Saturday, July 9, 2022

There was once a little girl named Tara

 Like in the movie Gone with the wind.


It was actually the name of the House, but some people are so illiterate that they can't even understand the films reference to the house.

Some people name their cars, Ol Betsy or Brad.

Judy was one of those who had difficulty in understanding anything at all.

She is half Chinese, put up for adoption her and her sister also named Judith.

Probably Jade and Jasmine.

Really, some girls have no comprehension.

She was a big girl with black hair and slanted eyes.

Said they were from the south and they were KKK.

Well, her adopted grandfather is in for a shock in whatever afterworld he went to when he finds out what his daughter brought home with her one day.

Which brings us to Tara.

Now Judy married her high school sweetheart.

She made a column by forgetting her overnight case at home.

She had to call her mother to bring it to the airport.

Why was she not already at the airport?

A trip to Hawaii on a honeymoon was not common in the 1960-70's.

The family had started off living in a trailer behind the post office on one of those swank Golf courses.

Then the post office was moved due to much traffic and the private gated area wanted it closed.

They then somehow managed to get one of those private homes inside the gated area, free of charge.

Judy felt as if she was a princess and acted accordingly.

She might have been skinny when she started but grew proportionately to her ego.

Did I mention she felt she looked just like Elizabeth Taylor?

A beauty is what everyone said and with makeup she was not too ugly.

Now the real story is when she got divorced.

She went ahead and had a little boy she named Brent after Brentwood where she wanted to live next door to you know who.

He came right along with the wedding, close enough to cause comment and before the one-year anniversary.

Then there was a pause as she adjusted to life with diapers or not.

And along came a little chuggers redheaded girl.

Judy was no longer living with her husband but off of everyone else by now.

She had the habit of needing the money out of a man's wallet.

She would do anything to get that wallet, or almost anything as the stories claims.

Anyways, one trip from coast to coast, Brent had had enough.

He was tired of hearing that the baby needed food.

She needed this and she needed that.

What about him?

At a gas station in the middle of nowhere, she found she had not enough for the gasoline.

Off she trotted to the nearby diner to get the rest.

Leaving the car and the baby in the charge of Brent.

Well, Brent just put the baby out on the pavement in her basket.

He had enough and he was not going to be responsible if mom got arrested, again.

Next thing he knew they were speeding along the highway.

His mother had come back in a flash while he was sleeping.

All was well, no crying baby only the sounds of sirens in the distance.

Las Vegas, here they came and went without even stopping.

Foot down, Judy just kept right on going through the night.

Without a care in the world, except that real angry man's eyes whom she taken a wallet from.

He must have been a mayor or Governor or something from the fuss that was caused.

Distance and speed are all he got from her after that.

In the meantime, there was found a little redhead girl baby.

Left on the side of the road.

A warrant was issued for the arrest of the woman fleeing in the night.

She would only find this out another time.

When she did there was hell to pay for little Brent.

He had never been spanked before nor denied his mother's love.

Where was the baby?

Did not know nor care.

He was free at last.

And he was going to keep it that way.

Who should come along that same highway?

A redhead, all grown up and with two children.

One small blond girl who did not like to be touched.

Not hers.

And a little redhead baby just born.

She was something of a star herself.

But did not want anyone to know it.

Gas station attendant noticed her and the baby.

Sirens in the distance closed in on her.

She was handcuffed faster than she could say her real last name.

And then came the discussion of the missing wallet.

It was discovered the little girl was not hers.

She was just taking her to her grandmothers.

Whose baby was this?

How am I supposed to know?

And whose red head baby?

Well, actually she is not mine either.

I am taking them both to the East coast to family.

She ended up having to walk away without her own infant.

All they wanted to know was who had left the other baby.

To retrieve that wallet that had gone missing from that card game outside of Vegas.

Really, she had to go back in and sneak the baby out of the nursery.

She was all the way to the east coast before she realized she had the wrong one.

Hers was left right where the other one was in Oklahoma.


Yes, the young man had finally confessed.

He was sure it was a state that started with an O.

Ohio was too far north.

So, it was Oklahoma.

Off Judy went to retrieve her infant.

She had no idea what was in store for her.

When she got there, it was hand cuffs.

She had no idea about no wallet.

But the men were more concerned about something else.

A female siren had discovered she had the wrong baby.

And she knew someone who knew someone.

Her shriek and cry could be heard all the way back.

The wallet was discovered behind the dumpster of the gas station.

It had been there all the time.

Someone must have accidently picked it up with the trash.

Yeah, but there is no money in it.

Yes, but the id's are there and that is what they wanted.

A deal was struck between not so dumb government officials

And a lady in high heels and with a dumb little boy.

They sent them back to California with the wrong baby.

She was never to come through their town again and she was never to mention them again.

No handcuffs.

Judy speed through the night with a baby with red hair.

She had a bad feeling about it.

It just did not seem right somehow.

But she was free, the wallet returned and her boy silent.

Tara grew up spoiled rotten.

She would never take no for an answer.

And she did not look like the rest of the family.

The siren stopped screeching once it was explained she had to have a license.

She had come back through for the right baby.

Without a marriage license she could not reacquire the red head infant.

She left in the dust as she drove away.

But not before leaving them something in their nighttime depository.

Her name is Ree.

She cooks on television.

She calls herself the Pioneer woman.

She is a multimillionaire in Oklahoma.

Where she was raised and reared.

She has a husband, children, a dog and a house all her own.

She does not have to share any of it with Brent.

In California, the discovery was made of the wrong red head.

Tara was not theirs.

She was put out by them.

On to another family.

Tara grew up demanding she was part of the family of the other little blond girl.

How Judy got that families name is hard to guess.

But hunt them down she did and with a vegence.

She destroyed their lives wanting the real red head back.

Tara was no unloved, just not wanted.

She never had to do anything at all.

They were afraid to touch her.

They trained her to go after the other family.

She made the mother give her everything.

It was her right after all.

She also made the father miserable.

In the end, she hooted and hollered as an Indian as gasoline was poured over his head.

As he was set on fire in front of the blond girl now grown.

It was the message; she wanted her life the way she wanted it.

The problem was she was not theirs either.

The real red head had gone a long time ago to a different world.

A world where people don't go back.

They don't remember what is lost.

Because they have made it to the front covers of magazines.

Her infant was somewhere, if not already dead, being raised by a loving family.

Meanwhile, Tara got away with murder one more time.

She had even tried to kill the son of the family.

As well as the grandmother who was found at the bottom of the stairs.

All was well, with the world or so Tara thought with one more of the family that had left her behind.

Really, there is one hunting her soul down, no matter who her real mother might be.

Someday, Tara will be no more as well....

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