander?

They all got old, these girls of innocence.

The only thing was their pictures in the records

A whole collection of sweet, faced girls

Who had no reason to be where they were?

Except to facilitate the bank robbers.

Thier families were modest but with just enough money

To own a piece of land or a home.

No known associates

No known large stash of money

But their grandkids were another thing

Those who had gotten married 

And raised their own kids instead of loaning them out

Theirs always took trips to places like Florida.

Huh, makes one wonder.

What was really going on anyways?

And how many got away with belonging to the Professors hidden assets?

Loosely connected but well supplied 

Throughout the decades afterwards

Quiet living for those who had made it their business 

To own the right to bring down the rich

And then survive with their own

Takend care of for life.

Wonder, wonder, wonder

Could it be true?

A larger gang of girl's decoys?

And who would employ such a gimmick?

One can only be careless enough

To wander into the wrong religion

And find out you are among thieves and cutthroats!

Worse than Pirates!

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