Saturday, July 16, 2022

They say that Eliot was one of them

 Imagine a foggy night in Georgetown.

A man is approached.

He extends the idea of a new operation.

An honest organization is going to be born.

It will be called the Federal bureau of tobacco, firearms and internal revenue.

FBI for short.

Now adays it is not unknown to question authority.

The answer is not insurrection.

What if Eliot Ness had not been chosen?

Charles Lindberg was probably more honest.

His child was abducted and never returned.

Eliots wife claimed he had syphilis.

And she did not.

Evidence he was having sex outside.

What a crime.

A woman who never remarried

She came from nowhere and went nowhere

She must have been honest.

Or was she just another hired woman.

One of the mob mafia girls

Hired to keep company with a company man?

Was Eliot an honest agent?

No one will ever know.

Really, it was his word against Capones!

He could have been a bad guy from the beginning.

Or he could have fallen in love with the wrong girl.

Or just gotten greedy and self-centered.

All that glory and nowhere to spend it.

So many crimes went unsolved.

And now adays,

There is more and more 

Unsolved crimes.

It is ridiculous

Why can't they solve simple things?

Is it because they are insufficient?

Or just part of the problem.

Hired to do the impossible.

Police themselves.

They are no better than anyone else.

OR so it would seem.

At times one does wonder.

What takes so long 

Was he an honest man?

Our Eliot?

I bet they said the same thing once 

About the Pure Putin.

Too good to be true.

And now look at him.

He can't do anything right.

There are so many missing children.

And so many children committing murders and other crimes.

One does wonder if our agency.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations

Is actually doing any work

Or being run by the very crooks it seeks.

Hmm, wonder who will go next?

In Russia, they have no problem in sorting it out.

But America is special.

Special agents running around

Acting as if they are running the country 

And yet even the Secret Service have to returned home on occasion.

Some journalists deserve to die

They are rapists, insisting on rights they don't deserve.

And some G Men are not honest accountants

But grave robbers.

Who should be taken out and shot?

Meanwhile, we the country have no place to turn

Afraid we will run into the wrong agent

The one who has already been drugged the night before

Or whose wife belongs to the wrong book club.

It is so hard,

Now adays to get it right

To do the right thing

To never step out of line.

When the line keeps moving for the other guy

Why else is so much spying on one's neighbors

And know it all's on the phone

Reporting crimes that have not been committed.

Meanwhile murders and bank robbers are still running around

Who believes a piece of art has just now been discovered?

It is an old find, why talk about it now.

And all those painting left behind in a barn.

Someone forgot to lock the doors

Or fill out their paperwork.

Don't get me wrong

I am all for authority

Just not corruption.

And when they begin to block the doors to the honest ones

Or the former expert witnesses

And throw them out on the streets

One begins to wonder.

Who was right?

The wife who claims her husband was having affairs.

Or the man named Eliot who stood for justice?

Let us pray

It is Eliot who was honest

And not the wife!

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