Friday, May 13, 2022

Where o' where did I put that old thing...

 A painting has gone missing.

And no one is interested in my story.

I found it about a month ago.

That is how I knew it had gone missing.

I found it online at an auction house.

The only worse thing is going by a Pawn shop window

Or perusing the local goodwill boutiques

And finding something that once sat in your house

Or your grandmother's bureau

Or even those people who used to stop by.

They stopped for some reason

And there is a very pretty little trinket 

Sitting where it ought not to be.

Wonder why they stopped coming by?

Anyways, there are a lot of thieves in the world.

Slippery fingers into once purse or closet is nothing to these ones.

But it the really big items,

Such as a painting on the wall or piece of furniture.

Excuse me, I am sure that is not meant to be removed!

There it sat on a Thursday evening auction.

I wonder if they still serve champagne?

My location they were having kerokee and salsa!

My Wi-Fi is off and on again, the management is having issues.

Up popped my alarm and the Auction was already on.

I had to keep after the little icon at the bottom for a whole hour 

Just to get a peek at the thing 

That should be hanging at the White House.

The Crossing of the Delaware 

Has been a Jewel of the tourists

Until Michelle came to stay

She seems to have gotten offended

Took it off the wall

It sat for nearly four decades.

Really, Washingtons Butler is sitting right there

On the raft.

After a trip to the Bahamas as a youth,

George went out of his way

To buy two young boys

Who had found their way to a Plantation

He made them his butler and valet

They had to be trained 

And grow into their jobs

They did receive their freedom in due course

And they were allowed to marry

Something most servants were not given the privilege.

They also followed him into battle willingly,

Whether than stay at home with the others

After all they were his only personal property

And a little bit standoffish of the rest 

Who were Marthas first husbands 

Her inheritance did not come in cash.

He is on the raft steering his Master

Along with a number of other persons

Emmanuel Leutz used locals for his painting.

He probably carried at least one version with him

Before creating the mural size one

That does still hang at the Metropolitan 

They say there are three of the things.

One big one and two small ones.

One must of have been his master copy

The other a copy for presentation

And the large one for the public.

Someone in the Private sector may have even had it as a personal possession

The little thing, a original drawing or work in progress.

Perhaps he used it for payment to his place of residence.

Or to his mentor benefactor who helped

An immigrant German arrive and pursue his artistic skills

Instead of being put to work in a factory or become a janitor.

Maybe, he left it behind and forgot all about the thing.

One of the tow small ones

Was donated by an unknown person

To the White House, for them to enjoy

More school children make it to DCthan NY

They say sometime after 

Michelle moved in to the big house

She allowed it to be bought

This donation to a private couple

And now they have requested it be removed

From the very place it represents

The Crossing of the Delaware

Is the ultimate iconic scene of the American revolution

Besides the signing of the Declaration.


Someone wanted it off the walls.

And sent it to Auction.

Why not a Pawn shop!

It was touch and go with the online live auction

They were fixated on an early twentieth century 

Painting of an African community dancing and enjoying themselves.

It was quite good and the elaborate body movement captured

Was genuinely enjoyable.

It went for almost twenty million dollars.

Just the other day a Warhol went for ninety five million.

Not the tomatoes soup can but Marilyn Monroe 

At least it wasn't Jacqueline Kennedys image.

The Evening sale this week

Included many modern twentieth century 

and Nineteenth century Impressionists.

Quite a lot to take in for those not accustomed to modern works of art

There sitting right in the middle was this work of art

Where it did not belong.

Even the auctioneer said it was not like the others 

They had hoped for perhaps fifteen million dollars

For someone else stolen or missing inheritance.

Offered as a donation and then sold.

I bet it was offered originally as a gift not to be sold.

Very well, they were off and running.

No one called to pull it out of the auction.

And they were bidding on it and very excited. 

It went by so quickly.

The little thing that never did anyone any harm at all

And for thirty nine million dollars!

Well, it at least it was worth some little value.

Quite a fortune for someone to pocket

And without a bill of sale

Wonder who now gets to enjoy it?

Not an Arab in his tent?

Nor Oligarch hiding on a boat!

They are getting rid of those types of people.

Probably a nobody who won't even hang it but put it in storage

For some flood to damage or fire to consume 

In the future ...

Without the benefit of the enjoyment of all those who once believed 

In an America that fought for freedom, tried to undo wrongs

And never sided against independent ventures.

I do hope this guy in the Oval Office knows what he is doing.

Letting a thing like that go,

Should have just tossed in the trash pile. 

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