Thursday, May 5, 2022

CINCO DE MAYO a party of blood by those who don't believe in America celebrated by Americans to dumb to know they are the next Mexican target


The assassination of the original landowners.

It is said that 4000 civilian Puebloans outwitted 8000 French soldiers. The Battle of the Pueblo was the only victory of the Mexicans over the French. If the story is true, the French may have retreated in order not to burn the whole village down. Or the locals might be lying about the victory, the French, regrouping in order to bring a full and final victory for the French. They did return and did install Maximillan on the Throne, the only European royals in the Americas. Whom they would later execute him, meanwhile numerous assassinations of original landowners of various properties or land grants occurred throughout Mexico.

It must be remembered that the original owners were neither the Aztecs who swooped down on the Mayans. Nor the Conquistadors sent out by the Catholic King and Queen to seek their rights across the seas. Many had already landed before 1492 on the continent between Europe and the Asia countries. Seeking those spices and other special items such as tea plants, many had gone through great difficulties to find themselves on a foreign land. Their descendants would spend the next centuries attempting to prove it despite the history books inaccuracies.

Everyone knows the story of how Ferdinand and Isabellas united in marriage and their lands to oust out the Iberian Islams. The only true descendants of the great prophet Muhammad Ali, his grandson and nephew ran away from the slaughter in their own lands from the military leaders taking over his domain once he died. He only had daughters and his oldest Fatimah, had a wise husband, they sent the boy away with helpers while keeping their own ministers inside the new group. They did not regain his empire but endured the loss of his life's work. Which included bringing together the Arab and Egyptian nomads into a fighting force that swept through the war-torn area to gain the mountain of the former Soloman's temple.

The Islams had altered the Iberians and continued to have their religion creep over the land to the point of endangering the rest of Europe. Already forcibly converted to the new religion of Christianity they were unwilling to make another change. Many of the cities of Spain, are actually former Muslim centers, such as Grenada, Toledo and the castles such as the Alhambra were their places of worship and wealth. Instead, they were finally pushed out, meanwhile the Europeans had missed the opportunity to put their stamp on this new continent. 

It was not only Columbus who thought the world was flat, but many others who knew that there was another country or continent in between. The reports were kept hidden in order to keep the local inhabitants from being scared. Having survived the Romans, Hannibal, Attila the Hun, and Genghis Khan, the Europeans were a little weary that there might be yet one other group. The Aztecs were fierce warriors and their bloodthirsty sacrifices would have been the end of European Christians. The former barbarians would have emerged to defend themselves. 

As it was, the Inquisition rose up in order to determine who they were now dwelling. The Catholics had retaken an area of undetermined ethnicity and loyalties. They allowed these men to torture information as well as to forcibly convert them to the new rulers designs. The cruelty is still unspeakable but it might have been considered necessary in light of the modern atrocities that have occurred when the wrong military leaders take charge in a religion not compatible to the European Christan. 

In particular, they wanted the Jews to be eliminated from their midst. It might have been religious intolerance, or it might have been ethnic differences. Those who survived the Romans would have either been extremely poor and turned towards thievery such as Odessa was said to be known. Or they would have been extremely rich, merchants who could travel through the areas of the Silk Road. They are known for being Diamond buyers and Goldsmiths. These people were no longer welcomed in Catholic Spain. They sent them to Mexico to get rid of them, most of the Conquistadors appear to have had a rich Jewish Heiress as a mother or grandmother. A way of survival, but the others were exported not as colonists but to live outside of Spain. 

Many Mexicans feel proud to be related to Moctezuma and his descendants. Only a few families survived and most of them immediately went West and up the Baja coast towards San Francisco. It was known the Russians had already set down roots and had not only forts but ports. The French arrived to a mixed group of people who wanted independence from Spain, but as Jewish descendants not as catholic rebels. The French are very catholic, in fact they hid and protected the Pope during the times the Germans thought they would take over Rome and kept him from harm from the Iberian Islamic rebels. 

Without throwing the blame against the Jews who would have more difficulties as unwanted and exiled from their own lands, the Mexicans were not convinced they could not just demand to be the original owners. The Mayans and others were murdered or thrown off their own properties by men who went around broadcasting they had arrived with an oral proclamation. It is interesting they expected these people to understand their words, evidence they knew clothes had made it ahead of Columbus. These people were transplanted and incorporated into those left over into a new type of people. 

The Pueblo should have been a purely Spanish Catholic town but instead they resisted their invaders and made it clear they were not the same type of Christians. They continue to boast of having defeated the French to the point of spitting on someone else or demanding to take their property away from them. They feel they should be the rightful owners of all the lands not conquered by the Conquistadors nor having the legal right to own. Many of the Jewish converts would have been prevented from land ownership. As many of those who survived the original invasion of the Spanish would also not have been allowed to understand land ownership. That is why Land grants were issued from the throne or royal offices in Spain and Mexico City. 

These Puebloans were not land owners nor were they willing to cooperate with anyone else but they were also unwilling to rule the people with fairness. Look at the modern drug trade, and human trafficking. They even steal white babies from visitors in order to align themselves with the white Europeans and not the olive skinned Spaniards and Jewish ethnic peoples who came. The modern people give ample evidence their forebears were a people without rule and would have died off without help. They had already been raided by a number of peoples including the 

Aztec. This scuffle that so many claim is their right of passage proves nothing but naiveness. Life without a rule authority would have been chaos as the modern cities which have been disrupted from the calm life Mexico was once known for.

The French did come back and take the Pueblo as well as the rest of the area to make themselves rulers of Mexico. Their holdings now included Canada, which they lost to the Americans on the East but also the Mississippi river west. Napoleon sold the Louisiana area which included Oregon to Jefferson. The Lewis and Clark expedition which made Sacajawea famous but not rich came out of this purchase. They did not sell Alaska, which the Russians sold a little bit later as their western holdings had been pushed all the way up the coast. 

Outlaws is what the Franciscan monks were according to Spain and the Catholic church. They could not return to Spain nor stay in Mexico City. Instead, they set off Baja building missions on land they did not own in order to care for the leftover Indians. They would be part of the problem of the uprisings believing as the original owners they would be allowed at some point to return to being landowners and rulers. They were wrong, the Cinco de Mayo celebrations make it clear the mixed race of Jewish conversos to Catholicism and possible Indians are nothing nice but the ugly truth of an uprising that caused more unpleasantness. 

The next year on the anniversary of this impossible occurrence, many throughout the Mexico lands were murdered. The land owners were taken out of their homes in the middle of the night and then strung up or executed. The French were already on the way to victory and it was known they would succeed. Still these ruthless outlaws took care of those who came back to what their forebears had already stacked out. Many of the West coast properties were already occupied by those who knew their ancestors had landed prior to Columbus or the Conquistadors. 

Maximilian would eventually be murdered by the locals as well, as Napoleon was ousted by the very people he protected. No one wants a ruler over their head but to be self-determined. Except it is hard to govern an unwilling and mixed population. Even, the United States has difficulty with this with the many murders and shootouts they are known. Meanwhile, the Mexicans seem to believe they own America where their ancestors never did step until they arrived and without any authority. Now relatives or neighbors hear about the old pioneer days or the legal title and spit on the families. 

Demanding to own it themselves, they don't understand that not only are they wrong but criminals. Murdering children in their beds and stringing up old men or sending them to nursing homes where they will be kept drugged in order to keep them from telling the truth. This holiday is not an honor but a disgrace and the Americans applaud the very outlaws who possible murdered their own families in the past. Many Americans claim to have not past and sweep in on any one who might have a real ancestry. They even hire German bastards to pretend to be the real owners of properties. 

All they care about is robbing others and getting in their face about being the originals when in fact they are nothing but rejected, perhaps from not just the Catholic peoples but also the Jewish ethnic peoples as well. Imagine outlaw Jews throwing parties pretending to be Christians which involves rape, drunkenness, stealing and murder as a thing school children should be taught is a happy holiday. Many Mexicans are ignorant to who they really are but are also arrogant towards Americans about their rights. 

Meanwhile, neither another bloodbath of innocent Jews should occur nor the continued threats from foreigners towards properties which were never owned by locals. Some families have multiple murders in their families. There are those who don't consider their own fate in this regard of going to reside on these properties. A ghost or two have appeared to many who have no idea why, but it appears to inspect their real relatives versus the false one who shows up against court orders. 

How many more drownings will occur on property that was once fruit orchards, instead of farms employing the underprivileged.? How many more Africans or those from Egypt will arrive with false stories to defraud a Christian family that did no harm but have inherited time and again a piece of land where the owner's death is suspicious at best, just because it is easy for smugglers to claim? Beware of the couple knocking at the window of their home wondering who has walked in uninvited or the man walking his last time through his own home before the Puebloans come in order to continue committing crimes instead of living a clean moral life, Christian or not.

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