Friday, May 6, 2022

One in a Million

There have been a million deaths in America from Covert. 

I must be one in a million.

I was quarantined four times.

I tested positive twice.

I was tested about two dozen times.

I got vaccinated with the Johnson and Johnson which they now say is dangerous.

I also got boosted with the J & J.

I did have bad headaches, and nose bleeds.

I have been spitting up phlegm and mucus.

I have real difficulty breathing.

I have always had asthma and was in an ICU unit previously.

I don't want to repeat the experience and stayed away from the emergency rooms.

I have never gotten over the upper respiratory virus I was diagnosed with just prior to the outbreak.

Who knows, maybe I have something not anything like this damn disease which has altered the way we live and breathe.

I was once going to go back to work, but my career has passed me by while in isolation.

I know I was once weel enough known in my area of expertise but no longer needed.

I even went back and got another degree, this one in Art History.

I do remember when I tried to speak to someone while they were all excited about hiring nobodies with no experience at salaries the old anchors would have heart attacks if offered, that one person told me very kindly if I discovered a missing piece of art or an important discovery was made, give them a call.

Well, I notice there is a missing piece of art at the White House.

The most important work known to school children is the Delaware crossing.

It is definitely missing from the white house walls.

It turns out they have decided to sell it at auction.

It has been there for decades and now they want to get rid of it.

I think that is a story, but I did not get a call to come back to work.

I did survive the covert virus though.

As I told a street person, who was insisting I speak to him.

That I was alive.

He thought I was being funny.

I had a horrible auto accident where I was paralyzed from teh waist down.

I was almost dropped off the top of a twenty plus floor hospital and can no longer get into elevators.

Nor planes.

My life is over as a foreign correspondent.

I can't jump into a plane to the next story.

I am still waiting for the transatlantic crossings to come back.

There used to be a way to cross on a weekly or daily basis.

Now one has to sign up for a cruise. 

I just want to get to Europe.

There are things I need to do and people I need to speak.

Yes, I did survive, and I am alive, a little bit weaker than before and bent.

The guy who is also lucky to be alive, they put through so much money for the homeless.

That there were one million more who did not survive.

He complained, he just wanted me to say Hi!

I had at first but not to his liking.

I am not only tired but suffering from yet one more root canal.

I had my face cracked by the airbag and neck twisted.

I need a stick to keep from falling down, which I have been found face down.

I have had three extractions, one on each side of my face, and one more root canal.

The dentist told me to go somewhere else and come back for my crown.

I think they were being funny, I'm not sure.

I have had three dentists retire and gone through half a dozen dental clinics.

I have no idea where else to go for this last infraction.

I am enduring it for the moment, but it is difficult to smile or eat or speak properly.

Anyways, I am alive and one million other people died from the covert.

The guys on the streets are lucky to be here but are now being asked to move on to somewhere else.

They have no other place to go for the most part.

And neither do I as most of my life I paid for the family properties but never got to own them.

Everyone else assumes they are the owners, but never do anything but sell them without authority.

Fifteen million individuals are now being reported for having died worldwide from this Pandemic.

That is not as high as the Spanish Influenza which reached perhaps fifty million.

Though same say one hundred million.

The Black Death reached up to two hundred million in Europe.

No one really knows about Asia where it started or even Africa where it must have gone.

So, what are we doing running around without masks and thinking we have beat this disease?

To be able to be free to not have them on is something some of us have desired.

I have lines around my mouth now as if I have been smoking.

Not fair! I followed the guidelines.

What next?

Hopefully, it will not be world peace, followed immediately by Armageddon.

As the bible prophecies.

We all want peace but not death.

Another war has erupted, and we are holding our breath.

It is hard and it is bad to be on the wrong side of the ocean.

I want to talk to people and can't even get to the other side of the continent.

If I did get to the East Coast, there would be no one to speak to me.

They all forgot who my real father was and why my real mother went crazy.

What they wanted was to promote a new people.

I am not antisemitic nor African.

But we all worked hard, some harder than others and there are no jobs left for the brown Indians.

First the Germans came after destroying Europe and not wanting America to exist.

They won't go home, after we went and helped take down their little wall.

Then the Mexicans came wandering across the wrong direction.

They forget that they caused those native to die by mass killings.

Now they want us to welcome them and to hand over our lives or else.

Here we have the poor orphans of the Ukrainians.

I am a descendant of the Ukrainians myself.

I cry to see those cities destroyed.

I remember being told to leave Kiev as a reporter.

I also am Russian and went to Orthodox schools.

I was never welcomed anywhere I went.

Now it is popular to know the culture, but it is also to throw stones at someone they don't know.

Whatever went wrong, there are two stories to be told.

Less blood and perhaps peace, but not with the outcome the ultimate demise of all humanity.

Let us all be careful of what we ask for, because it is illy to survive a car accident or a deadly pandemic, only to have no place to live or to go or to see the world blown up because someone misunderstood something or other while a shift was made not of stupid people but inexperienced ones.

Let us all take a deep breath and be grateful not to be one of the million who did die. 

We are sad for those who did but now we must fight for those who did not.

That includes understanding why this is happening and what to do to satisfy both sides.

I wish I could go and interview the parties as I was once the main girl Friday.

Now I am just one of the many unemployed. 

No one cares when you are no longer working.

They move on with someone else and don't even look back.

Spying and stealing information to make others look good when they are not.

It is the same old story in any industry. 

My former colleagues have fared better than others but still it is worrying.

Wondering what the hell, those guys are reporting.

Wish all the street people well, they might have a better grasp on life than the overpriced media or celebrity at this point. 

After all, they survived without the fringe benefits. And they have no place to go. 

Just as the news is no longer enjoyable or newsworthy.

When are they going to get the other viewpoint?

When are they going to stop hatting someone whose only crime is not being their President?

I was once a journalist and now I am just one of many who survived what a million others did not.

Will I also survive Armageddon?

I hope to be one of those survivors as well, I have done nothing wrong nor kept someone else from living and breathing. 

Bless those who lead with wisdom and knowledge and the ability to get around their own people as well as along with other nations. 

Maybe we can be survivors of that disease as well, the one we are now staring at in the face, death of all humans.

If the wrong guy pushes the wrong button because the wrong guy is there to push it.

Such as Jimmy!

Bless the mothers who gave birth to babies and kept them.

Mercy on those who decided to raise other children.

As for those who did abort babies, that is their business.

It is the ones who abandoned without a way out nor those who actually beat or killed their kids that have no reason to live.

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