Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Suicides and Decapitations

 Now that the world has returned to normal, the real business gets underway.

We are back to suicides of the rich and famous. 

How so many of them can't live with themselves is a wonder.

Naomi Judd was actually a very nice woman who had a whole lot of trouble in her early years.

It is in the later years, that the old stories and memories began to surface.

The nightmares that won't go away and the heart palpitations that keep recurring but never near an emergency room.

It enough to drive one to a nervous breakdown. 

Or is some to a suicide attempt.

We don't have the details but it sad for her family.

As said, there is so much the rich have and yet there are so many who cant deal with the issues once they get to the top.

She was about to be inducted into the Music Hall of Fame. 

It does not make sense to take her life just then, what was it she could not face?

Her old stories of her childhood gone wrong?

Her climb up the ladder with two children she could not care for herself?

Imagine her not one of those who killed for fame, so what was the final straw?

Her husband is one of the old Elvis crew and he has a new movie out.

There would have been events for them to go and enjoy his old life.

Priscilla and the current crew  made it to the Met Gala, without Strickland.

Something to have looked forward or was it not enough or the cause?

No one really knows how to cure mental illness, not even those of us who study it.

It goes on and on in some without ever stopping or being cured.

Jimmy for instance lives in a fantasy world where he gets to have his way all of the time.

Anyone who argues with him, has to be taken care of.

He has his ways, usually he uses needles, but almost always it is threats.

My own mother committed suicide a number of times. 

I can remember her picking me up and stepping out of an old hotel in new york city.

Fortunately, it was spring time and they had their clothe awnings out.

We bounced off of one on to the traffic where multiple hands caught us.

She also took a whole bottle of sleeping pills when I was little, I woke up with her knocked out.

We made it to the hospital on time. That time. 

I am still not sure it was not done to her, that time.

Her complete breakdown and continuous demise of her own life was never ending.

It was all because of jimmy whom she even suspected of killing a few people.

Such as Hemmingway, she was sure he had something to do with the old man.

Anad then his son and granddaughter died by suicide as well.

I have always been suspicious of their deaths. 

As for Naomi, she was my nurse when I was little, she might have even have saved my life.

It is hard to know, but I had kidney failure that began when I was little.

I finally went through dialysis and had to get a transplant from my own sister who had died.

My mother was not unknown to keep in touch with such ones, it is unbelievable she would not have been his enemy as he called them.

It is also hard to know how many times he has been convicted and was even executed in Arizona.

He has survived everything is odd but he is a maniac, and almost nothing seems to touch him.

Crazy is his personality, even when he sits down as if he is calm when in fact pure hate is coming out every muscle of his body.

I got caught in a glass elevator with him a few years ago. 

He was screaming and beating me and pushing he buttons. 

He broke the elevator, the EMTS found me on the bottom of it. It took them two years to fix it. 

I know have vertigo so bad my fingers turn black when I attempt a short hop in one. 

Elecctric shock therapy is what was recommended for his rages when he was a teenager.

If he had not had real parents who looked over him, he might have been inside the reset of his life. 

Instead they hired doctors to treat him and took everyone to court who allowed him to stay in thir house.

He overode their safety precations and insisted on stalking at least two women as his real mothers.

My mother and Linda Evans. 

Linda Evans lost her marriage and almost did not have a career after he took her to court.

My mother also  lost her marriage, her  career and most of her family.

The few who would talk to her did not come to her funeral nor her aid.

They were simply tired of it all and worn out. They not know she would die.

Her brain cancer some thought was brought on by Jim.

He was known to give her injections while tied to a dentist chair.

There have been others including myself who have been tied down in a chair.

Something they do in mental wards to those who are considered beyond normal treatment.

I now have tumors in my body, especially my uterus.

He has interfered with my medical treatment, keeping me from having them treated.

Meanwhile, there is a crazy woman, a former girlfriend of his who keeps screaming that I am refusing mental treatment.

I have received and been released as not insane by those who were foolish enough to consider evaluating me instead of him.

In the past few years, every time I have complained she has shown up with false paperwork and given me an injection.

It is not allowed for someone to be given an injection without permission of the doctor. 

Even my flu shoot, a normal precaution has to have his signature before administration by the nurse.

Anyways, there are some things one never does know.

Did she really commit suicide or was it brought on by something else?

Those who are rich and famous should have the assurdity of protection from the law.

But they are the very ones who become victims of stalkers and the obsessed.

He is always in the neighborhood and never on the premises when someone has an accident.

Not since he snipped my nose off of my face. He was right next door. But they could not find him.

New Mexico accidental shooting. Tennessee suicide. San Bruno electrical fire deaths.

These are his trademarks, not me stories.

Meanwhile, there has been another decapitation. 

It was in a movie. 

If it was in a movie, he will try to make it appear real. 

His fantasy world has difficulty with movies and documentaries and the news being the same.

One of the more famous Native American women has been decapitated.

He also has a fixation on Indian princesses. 

She was the first to make Primadona ballerina. 

Her sister and her together traveled and trained. 

They were both equally equipped to be primary dancers.

Maria Tallchief was more famous and older than her sister.

She married George Balanchine, the very famous Russian choreographer who remade American ballet.

She was the height of fashion and then got pregnant and had a baby girl.

After that her career went down, she got divorced and remarried.

She made her mark on the ballet world. 

Oklahoma was remembered for the Native Americans through her as well as others.

She was also a leader in the world of politics, not unlike Sacajawea in drawing attention.

Her life was immortalized in bronze statues. 

One of them was stolen from the park it was located.

They found the cut up pieces in a local junkyard.

A recycler is also one of his annoying ways of dealing with things he does not want around.

Old cars, even museum ones have been sold to dismantlers.

As for trophies and other medal things, of missing look nearby at the junkyard.

Bronze is not the usual metal to be melted but there are some who will buy it anyways.

Her statue was found in different pieces, but the head is still missing.

Decapitated! And missing.  Not the first to suffer this. 

The Mermaid of Copenhagen had a problem keeping her head attached. 

Meanwhile, at the Met, Hillary showed up with a dress designed with famous women's names.

Also, one of his favorite people. She even tried to run for President. 

He does not allow women to have that option. 

I was elected a number of times and was knocked out or actually removed each time I thought I would become something he does not allow.

A woman with authority or distinction to be respected by others. 

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