Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Just another day at the races.

I wished you would die.

Excuse me?

I wish you would die.

He just kept repeating it over and over again.

On public transit.

He had assumed my asthma attack meant I had the dread Covd virus.

I also wrongly assumed I was purposely trying to spread it or was he just being a bastard?

He called me, a woman an (a......e)!

I don't know if I have ever heard of a woman being that before.

I also thought they got on the trolley on purpose and sat near me on purpose.

It was one of those days. I am sick all the time now.

I have always had asthma and have been through I kinds of treatments.

I was quarantined four times, but only twice was I tested positive.

This after I was vaccinated and then boosted.

I was told I had upper respiratory before the Pandemic.

I am continued to be told that I don't have pneumonia.

It feels as if it is more than allergies that I am experiencing.

But i am not contagious nor am I spreading something on purpose.

The doctors tell me I am fine and just take my inhaler

The nurses treat me as if I am being a baby when I keep complaining

They want combat pay for the job they got paid by the insurance companies to sign up for.

But they don't want the work. It is a lot of work when everyone is going crazy.

Especially when the crazies are being allowed out of the mental wards.

If they were just kept inside instead of walking around doing bad things.

I know a lot of people who have no reason to be outside.

Yet when some of us try to appear normal and go about our business.

We get into trouble.

I have had all kinds of negative comments.

I did not bring this disease to this country.

Nor was I diagnosed with it until long after it spread.

Having gotten it does not make me a bad person.

Nor does it make me a criminal going around with sinus sniffle. 

Being accused in public is not pleasant.

I am sure they got on the trolley just to find me.

It was one of those days when I felt I was being followed.

For no reason at all.

It just felt as if too many people were getting on and off the bus as the same time.

I kept moving on the trolley because the others appeared to be interested in me.

I was doing nothing at all.

But the last move brought me to the end of the car and then a couple got on.

And they had a dog, so many don't wash their dogs and fleas do carry diseases.

There is was, one more stop and my chest constricted.

I stood up and leaned against the wall while my lungs attempted to get air.

It is hard to grasp for an inhaler when there is no oxygen getting to your brain.

He started in harassing's me and on que began the speech about me spreading Covd.

Excuse me?

At first confused.

And then he started his abuse towards me.

I felt it was staged.

I looked around and people were looking at us.

They were not coming to my aid.

They were enjoying the exchange.

He was doing it on purpose.

He knew he could get away with it.

All I could do without a gun, was tell the woman I would be ashamed to be seen with this bastard.

She ignored me.

She was silent holding her toy poodle.

It was not pleasant thinking they had done it on purpose.

And days after yet one more shooting.

He told me the next stop was mine and to get off.

It was my stop, but he did not have the right to tell me that.

Nor did he assume he was doing a public good.

He was not.

There was no security at the trolley stop. 

Sometimes there are nothing but men in uniforms.

Not all are police but there to send a message the customers are being taken care of.

They were visibly absent.

The bus driver was not interested in my story.

The customer service when contacted told me I could not make a complaint against another customer.

Then I was told to take pictures. He sounded as if he had a gun he would use it.

Excuse me, could you smile for the camera?

Just another day at the races.

I got bumped on purpose.

I had my purse stolen or my life taken away.

By a complete stranger.

Who has been watching me for no reason.

Due to what did I get attention?

Because I always bet on the right horse?

I am courteous and polite?

I don't cause trouble but appear sickly.

Or i just don't fit into their world.

They entered my area; this is my hometown and they are the strangers.

They have taken the city by a strangle hold. 

My grandparents were run off their old homes and properties.

The city needed parking spaces and our plots were in the way of progress.

Now they are building those glass places with no escape in case of emergency.

My parents were kept after not being allowed to work in the area.

They had the wrong kid show up and the police could do nothing about it.

We had strangers show up and claim to be relatives.

We were robbed and raped by these and yet the authorities have no way of handling the court orders.

Instead more arrive everyday.

I actually came back after being escorted out of town.

And I once worked for the city.

And for the State.

And for the Federal government.

I am probably seen as an alien due to my skin being tan and not black nor white.

Get lost.

Get out of here.

You are not wanted. 

This is not your town nor your trolley.

We came not to conquer but to get rid of your kind.

The kind that arrived first before the others.

It was not fair and they are not going to be nice about it. 

I wish you would die.

I wish you were dead.

Words no one uses today.

Good thing I no longer carry a gun.

I once did and with the authority.

That was before the attack and my skin color came under question.

I am not a foreigner but a native American.

Even the Africans have tried to get rid of us. 

They were hired the Buffalo Hunters to get rid of us after the Civil War.

Starvation and lack of housing are the current answers. 

Illness is the old answer, much easier just to wipe them out with disease.

I have not been beat yet by any of the European diseases, not even this Chinese flu. 

I am here to stay as the last of my line, civilized and Christian. 

Not atheist nor barbarian. 

I will finish this race in this place.

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