Tuesday, May 24, 2022

I remember Uvalde, Texas, standing outside by the sign waiting, and waiting for my real parents to show

 My parents should never have married. they grew up together during the war years.

His father was part of the secret Manhattan project. 

He was not to know why he did not live him for decades.

My grandmother was a radio announcer who had survived the London blitzes. 

Only to find her husband had parachuted into the wrong country. 

He broke his back and was taken to a hospital not a German Nazi prison.

The unit was Russian, an ally at the time and friendly.

Not something known again for decades because they immediately became the enemy.

While the Germans made as if they were roses instead of onions.

Nazis are not nice people, nor are the stupid ones who allowed them to stay once it was safe for them to go home.

God only knows what the Ukrainians are going to do once this battle is over. 

Stay in a foreign land or go back and rebuild.

Most probably will not even try but take advantage of their good fortune in being in a land not known for offering anything but promises.

America is a not a bad country, it just has a lot of bad people in it.

Who prefer to take matters into their own hands?

Such as the ones who kept following my family around making us miserable.

We were sure they were gangsters before the Mafia was acknowledged.

German families who had no reason to be interested but just won't take no for an answer.

Three generations latter they are still sitting there lying about whom they are and strong arming everyone around them.

And for what? They have not gone home to thier own country but prefer to rob everyone here.

In fact, it is believed they may have had the most amount of heists and bank robberies, these four families who surfaced in America, having followed some of our family home. 

They broke my mother as a child, convincing her that they were her enemies.

While my father was often rejected by his real family since they were told he was not in fact the real one.

All those years, the imposters keep showing up and explaining they are family, kinfolk.

They are liars and extortionists to the extreme.

So are their grandchildren who just want to meet the Queen of England.

Or so they say, you have meet her!

So what, she is a nice lady but not American.

What is the big deal for all of these Germans?

It means you are royal, so all 100 of them march over and introduce themselves.

Then they come back telling everyone they are now royals.

They also show up at eh White House preventing any discussion of real politics.

They are Christian elders, and they are going to run the country not those elected ones.

How tiresome it all was, to be raised around these heathens.

And then there were those days when they simply picked us up and took off with us.

Kidnapping and abducting us, for what reason?

To insert their own children.

Now the situation is so bad, everyone has forgotten which families are thiers and which ones are not.

Even the uncles get confused, hanging up on the right girl and opening the door to the wrong one.

Who would confuse me with Demi Moore?

Really, I might have been pretty once but I am no Demi. 

Holding us hostage or at gun point was a normal part of life.

My mother fleeing for her life, believing her parents were about to be murdered.

Sadly, they both had mysterious deaths.

And this after the two great grandmothers meet their makers in odd fashions as well.

I always believed my mother was crazy.

It turns out she had brain cancer and did not know what she was doing.

She allowed my father to be ill treated, a Korean war hero.

He fell too ill to fend for himself, after being a valiant warrior.

He had many friends but they did not know how to deal with the diabolical one who just kept walking us into trouble or so it seemed.

We traveled a lot around the world and moved around a lot in the United States.

It was meant to prevent the family from being murdered in their sleeps.

Instead there were many attempts, fires, and gases, snakes and spiders not to mention diseases.

Nowhere could we turn that there was not trouble.

We children clung to gether when we were together.

When we were not, learned to live alone.

Always wondering why our family.

Why were these people so hard to get rid of?

They still hunt us down, even when they have forgotten who we were.

Some of the kids were thought to have died or disappeared.

They did not but we rescued or abandoned or given up for adoption for their own good.

I spent a lifetime of wondering if I was ever going to get home to my family.

Only to find Jimmy sitting there tearing it apart.

And Candy demanding she was going to teach me the bible when she does not know how to read.

Not the Bible at least.

Then there is her daughter Lisa who is a true demon.

And Janet her Neice raised to raise hell, and Satan is not pleased. 

One day she will go too far.

Betty Adelman has gone to far, but is just too mean for most.

Terrified of her and her ways.

One person put her into a pizza oven with her size four feet hanging out.

Her father was notorious in threatening all alike and getting away with it.

He died as most men do but she has managed to convince people she is the Queen herself.

Where will it end?

Only when all three generations of the four rotten families are taken to a deep place together.

Where they will kill each other off.

As for these shootings, they are frightening me.

I had an operation in Aurora, Colorado.

I went shopping there at that Mall or ate at that Mac Donalds.

I also went to school at several of the schools including Robb Elementary.

It as if someone is spelling my families name out across America.

Maybe the Mafia does exist and for some reason they are sending in lone shooters.

For some reason, these German gangsters stepped on the toes of the real guys, both Mexican and otherwise. 

They are getting even for what ever reason at the same places my family had problems.

Because the bad communist Catholics would not listen to the Pope or the President.

Maybe they were always pirates and sold us and the communities we lived, worked, played and went to school out.

I also lived in DC, bless you the Bidens and the Bushes for surviving all those attempts from long ago and hope your people are more successful than the current lot at whatever castle the Queen is lodging.

There is always a breach for some reason, maybe they don't really want a female running the show after all. 

Maybe Jimmy will fall off the earth into outer space some day from his enlarged ego... sniff, it would be just too bad, if one day he did not wake up to run the show after all his father Captain Kangaroo had the longest running Childrens program. 

Time to wake up to some adult programming and not pornography, but real credible news sources and interesting entertainment. 

Wonder where my little brother was today? 

Hope he was warm and well feed. 

And not sitting in a dark, cold dungeon. 

Curse you scam artists and defrauders and swindlers who just want to have their way but never pay for anything nor put anything back together nor give anyone hope for the future.

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