Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Prince's little speech

 Blackrod came a knocking 

"she" spoke to the House of Commons

The Queen requests their presence immediately

in the House of Lords.

Off the marched or ran to see

except Big Boris, who rose more slowly

and inserted himself appropriately

as the current Prime Minister.

What they got 

was not the Queen

And on her Jubilee 

but her son.

The Prince had chosen to show up instead

he brought his wife

and his eldest son.

And the Crown of his mother

the Queen sat on a special pillow.

The gold throne wall was missing her throne

but he had a seat as he has been sitting next to her

and a chair for each of the visitors.

Usually it is her and her son who sit over 

the opening of Parlaiment.

While the House of Lords sat in red robes

the House of Commons stood at the back

Including the Prime Minister

who as not even offered a seat.

To hear the little speech

The Prince had prepared 

for their ears to hear.

He is only seventy years of age.

But she has not given up being Queen.

Should she have sent someone else?

Should he have stood himself?

Or stood aside for young William?

Whose wife prefers to go topless?

Her high top dresses have no one fooled.

Thank god she did not attend

The opening of Parlaiment.

Wonder if they will answer the summons

If and when William makes into the chair

and she Kate actually shows up?


the little speech 

was read, and not badly

no stuttering

or heehawing.

And then handed over to the Herald 

who then lead them out,

following the Crown 

on its pillow.

There was a group of Red Robes

however, who did flee

out the side door 

ahead of them.



Next time,

They should ask

the other little Prince

Frances President 

had to stand for his speech 

and acceptance for his second term.

His wife also came and stood in those heels

while her daughter caught everyone's eye 

Poor thing, no kids of his own.

He spent the weekend with Victory day celebrations 

As did the other big guy

Vladimir Putin.

In Red Square

all those  men in uniforms

and tanks on trucks

but no planes

and no children nor wife.

Poor thing, he lost his family

in order to become a Prince of the Russian Federation

Still not treated by the world as the actual leader.

While Macron is also a Prince of tiny Andorra

Once an important part of the European royals 

who dealt with Shahs, Shieks, tsars and pharaohs?

Does the world listen to Emmanuels speeches?

They should

Nor should they ignore Charles.

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