Monday, May 30, 2022


We are a nation of mourners.

The Act of Sorrow.

An outward sign of showing sorrow such as black clothes.

A period of time when grief is shown.

We have all now experienced grief, sorrow or death.

We have lived through the Pandemic.

We have survived mass shootings.

We have even watched wars unfold on television.

We have gone through the grief stages of losing a President we might have liked or hated.

We have all been waiting for the Queen to die and her son to take over.

We have even seen our favorite movie stars fail and die on us. 

Some of s have even lost a pet or two in our lives.

Some of us have seen neighbors lifted into ambulances with covers over their faces.

Another dead body was removed from my premises this weekend.

I came out to see two police cars with their lights flashing and no sirens.

It is a sign of the pandemic, another dead person was found inside a room.

What can we do?

We all have worn our masks and some of us have been vaccinated.

But none of us can keep our neighbors from getting sick and dying.

It is not our fault but the fault of the environment.

Another school shooting occurred.

It was at a small town I recognized.

It should not have happened.

The police were not prepared nor were the parents.

Who is to blame?

Those who take the actions.

Assault weapons should not be for the common people.

Hunting rifles and protective handguns, perhaps for those who can trust themselves.

Weapons of war belong in bunkers.

We have been experiencing one more war.

When the camera came to the Civil war, the communities were shocked.

There had always been artists who drew what was happening.

But the camera made it more real somehow.

Now it is live television with satellite connections.

It is sad to watch and sickening to access.

It is never going to be the same world.

Watching others die in front of you for real.

And then this is what communities have always dealt.

Either be disease, famine or war.

Death in front of them.

Today was a day of mourning for the United States.

Memorial day is the day we remember all those who have died in wars.

Many have forgotten the days when this was despised by many Americans.

War had become unpopular and the protest caused even more deaths to occur.

Now War is popular.

People are joining up just to be part of one.

Even if they are on the wrong side.

As in this current scrimmage which does not have a different answer.

A popular hero but the villain might have a point.

We are all saddened to see the shock of the war.

The reason however is not gone beyond the freedom of the neighbors the hero wont give up.

While the villain was once our hero and gained our hearts in his removal of the Soviet system.

A day of mourning has passed with the President laying a wreath on the grave of the soldiers.

After a day of his wife laying roses at a school yard shooting.

This a week after a shopping center was visited by them as well.

And the Vice President has been busy visiting the little war in the East.

When is it going to end?

Only when it does.

We all hope those with guns will stop showing up at schools and shopping centers.

We also hope the politicians know what they are doing when they begin to throw blame.

Some of us mourn for our own loved ones.

For my mother it was a long process with her cancer.

Should she have gone first?

Then  her parents and husband might have been saved the aggrevation and harm they suffered.

What it have helped them in the end?

To loose a child first?

At any age, for any reason.

Some of us wish she had not been so miserable in life.

Some of us mourn others who are not even related to us.

Such as the Queen who has lost her husband.

She has been a mainstay in all these decades.

At least there is the queen to turn to in times of trouble.

Now she is old, bent, and unable to walk.

Her son is 70 years old and going bald.

His son is still handsome but with a spoiled wife who deserves nothing at all.

His adorable kids should have a different life, then watching thier world coming to an end.

And then there are the many actors and other celebrities.

They have been important to us.

Even the ones we don't know.

Thier deaths will make a difference in our entertainment.

It is those who are still alive and we can not get to whom we mourn the most.

Not those close at home, whom we care for on a daily basis.

Or those we watch on the news who are going to be gone one day such as Prince Philip.

It is those whom we care about from a distance and may not ever see again due to circumstances such as a Pandemic that brings an end to everything or a war we cant enter or travel which is no longer available.

It is our own hearts that weep and heart.

Even while we are hurt ourselves.

Dealing with pain of separation.

And our own ill health or sacrifice of staying behind for just a moment which turned into an eternity.

We are now a nation of mourners.

Not just one individual experiencing grief.

Nor a community sadness.

Seeing death on a daily basis, either our neighbors carried out dead or our non nieghbors running for their lives in a war they dont understand but appears to be necessary on both sides. 

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