Thursday, July 21, 2022

Why doesn't she have seven?

 My mother showed up at the wrong hospital one day 

There were seven babies born to one woman

While she waited from her miscarriage,

They pushed the seven babies into the lobby

Her husband fainted when he saw them 

And her mother fell on top of her, 

If she had just waited in her room

It would never have happened

But there she was sitting in the lobby.

With seven babies, 

She did not know what the problem was

While another woman was being wheeled in a bed past her.

Why was her family acting strange?

Meanwhile, the other young girl was crying

And screaming, I just wanted one baby,

Her husband said to her 

We got seven of them!

But I only wanted one!

One baby at a time.

Not seven, all at once.

Her family was reeling from the unexpected.

Meanwhile, my mother could not understand

Her baby had been born dead

And she had nothing to take home.

Seven babies being pushed into the lobby 

For the happy family to arrive

And take home one woman and her surprise birth.

Now adays, most know ahead of time

What is going to come out

And not wait until it is too late.

To have so many births at once

But that is another story

About five years later,

They meet again in the same hospital

One family was trying to strum up funds

For their large seven baby family.

They had their pictures taken for the media

My mother also was asked to show up for her picture

She had her two grandmothers sitting on either side of her.

And her mother standing behind her

While in front of her she had two girls

My sister and I are mirror images.

Identical in almost everyway

Except we were not born on the same day

Different birth days but the same DNA.

Who knows what will happen?

Children come when they want

It is up to the doctors to explain.

When and where and why.

But it is the parents 

Who are held accountable? 

For their actions nine months earlier

The early days of the multiple births

Two women made a local hospital happy.

One with her seven at once

And one with twins 

Born separately,

No one knows how it happened 

Or how rare it is to happen

But there are women who have more than one.

Pregnancy at the same time.

Modern doctors know how to make it happen

But most women are not happy. 

As one woman kept on crying 

My mother had to have one more woman added to her photo

Her mother-in-law to make seven in her photo.

It would be years before the other woman 

Finally gave up the fight,

That she was not the one with the seven babies.

Not really.

They simply grew up and left home.

While my mother went on to have one more baby.

But never got over the first one 

Who was not born to her? 

She even adopted another one.

Who was not even hers.

Just to make it better

That she had not had a dead baby.

But Jimmy was already born

To another woman 

A few years earlier.

My mother did not care

As long as she did not have to be humiliated

About sitting there in the lobby with no baby at all.

Jimmy is not hers 

But the one she uses 

She will not give up the idea.

That she is perfect in all things

And just once did not come through

Meanwhile, Jimmy has forgotten. 

That he is not ours 

But belongs to another family 

Living his whole life in denial.

About coming out of the wrong woman

In the wrong year 

And with nowhere to go.

His mother died decades ago

His father just recently

He still refuses to acknowledge them.

While I still complain

About my last name not being his

Nor my family, friends nor other familiarities. 

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