Sunday, May 15, 2022

Knocking on Heavens Door

Knocking on Heavens door,

It is just an expression

It is a song about war

Laying down their guns

They have blood on their clothes

It is not theirs but someone else's.

Jumping over Heaven's Gate

Is another song lyric

It is about busting your way into heaven

Taking what has not been offered

Getting in for free

Making God accept one

Or is it just an honest desire to be in Heaven instead of hell?

Dantes Inferno is famous for his depiction of the harm of politicians.

The different ways of being tortured 

And the many ways of earning a trip to hell.

He also wrote a book on Paradiso

It deals with those put into exile

Who were innocent but their society would not accept it?

What are we talking about anyways?

All those shootings.

All those hate crimes for no reason at all.

It is not going to bring anyone back.

It is not going to resolve anything.

Why? Why? Why!

What will this current war do for anyone?

Will it bring world peace?

Will it stop world hunger?

It has allowed a lot of people to flee and relocate.

A few to look like heroes

And more as villains.

But what is it about?

Freeing hostages,

Bring about peace

Going home satisfied 

the world was protected.

Instead of more death and sorrow

It is all in the viewpoint

One wants to be right

One wants a single answer to a question

One does not want to bet on the wrong horse

And find the man they elected is now a bad guy

Which one do you like best anyways?

We now have celebrities committing suicide

Again, it hasn't happened in a while.

The usual course of seeking attention

By taking your own life

Leaving your family destitute

And your life immortalized

That is when it is a suicide 

Not a drug overdose

Nor an accidental drowning

A misfire of a gun

Nor any of the other devices

That takes someone's life before it is time

Cancer, and heart failure

Those are normal ways of dying

We might not like them

But we are told to live with them

We can't fight them ahead of time

Nor can we build a bridge of understanding

It is hard to watch the news 

During a horrible disease outbreak

The pandemic was worse than most

But what about the war for no reason

Just let them go if they want their freedom

Those neighbors of yours for gods sake

But don't put the blame on someone else

Don't make the world look bad 

Don't keep making people so angry 

That they take their own lives 

Or pick up a gun and kill others 

Or even refuse their own treatment plan.

It is not one thing 

That causes the whole world to go crazy

But a bunch of little things

It builds up in individuals

And in communities

Until they cant take it anymore

Where are we to go anymore?

Heaven is supposed to be a place of safety and security

The final resting place 

Of the those who believe

Hell is the opposite

It is a place of torment 

Somewhere no one wants to end up in the end.

Everyone has different beliefs

How they die 

Is sometimes important

As to where they end up

But not how they get there

In the end, we all die anyways.

Does it matter where we go?

Apparently it still does

Knocking on the door is polite

Someone knowing they are going to die

Is asking permission to enter 

A place of peace

Jumping over the gate

Crashing into heaven

Is something else

They don't want to go to hell

But don't know how to get there

Since they are the aggressors

Life is not simple

When criminals want their way into heaven


They don't want to be kept out of Heaven

When they deserve Hell

For their crimes

And yet

Children are told to go hell

By their own parents

Who are refusing to care for their needs

Killing them 

Or allowing them to starve 

Or die on their own

What is worse

A country not telling others

It has a contagious disease

That is going to kill millions

Or not allowing freedom seekers 

The right to leave when they ask?

All that killing and for what

More black bags

More orphans

More dead celebrities

More bad people taking advantage 

Of the situation

How do we know Heaven is waiting

Is there a sign out


We are all told about it 

Some Narvana

We are all promised at some point there is an end point.

How did we get to this point?

Knocking or jumping

Heavens door or gate

It is at least not hell

All I want for Christmas is peace

Not Armageddon

Who cares anyways about another dead nobody...

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