Sunday, May 22, 2022

What another pox! Have you heard of this one yet, you will ...

 There are diseases and then there are diseases.

Everyone has had the measles, or have they?

We all believe we know our past or our memories but most of us rely upon our families and friends.

I have had chicken pox four times according to my school records.


It is probably an outbreak occurred and it was recorded wrong.

Or someone else was using my school records.

Anyways, do you know the difference between the poxes?

Smallpox is considered the most deadly of them all.

Not unlike getting the plague, almost sure death.

It was supposed to have been eradicated due to its toll on a community.

They still get cases from time to time in remote regions.

It is not scene as possible. 

And they keep the antidote in their Pandora box of deadly diseases.

Yet the smallest of all the poxes, the others are also not easy to handle.

Chicken pox is the most common and comes with entire schools going down at the same time.

In fact, the old custom of putting the innocent victim in with their sibling who has it is still carried out.

Highly contagious, it easy to catch but does not usually do much harm.

As long as one does not scratch. 

Or it does not travel to private parts where if a boy is a certain age, it might kill off his swimmers.

This is why it is supposed to be a requirement of inoculation in order to attend school.

And everyone has to attend school in America.

But there are those dissenters.

Those religious ones who refuse to accept medicine or anything outside the bible.

As if the Doctor's of Bible times did not use a type of immunization when available.

More children go to school without the vaccination than is realized.

Especially those from other parts, which is why there is so much disinformation.

Anyways, if one has gotten the required vaccination, inoculation, it only lasts twenty years.

This is more than other vaccination and should get one through college.

Imagine getting a childhood disease in college?

And becoming infertile or sterile.

This is why grandchildren with chicken pox are not to be dropped off at the grandparents.

They have past the stage of immunization and often do get it but it goes without being reported.

Shingles is what they call adult chicken pox and is a form of herpes, not transmitted through sex.

It is nasty and there is a vaccine for it, most adults should be revaccinated for chicken pox if they live in certain areas or come into heavy contact with children such as school teacher. 

But they don't.

Cow pox is rarer and is usually only in cow countries.

It comes from cows and is transmitted by using the hands to milk.

Many in the old countries had several types of diseases from milking.

Which is why milking girls having a bad reputation, from their arms becoming burdened with scars.

Monkey pox is from monkeys or primates.

It crossed over from animals to humans in the Congo in 1970.

Ground rodents also carry it now, such as squirrels and groundhogs. 

It is large and miserable.

They now have recorded deaths from this horrible disfiguring disease.

My mother had the problem that all diseases were spread by sex.

Her German aunts were bad to her, worse in their prejudice towards people who were not them.

She grew up with strange ideas, her parents were not able to understand or get rid of from her mind.

She never stopped giving people the idea you had committed some unforgivable sin when caught with any disease, but especially the common childhood ones that everyone gets without having sex.

With all the other problems of the world.

Monkey pox has escaped out of Africa.

It has crossed continents and borders and even oceans.

It is now reported in 15 different countries.

From Israel to Italy to Germany and even Canada.

Just as Prince Charles arrived for his trip to the indigenous people of Canada, so did this nasty.

It is a 21 day quarantine.

And England is an island nation which quarantines.

Six months for all animals brought into the country.

They had a required 14 day quarantine for the CVD pandemic for all incoming tourists or returning nationals.

Will they now require the more extended one?

Is Prince Charels going to miss his Mothers Jubilee Parade in 10 days?

Imagine Princess Anne getting to steal the day!

She is a horse woman and competed in the Olympics.

She could do it in a cinch, presenting the Queen on horseback instead of Charles.

And as of this morning, eradication along the border is no longer possible.

Burning along any border is not uncommon when necessary.

Those little varmints don't acknowledge the laws of the land.

Too late, to consider the transmission from Canada to the United States.

It has already occurred, New York has it first case.

In less than a month, it has crossed from Africa into Europe, down into Israel and jumped all the way across the Atlantic ocean.

Too bad, those little guys carry more than one disease.

Nasty fleas spread everything from the Plague to the pox.

Just like mosquito's are not nice to have around a place either.

Now we need to know what to do.

They have bought millions of Chicken pox vaccine, already.

They are using this to protect against the new arrival but have made no announcements yet.

Just a warning from Biden to consider the disease seriously.

Go out and get your young ones vaccinated if not already done, if one does not have a religious objection.

And for the adults, there is the adult shingles to consider.

For the rest, stop feeding the squirrels.

Or play with the groundhogs on field trips.

In other words, stay away from the rodents and wash your hands when you touch anything. 

What else do we need to know?

At  least there wont be a mask requirement.

For now, just hope, wait and hope.

I remember the Congo.

My father was a guest university lecturer.

We went everywhere.

Even the Congo.

I can recall getting off the bus from school and being attacked by a girl running out of the forest.

I saw she had eruptions and covered my arms and carried her to the medic unit.

I was small myself, understand and she was too little to yell at.

They kep me for the weekend.

And then released me for having no signs of the disease.

When I got home I found my younger brother was covered.

They had tied his hands to his waist so he would not scratch.

My mother was acting odd and jumping up and down about having to care for him.

I ended up sitting with him and doing what the medic unit had taught me.

They my parents got sick anyways, and I was the only one without eruptions.

Maybe the medics had given me an injection and maybe I had already had chicken pox a couple of times.

An uncle was sent for to come retrieve me from the Congo.

He was a journalist and wanted the story anyways.

Once he arrived and found out what was going on, he spared no time in getting us out.

We did not make it very far.

Just to Constantinople.

Where he laid in a hotel bed refusing to call down evil on his cousin.


I sat in the window collecting things from the sidewalk below.

For him to give his report from his hotel room and without a sign of  his pox.

My godfather and I had a number of adventures.

He was not the only one I traveled with, my mother was the only girl of the group.

They were survivors of the WWII and afterwards.

She got away with a lot more than she should.

She also had been abused by mean aunts and blamed her parents.

Life was not easy for small children especially the only female survivor of the newer group.

Well, my younger brother survived the Monkey pox and is now immune to it.

I was exposed and should be considered out of harms way.

Although I did have those strange hives thought to be an allergic reaction to one of my meds.

I will never know, the nurses were refusing to take me serious.

It amazes me, that a woman diagnosed with brain cancer could convince so many of her having brains.

The rest of us did know what we were doing but got no credit nor respect.

Ironically, the few people I would wish this disease upon have already had it.

Lisa, my mortal enemy was the small child who won't stop showing up telling people I am her mother.

Betty Adelman the witch who has caused governments to fall, also was present and probably was the catalyst to the jump to humans.

She wont stop telling people she is my real mother, causing my already unstable mother to go over the deep end.

As for Jimmy, I wonder, he is not supposed to have had anything at all, not even a cold.

His parents took better care of him than normal, as he was special born out of wedlock.


Both dumb and dumb.

Wishes, wishes.

He does not deserve to live after he has caused so many deaths.

This disease is also a killer.

It wont leave us unharmed nor happy to see it go away.

That is the problem, how to get rid of it, now that it has arrived.

Unlike the mutated virus, that has the likelihood of dying out eventually.

Pox is contagious and spread through communities and then resurges.

Burn anything under suspect is the old way.

Wash, wash everything one can and sterilize the rest.

For god's sake don't let the ground rodents win this war.

Where are my kitties when I need them, kill them, all of them, squirrel, rats, gerbils...?

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