Thursday, July 28, 2022

What do you have to say?

 It's been a busy week. What do you have to say for yourselves?

Joseph almost died of CVD, his family says He's fine, but he doesn't look it. And his son is losing his hair, his house and his life all because he is the middle child.

Some kids do have it ruff. He saw his mother and sister die in a car crash, his father remarries, his older brother goes to war and then die of cancer. His ex-wife says he lives on drugs, should we blame him?

Anyways, I hope the Rose Garden marriage of his niece goes well for the family's sake. 

They have all been through several ordeals, including back taxes and current fault lines.

One of those run ins with extremists of yester year.

There was this girl named Candy, unwanted by her two older siblings. After all their father was in prison when she was born and then he died right afterwards.

Then her mom remarried and had another one. She tried to kill her rival, but instead was set on a family who had caused their fathers imprisonment.

He was caught stealing from a navy yard, more than once. But someone's got to be blamed and this family had just had a perfect little girl.

Go kill her instead. Her family had already made a mess of their lives, including raiding the storehouse a number of times, one side were immigrants from Scandinavia.

The German family did not like them nor give them anything good at any time.

Well, little girls do have to pee, and this wild teenager, could understand that she could not just walk in and sit down at places such as the White house.

Now the family had only been invited to one of those things as war heroes, even the grandmother had been a radio announcer. 

It's not like they were invited to supper or anything, but Candy who never went to school did not see it that way.

She wants to "excuse me" can I use your toilet! And the white house staff pointed across to the public bathrooms at the park.

The little girl got raped by a set of very angry fingernails. Candy was convicted of her homosexual tendencies towards the young lady.

She went to a mental ward not prison. Considered criminally insane but allowed to leave if as a minor she married.

So, she got married to an imbecile who was also not unknown to haunt the family for unknown reasons.

She even had his baby, which they threw away in a trash can. It was immediately picked up by the Gordons, from Germany who were about to be deported. 

Now they had a claim of a child born in the US, which she wasn't, and the couple drifted apart not wanting to create another monster as Lisa.

She still refuses to acknowledge that she did anything wrong and continue to control the phone calls. 

Can't even go the dentist without it being an issue, and the staff give in repeatedly.

She used to hide out in cars and dress as a nurse just to walk in and harass anyone who was allowed to get near the dear child.

She was not allowed at all, but her family kept up the harm of making it impossible for the family to free themselves from their own misunderstanding. 

Middle children, Candy has never stopped causing harm.

Hunter will never be free of his environment.

And then there was Jimmy.

He used to call himself Sean not Shawn.

His name was Robert James Keshan.

He hated his father who had an affair with a married woman who had a child.

Along came this family who was apparently being used by the mental wards as an example.

He insisted he was the older brother of the little girl.

Which makes him the middle child.

We often had to go to court over his offenses.

Only to have his real family show up and explain but it's not his fault he is a middle child!

He has caused so much harm in the world.

There have been so many deaths and murders.

He prefers girls he can turn into prostitutes or drug smugglers.

He hates women and won't eat pork.

He seems to think he is Jewish or something when really, he is an atheist.

Anyways, Lake Mead was a favorite playground of his, not enough bodies have been found.

Maybe they should dredge it to see what else is down there.

I understand a number of hits have been made for "our" jimmy.

Most of those ended up in the guy getting it instead.

There is the story of Judy and her son Brendt.

They used to live in their car, Brendt bedroom was the trunk.

Judy would glide between Atlantic city and Las Vegas.

No one knew what her concerns were except she always needs a man's wallet.

After a few too many young teenage girls had given birth to their unwanted blessings and in Mexico.

Someone caught on to her habits and went to take care of her.

He never did return nor did Jimmy Hoffa.

Maybe, on one of her runs across the country she unloaded him from the trunk of her car.

Should stop searching highway overpasses where woman such as Judy hide out at night.

Start searching places such as churches newly constructed or even backyard pools with fresh cement.

Not a middle child is Judy but gets her way.

Believes she is rich from all her hauls of wallets.

Has a spoiled rotten daughter who looks just like Stephanie Powers.

She has had her number of unwanted pregnancies.

And none of them were aborted, not that the men they came from would recommend anything else.

Could not get my tooth taken care of again.

Can't make a doctor's appointment without interference.

I know it is Jimmy who does the control and so did the government once upon a time.

But then there is Candy who Interpol wanted in the worse way.

Now their number one guy got caught in China and is not coming home.

While Candy who can't speak Espanol but learned Chinese and went on a smuggling crusade.

Only God would know what she brought home and what she left behind.

Is there anyone who can stop these villains?

Marvel comics usually gets their guy.

But Homeland security has had their hands full and illegal aliens are not their problem.

Well, I hope not to lose my face from these multiple infections which have crept into my lungs.

At least I don't have to worry about Monkey pox. I already got that one and from the middle child.

His name was Jesus, he was born when my parents were still allowed to live together.

And before Jimmy forbade anyone from living with us at all.

My mother had six pregnancies. 

Only one of the two girls survived and none of the boy's whereabouts are known.

Bless Jospeh and his family.

They have had enough problems.

If I was them, I would have Candy investigated for their little car accident but that is probably too much to ask, that she was not an unlicensed driver speeding down the same highway looking for something. 

Too much to have her convicted of anything at all. 

She is so cruel; she gets away with it all.

The local cop was supposed to have committed suicide over her shenanigans at my high school.

And Jimmy is into everyone's business, he likes to watch them spend their money and then pull the plug.

There is no evidence I ever worked or spent time and money using credit cards.

I would be more worried than Hunter looks if he has gotten his banking through any private security software at all those places people go such as convention centers and sports arena.

Pure gravy it is for someone such as Jimmy and then little Candy will run up the extortion if she gets wind of anything untoward. 

After all, they put her mother's husband in prison for lifting a few cases off the Navy docks.

America stinks as far as she is concerned. 

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