Sunday, July 31, 2022

Anyone else want to be Judith instead of Ruth or Esther?

 Everyone who reads the bible or attends church services knows these ladies.

There are even movies and paintings of them.

And those in the other cultures or religions have also had some knowledge.

It is speculation to assume why there are women in the Bible at all.

I mean it is meant for the men to read and decide our rights?

After all, every progressive religion since the Hebrews has shown a woman taking the lead only to be subverted by the uprising male population.

One thing the Greeks and Romans were known for was the worship of females.

They every had female warriors.

This was nothing knew, and the Hebrews had female judges as well.

Now the stories of the three ladies is as follows:

Ruth, virtuous and chaste brings praise to her mother-in-law by marrying Boaz and becoming an ancestor of the Jesus, although not a Jew herself.

Esther, a Jewish virgin taken hostage, proves herself chaste and wise, with her uncle Melachi becomes a hero in saving her people from slaughter after she marries the King.

Judith, a widow of the onslaught of war of King Nebuchadnezzar, decides to stop crying and with her full beauty, gains entrance to General Holofernes, where upon she beheads him, ending the battle.

Know none of the ladies are said to have given up their womanliness in order to achieve their results.

In fact, the verses are specific that they were either virgins or chaste in their adventures.

However, many of the time were not allowed to say no and being in the presence of a powerful man, might only have resisted.

But that is nothing compared to their feats.

First Ruth married the son of a Jewish man and then refused to be abandoned her when both father and son died, leaving Noami a widow.

Widows were very fragile creatures. If they had no living male, they could be thrown out on the streets.

Jewish street life is the same as modern city streets of any place. Vile and ugly.

Starvation is the least of the worries, rape and disease or murder were the normal worries.

In fact, once a woman went outside, she could never prove her virtue or refusal to succumb to a man.

And yet, the story tells us, that after returning to Israel, she went to work in the fields as a gleaner.

And then on the instructions of Naomi, crept into the bed area of Boaz and lay down at her feet.

There are a lot of different versions in modern times. Ugly versions who don't believe in her innocence.

The scriptures tell us that Boaz was a good man and sent her away with a reward that she could sell for her and Naomi after identifying herself as the widow of his cousin.

Therefore, it is assumed he did not rape her as he was said to be a good man.

His word would be over hers as it is today. 

He did make arrangements for her, and they married Jewish style and had a baby boy.

This first child was given over to Naomi as tradition to replace her lost one as she was too old to do it herself.

The story is sweet and innocent on a hot Sunday afternoon. Until one of the bad boys come along and ruins it in your mind forever.

She was given full rights in the bible as the ancestress of Jesus through her humility and chasteness.

Praise is often heaped upon her for sticking to her mother-in-law, when in fact she might not have had a mother or a father to return.

She had also married outside her own ethnic and religious background and might not have had any place to go but the street herself.

Pursuing Naomi gave her strength in numbers and the opportunity of remarrying instead of becoming a prostitute which was more common for a woman of the times.

The second lady also has drawn some concern.

She is a beautiful young girl taken into bondage.

As many of the wars of the area of Persia know the Middle East, when a city was conquered, the people were either killed or taken as hostages.

Most were sent to work as slaves as labor is always an issue.

Sometimes the more elite ones are taken to the Palaces in pursuit of knowledge and training.

Training them will bring a resource to the victor over a people who had been successful in leaving Egypt.

In this case, the King is seeking new wives for himself from those that were conquered.

This is also a good idea, of adding foreign blood to his family, it makes him a relative to his enemies.

Mordecai was a strong religious man, who might have had an elevated position in the past.

He seems to haunt the gates of the Palace and the local center.

He has earned an enemy in Haman who is on the highest court in the land as a Judge.

Haman can gain access to the king by snapping his fingers and produce his own punishments.

Esther is one of many beautiful young women in a group to be brought before the king.

They are given the task of the baths and other regimes in order to prepare themselves.

She is noted by the Chief Eunuch who becomes her protector. 

When it is her turn to go to the king for a night, she marvels him. 

It is often said, she spends the night reading to him.

This might be true, as a woman who can read would be noteworthy, especially one in Hebrew.

She might also have been given a fine reputation and he choice to only study her for the night.

It is never revealed, if they did in fact have relations, it suggested that they did not.

But he does make her his wife and allows her certain privileges.

It does not discuss her having children but a banquet.

Her people are about to be wiped out by a new law of Hamans.

She is given instructions by her uncle in how to take care of the situation.

She finally insists that Haman has fallen on her bed, suggesting rape.

Certainly not a chaste situation but it brings the Kings ire up.

He has him marched out and then reviews his life.

Finally, Haman is executed as he had suggested Mordechai.

But the final blow, was her insistence on saving her people.

When she brought up his new law, the king was offended. after all, he was now married to a Jewish.

This law of killing all of the Jews may have included him even though Haman says no.

A mother law is passed allowing the Jews to arm themselves and fight for themselves.

Something that was done when they existed Egypt was to learn war.

Know they are being given the opportunity of raging war upon their accuser's and slayers.

A peaceful people are how most of the Jews are seen especially in exile.

This story of a woman's bravery and quick wit brings an end to the slaughter of her own ethnic people.

Mordechai is listed as a descendant of an Israel King, so she as his Neice, might also have been more than just a pawn to the King but a way to keep his rulership over Israel while not causing a dire circumstance in his own country.

Haman seems to have grown fearful of the number of Jews in his own country who were allowed to practice their own religion. But it was mainly out of their refusal to bow to his authority as a judge, leading one to wonder if her was intending upon becoming King through a rebellion of his own.

The proudful ones will say it took a woman to bring him down and any future rebellions.

The men say otherwise and suggests more to the story than we want to hear.

But who says any story is true even modern versions of events?

And finally, the one the Protestants kicked out of the bible.

Judith is not a protestant woman. 

She is not wanted in their Sunday school.

It is assumed because she commits murder. although she could also not have a good enough reputation.

In the story she is also a widow of the onslaught of King nebuchadnezzar who overthrows the Jews.

In one terrible battle there is a General Holofernes who will not stop.

He has already taken the city hostage and murdered most of the men of war.

She cries for her husband; it does not say she is a mother or has children.

Her opportunities are also dismal, without a father or a brother she has nowhere to go unless, there is money she can lay her hands on.

This is classical in any culture, without actual money, the house and fields will be taken away automatically upon the death of the master.

It is those who swear to the master and the mistress who are rare and rarer are those who follow through.

In this case, she dries her tears and makes herself up with bathes and fresh clothes and has a maid to dress her hair.

She is said to be unusually beautiful.

It astounds the men in the camps when she approaches.

She is allowed inside to meet the General as claims she is disgusted iwth the weakness of the jews.

A feast is head where she is the chief guest of the party.

As is expected there is a bed chamber for the General which she is lead.

However, he has had so much fun, that he has drunk too much and is sound asleep.

She has her maid stand guard as she first prays and then finds his sword.

With two chops, off comes his head, which they then hide in the maid's purse.

Apparently, the purse is a leather object which holds more than coin but larger items as well.

The leave the camp and make their way back to the city gates where they display their nights wages.

The head of Holofernes!

The great general is not only dead but beheaded by a woman.

And at no cost to herself according to the story.

A victory has been created for a city surrounded.

In the morning, when his men realize that his head has walked off and left his body, the flee.

They are afraid of whatever occurred the night before and of being found unable to defend him.

Who walks in and steals a head?

They know when to fight and when to flee.

The siege is over, and the victims become the Victors.

There is no information on what becomes of Judith, her deed was enough to give her a history.

She might have been a wealthy woman from the way they allowed her to leave the city and reenter.

She did have a maid loyal to her and the knowledge of how men behaved.

No innocence in the areas of love and war, she accomplished something extraordinary.

Or did she?

Really any woman could have done it, angry enough or worried enough.

Gone into the man's bedroom and stolen his life from him.

It happens all the time in the movies, but does it have the same appeal?

Saving a city is not saving a nation nor producing an heir for the future.

Her victory was applauded and then denied.

Perhaps the Church feels it is wrong to tell woman to cut off a part of a man, instead of going to him at night in a poor state and offer herself in marriage.

They would whether a woman stand the tests of time, then defend herself, much less overcome the obstacles before her.

Hmm, wonder what other king had himself amputated?

I would not mind decapitating Jimmy or Shawn as he used to be called.

After all, he murdered my father and probably my grandfather as well.

My great-grandmothers deaths were both suspicious.

And my mother went mad long before the cancer began to eat her brain.

He was not unknown for capturing her and locking her up and then cruelly giving her injections.

Sounds familiar.

Anyways, there are a few men in the world who deserve to live.

Some have even ended up on death row as jimmy did but got out on a technicality.

His behavior has not improved, and he still sees himself as an heir to my family.

when in fact he has a different daddy and a different mommy.

In fact, his real mother is not Linda Evans as he claims but an African Black woman named Camille.

She was married and could not divorce nor remarry. She also could not raise him at the time of his birth in 1957.

His white daddy did his best to arrange things for him and had him on his show, but he refused to obey.

It is thought he wanted his real daddy dead just for suggesting that woman was his mother.

On the world scene there are mor things to worry about than the news tells us.

Monkey pox is not going to be pleasant; my family ran into it when we still were allowed to travel.

Coronavirus is a killer, and the President has it a second time.

But it those fires all over the world which might bring Armagedón a little bit closer.

Adn the shootings around the world should be worrying us more than the price of gas.

As for those wars, who is say who is to blame.

Everybody mad Putin the bad guy and I would not want to be his security detail.

The guy with the football seems to have shot himself in the head.

God forbid his driver should ever get caught by a would-be assassin.

I hope no one wants his head because I am not satisfied with the behavior of the other guy.

He has a big cry sob story but does the same things in war.

No one has gone unpunished nor been provided a reason he will not cede the territory.

Donetsk asked for their freedom, which he won't provide and now he is telling them to evacuate.

What is the situation really?

A bunch of old nuclear places all over the map in his country.

Plus, the old-World War two bomb shelters when they were friend fighting the Germans.

None of that has been properly dismantled nor is it safe to keep on pursues in war instead of peace.

But no one wants his head either, do they?

It is hard for a woman to know what to do and when.

Being left out in the cold is never the answer.

It brings wrath to most hearts and murder sometimes is even allowed.

Some women will do anything to get even, and some women prevent harm and injury to the very ones who will throw them away.

In time of war and pestilence a woman often outshines a man in decisions.

That is why there were often Queens in times of peace because they could think out the results more clearly.

But war, requires not a brave woman but a fearful one who knows she has no choice.

My self, when the time comes to prove myself a Christian woman, I would whether be Judith than Ruth or Esther.

Better to behead a man, than to go to bed with him if you are no in love, no matter the rewards.

Misery always comes home, and most of the time even the poor acknowledge it is not worthwhile.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Ever dream of going home?

 It is often thought of in movies and books.

The idea of going home.

Home means safety, surety, self.

We all grow up in a home of some type.

Even the back of a car.

Not that most of us want to relive that experience.

But the idea of staying together when things got tough.

Is also a type of home.

As were all those men who came home from World War two.

They went not knowing what they would find.

Their homes were destroyed in some cases.

In other cases, their children had been given up to others.

On both side, much of Germany had to be rebuilt.

While Americans went home to an imaginary world.

All those fifty style movies were dreams of what they thought home felt like.

In some cases, children are torn apart by circumstances.

They want to be together but can't get the adults to cooperate.

Some spend years in juvenile or foster care wondering when.

And then it happens, life goes on.

The children are now grown and sometimes find their way back.

Sometimes what they go back to is not what they remember.

People change and parents grow old.

Attempting to recreate a stolen childhood is not a crime.

But things go wrong when life is not understanding.

Blame is often the end result.

The parents were supposed to be waiting for them to get through the system.

The children were supposed to remember who not to talk to or there would be trouble.

And then there were the grandparents who sacrificed everything.

They never did get their lives but worked for others.

They lost everything due to the cruelty of others.

Spoiled rotten teenagers who want to lie.

Demi for instance still insists she is the real daughter of the family.

There were two identical ones and one died and is now lost to us.

She is not the only one who can't understand, identical.

Then there are all the baby bastards.

Born to others who found it too easy to take advantage of foolish old woman.

Where are they now?

Living in luxury.

Waiting for the next reveal of what to steal next.

Never have they ever done anything at all for anyone else.

Angela for instance should have been shot the day she was born.

She is that ugly, that her real mother whom she looks like refuses to acknowledge her.

Or the list goes on and on of the more than two hundred who showed up at my parents.

They did everything they could to destroy them and then killed them off.

But forgot nothing, they even took the houses.

Home often means houses.

Those very houses I remember dreaming about.

Willing myself to survive to get home to are now gone.

Living outside the normal because of others.

Just get through, find a way home and they will be there waiting.

Someone will have the key because the house is not abandoned.

But no, they are gone, all of them.

Not even one Christian woman held back her hand from taking that last dream.

Of finding one's way back.

They had thought I would not remember.

I would never recall where they were.

Or whom I was to myself or others.

They keep saying I have amnesia.

But I now more than they do.

I know they are liars and more than crooks.

The families who raised them should be shot in their beds.

Thier nice warm beds.

Because they stoled the lives of children in order to destroy the parents.

Then they went on without ever thinking it would come back to them.

There is no love in any of the children, not even Ashley understands.

It is all of them together that show the cruelty of life and the system.

The law says they will take care of you and yours.

Instead, they have been ignoring the real victims.

Meanwhile, others have been getting even with them with lawsuits.

If only they had minded their business.

If only they had done what they should.

They would not now be facing prisons themselves.

I could list the many villains of children who just don't get it.

But it is a waste of time.

Just shoot them all, since they have all had a shot at me and mine.

Dreaming of home.

That special place that a Cardinale or a Santa Croce had never been allowed to step.

A place in the memory that was real once.

It should not have been stolen.

There is no way of replacing those times.

And the children never made it to the Thanksgiving table.

Sadly, there were too many of the others.

And not enough of us.

No one can understand a child's desire to dream of going home.

They give a lot of time to a man in prison wanting to see his parents again.

But don't consider those who have suffered have a right.

To see those demons be corrected and forced to leave us alone.

No more stalking, nor harassing.

No more crying over their wants which is everything of yours.

just once, mom will wake up and wants us to be sitting there.

Dad always wondered why he could not come home.

I don't know if he ever got the message, it was her.

She had not wanted her father to come home from that war.

He was there when she was little and then gone.

He did not come for her when she called.

And then she had to live with others.

She never forgot and forgave.

Instead, she kept reliving her hurts through her own.

Sadly, she died without ever being satisfied.

Now it is a time to go home.

The call has come.

Have the others heard it?

Probably not.

They stopped listening to a long time ago.

Besides there is no home now that the rotten bitches took in their minds to take those as well.

There is justice someday.

Even if it is on their death day.

Because they won't have a resurrection.

After all, one of most romantic songs.

Is about going home but is actually about dying.

And never reaching the real home but the grave.

Hopefully, there are a few more decades in me.

Just to watch those wicked people receive their just deserts.

Death for having refused the rights of others to live and breathe in freedom.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

What do you have to say?

 It's been a busy week. What do you have to say for yourselves?

Joseph almost died of CVD, his family says He's fine, but he doesn't look it. And his son is losing his hair, his house and his life all because he is the middle child.

Some kids do have it ruff. He saw his mother and sister die in a car crash, his father remarries, his older brother goes to war and then die of cancer. His ex-wife says he lives on drugs, should we blame him?

Anyways, I hope the Rose Garden marriage of his niece goes well for the family's sake. 

They have all been through several ordeals, including back taxes and current fault lines.

One of those run ins with extremists of yester year.

There was this girl named Candy, unwanted by her two older siblings. After all their father was in prison when she was born and then he died right afterwards.

Then her mom remarried and had another one. She tried to kill her rival, but instead was set on a family who had caused their fathers imprisonment.

He was caught stealing from a navy yard, more than once. But someone's got to be blamed and this family had just had a perfect little girl.

Go kill her instead. Her family had already made a mess of their lives, including raiding the storehouse a number of times, one side were immigrants from Scandinavia.

The German family did not like them nor give them anything good at any time.

Well, little girls do have to pee, and this wild teenager, could understand that she could not just walk in and sit down at places such as the White house.

Now the family had only been invited to one of those things as war heroes, even the grandmother had been a radio announcer. 

It's not like they were invited to supper or anything, but Candy who never went to school did not see it that way.

She wants to "excuse me" can I use your toilet! And the white house staff pointed across to the public bathrooms at the park.

The little girl got raped by a set of very angry fingernails. Candy was convicted of her homosexual tendencies towards the young lady.

She went to a mental ward not prison. Considered criminally insane but allowed to leave if as a minor she married.

So, she got married to an imbecile who was also not unknown to haunt the family for unknown reasons.

She even had his baby, which they threw away in a trash can. It was immediately picked up by the Gordons, from Germany who were about to be deported. 

Now they had a claim of a child born in the US, which she wasn't, and the couple drifted apart not wanting to create another monster as Lisa.

She still refuses to acknowledge that she did anything wrong and continue to control the phone calls. 

Can't even go the dentist without it being an issue, and the staff give in repeatedly.

She used to hide out in cars and dress as a nurse just to walk in and harass anyone who was allowed to get near the dear child.

She was not allowed at all, but her family kept up the harm of making it impossible for the family to free themselves from their own misunderstanding. 

Middle children, Candy has never stopped causing harm.

Hunter will never be free of his environment.

And then there was Jimmy.

He used to call himself Sean not Shawn.

His name was Robert James Keshan.

He hated his father who had an affair with a married woman who had a child.

Along came this family who was apparently being used by the mental wards as an example.

He insisted he was the older brother of the little girl.

Which makes him the middle child.

We often had to go to court over his offenses.

Only to have his real family show up and explain but it's not his fault he is a middle child!

He has caused so much harm in the world.

There have been so many deaths and murders.

He prefers girls he can turn into prostitutes or drug smugglers.

He hates women and won't eat pork.

He seems to think he is Jewish or something when really, he is an atheist.

Anyways, Lake Mead was a favorite playground of his, not enough bodies have been found.

Maybe they should dredge it to see what else is down there.

I understand a number of hits have been made for "our" jimmy.

Most of those ended up in the guy getting it instead.

There is the story of Judy and her son Brendt.

They used to live in their car, Brendt bedroom was the trunk.

Judy would glide between Atlantic city and Las Vegas.

No one knew what her concerns were except she always needs a man's wallet.

After a few too many young teenage girls had given birth to their unwanted blessings and in Mexico.

Someone caught on to her habits and went to take care of her.

He never did return nor did Jimmy Hoffa.

Maybe, on one of her runs across the country she unloaded him from the trunk of her car.

Should stop searching highway overpasses where woman such as Judy hide out at night.

Start searching places such as churches newly constructed or even backyard pools with fresh cement.

Not a middle child is Judy but gets her way.

Believes she is rich from all her hauls of wallets.

Has a spoiled rotten daughter who looks just like Stephanie Powers.

She has had her number of unwanted pregnancies.

And none of them were aborted, not that the men they came from would recommend anything else.

Could not get my tooth taken care of again.

Can't make a doctor's appointment without interference.

I know it is Jimmy who does the control and so did the government once upon a time.

But then there is Candy who Interpol wanted in the worse way.

Now their number one guy got caught in China and is not coming home.

While Candy who can't speak Espanol but learned Chinese and went on a smuggling crusade.

Only God would know what she brought home and what she left behind.

Is there anyone who can stop these villains?

Marvel comics usually gets their guy.

But Homeland security has had their hands full and illegal aliens are not their problem.

Well, I hope not to lose my face from these multiple infections which have crept into my lungs.

At least I don't have to worry about Monkey pox. I already got that one and from the middle child.

His name was Jesus, he was born when my parents were still allowed to live together.

And before Jimmy forbade anyone from living with us at all.

My mother had six pregnancies. 

Only one of the two girls survived and none of the boy's whereabouts are known.

Bless Jospeh and his family.

They have had enough problems.

If I was them, I would have Candy investigated for their little car accident but that is probably too much to ask, that she was not an unlicensed driver speeding down the same highway looking for something. 

Too much to have her convicted of anything at all. 

She is so cruel; she gets away with it all.

The local cop was supposed to have committed suicide over her shenanigans at my high school.

And Jimmy is into everyone's business, he likes to watch them spend their money and then pull the plug.

There is no evidence I ever worked or spent time and money using credit cards.

I would be more worried than Hunter looks if he has gotten his banking through any private security software at all those places people go such as convention centers and sports arena.

Pure gravy it is for someone such as Jimmy and then little Candy will run up the extortion if she gets wind of anything untoward. 

After all, they put her mother's husband in prison for lifting a few cases off the Navy docks.

America stinks as far as she is concerned. 

Monday, July 25, 2022

I don't know Al!

 Dear Albertus, 

What did your mother's name you anyways?

I would tell you what my grandmother Laura named my father but then the hackers would be off and running with the story.

We simply called him Terry. 

You know your visit to Meet the Press went without announcement.

I am afraid I went for groceries and was on my home, pushing them all the way from Old Town.

I am sorry I missed it but go the replay.

You look pretty good for your age. 

I like the white hair and no visible signs as Joseph has suddenly leaned over in his walk of your age.

You do know I live in a valley where they replaced the church with a hotel.

It is so common, these old neighborhoods where one no longer recognizes the surroundings.

I have had a number of Monarch butterflies visit me.

They appear to want to know where to land, fluttering around me.

Where's the garden?

There is no longer a garden, nor a cemetery, I suspect I am living over it in fact.

How many others in their migration, have no way of spending time where they once had access?

Not everyone notices the path of migration nor the need to not destroy every piece of habitat.

They are now after my Seaport village.

There were once people living in the buildings and then someone came along and made them into stores.

We went to court and won the argument.

But the business owners never left, except by going out of business.

Even the old barn where they hung drying salmon and the schoolhouse have been repainted.

This was once a Russian fishing village before it meant death to be of that ethnic background.

Now they have all these plans for the little area, they want a hundred story hotel to take over the tiny inlet where people used to fish.

They have already destroyed the other little island with an outdoor Ampitheater.

Why are they building out into the water, in an area that was once harbor and actually the water went inland like in San Francisco.

I am sure there are boats under the asphalt and maybe even another burial ground as there was also a small church where the old police station choice to build and then abandon.

Where are the little creatures supposed to go to Al?

All these buildings, we can't smell the ocean anymore.

Just mustiness and other odors.

There is nowhere to go downtown anymore, all the parks are gone except for the ones along the harbor, and they want to build on those as well.

They built the baseball stadium on top of the old Pool club, filling in the deep hole in the ground with the Horton Plaza dirt. 

Does not seem safe if there is a strong earthquake.

Imagine a sinkhole opening up under the pitcher's mound as one did in Israel!

And this Comic con was once a small forest and beach area for people to enjoy.

Now it is cement and steel. 

All those people came this weekend, walking on top of the same site that the homeless were housed.

All that coughing and peeing and other things on that very same floor.

Contagious it might be and with monkeypox arriving in the Homosexual community.

Seems like disaster will strike.

If the President can come down on a trip to the Arabian desert, what are these guys taking home with them?

A small cough, scratchy throat and what other symptoms?

I think they are downplaying his illness.

Poor Kamala, pretty enough to be on the posters but not trusted as the Vice President to take over not even for a weekend.

Wonder what they do for Putin?

You know he has been sick, no second in command. 

Do they hide behind their doors as he walks and coughs?

Or do they plot in the old style in the basement for what they want to do with this war?

Who is in charge when he gets a high temperature?

No one?

Or everyone!

I went to the beach to look at the ocean.

I found it full of travelers and homeless. 

I wish they would put up tent cities for the poor who have no place to go.

And send the tourist back to where they came from, this is my town.

Anyways, I got to where my new hat but got yelled at by the coffee cart.

She was young and did not know any better.

Who remembers those horrible Susan Anthony dollars?

Yep, one more time, excuse me!

You don't have enough!

I had emptied my coin purse, instead of waiting for the Thrifty ice-cream treat,

I often wait to get that special coffee drink with my excess coins.

She did not recognize them as dollars.

I had to tell her I had found them in my change, from the grocery stores.

I don't think she heard me nor accepted my plea that I had given her the correct change.

She dropped her head and put them in her drawer.

I bet she threw them in the trash at the end of the day.

They say we are in a coin shortage, that is because the clerks don't know what to do with them.

Cards please and only plastic is all they understand.

That and phone apps. 

My WASH card shorted me a few washes and I had to drip dry my clothes this weekend.

I wish you well on your quest to save our planet.

It is hard with all those nuclear arsenals over in Ukraine.

Left over from all the wars and with no one to tell the new guy what not to do.

Antagonize the old one who knows what is burried in his backyard

Buzz is selling his things at auction.

One can get a piece of foil.

Or all those scrib sheets he used to get through the day with nothing else but twirling around in space.

I think the Texas flag that went to the moon and back should be wrapped around my non brother Jimmy.

Then we can shoot him into space cocoon style and see if he can morph into a space alien.

He is actually known as a mutant, no skin color. And an alien, non-American, he agreed to deportation the last time he was caught with his hand in someone else till.

He is still running around stealing little girls' underwear and using extortion on those in the oval office.

I understand he made another phone call this weekend.

Wonder what Jill did wrong on her way to becoming Professor?

We will never know.

Patricia always shows guilt about her father losing his job.

Jimmy Jimmy

A trip to space would do him good!

Maybe the astronauts w\could go strike that weekend!

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Why doesn't she have seven?

 My mother showed up at the wrong hospital one day 

There were seven babies born to one woman

While she waited from her miscarriage,

They pushed the seven babies into the lobby

Her husband fainted when he saw them 

And her mother fell on top of her, 

If she had just waited in her room

It would never have happened

But there she was sitting in the lobby.

With seven babies, 

She did not know what the problem was

While another woman was being wheeled in a bed past her.

Why was her family acting strange?

Meanwhile, the other young girl was crying

And screaming, I just wanted one baby,

Her husband said to her 

We got seven of them!

But I only wanted one!

One baby at a time.

Not seven, all at once.

Her family was reeling from the unexpected.

Meanwhile, my mother could not understand

Her baby had been born dead

And she had nothing to take home.

Seven babies being pushed into the lobby 

For the happy family to arrive

And take home one woman and her surprise birth.

Now adays, most know ahead of time

What is going to come out

And not wait until it is too late.

To have so many births at once

But that is another story

About five years later,

They meet again in the same hospital

One family was trying to strum up funds

For their large seven baby family.

They had their pictures taken for the media

My mother also was asked to show up for her picture

She had her two grandmothers sitting on either side of her.

And her mother standing behind her

While in front of her she had two girls

My sister and I are mirror images.

Identical in almost everyway

Except we were not born on the same day

Different birth days but the same DNA.

Who knows what will happen?

Children come when they want

It is up to the doctors to explain.

When and where and why.

But it is the parents 

Who are held accountable? 

For their actions nine months earlier

The early days of the multiple births

Two women made a local hospital happy.

One with her seven at once

And one with twins 

Born separately,

No one knows how it happened 

Or how rare it is to happen

But there are women who have more than one.

Pregnancy at the same time.

Modern doctors know how to make it happen

But most women are not happy. 

As one woman kept on crying 

My mother had to have one more woman added to her photo

Her mother-in-law to make seven in her photo.

It would be years before the other woman 

Finally gave up the fight,

That she was not the one with the seven babies.

Not really.

They simply grew up and left home.

While my mother went on to have one more baby.

But never got over the first one 

Who was not born to her? 

She even adopted another one.

Who was not even hers.

Just to make it better

That she had not had a dead baby.

But Jimmy was already born

To another woman 

A few years earlier.

My mother did not care

As long as she did not have to be humiliated

About sitting there in the lobby with no baby at all.

Jimmy is not hers 

But the one she uses 

She will not give up the idea.

That she is perfect in all things

And just once did not come through

Meanwhile, Jimmy has forgotten. 

That he is not ours 

But belongs to another family 

Living his whole life in denial.

About coming out of the wrong woman

In the wrong year 

And with nowhere to go.

His mother died decades ago

His father just recently

He still refuses to acknowledge them.

While I still complain

About my last name not being his

Nor my family, friends nor other familiarities. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

But Oleana it is you who are killing your own children

 Right or Wrong

It was not Putin who threw the first stone

But Zelensky, when he refused to lose his neighbors

His country does not want to be diminished 

They are more concerned about the amount of land

Then the amount of population.

They have allowed millions of people to leave

While still refusing to allow Donbas 

To have its own free will and country.

Instead, they are providing targets

Thier own children for the disturbance

Instead of demanding their people stay indoors

It is your fault Oleana,

That the children still in your country

Are not at home or in bunkers.

It is your husbands' government's fault

That they refused to allow the same freedom

That Kiev was granted.

Who are the Donbas people to you?

Just more land to feel as if you are a large country

It is like a man who measures himself to feel as if he is a big man.

Instead of a small one.

Why not allow the neighbors their freedom?

Because you don't want to lose territory!

Then don't blame anyone else but yourselves

For the loose of children who are left outside

Besides mongoloid children are often taken care of by relatives

There is no real evidence that the little girl suffered

Anything more than the family making sure 

She went to heaven and the mother to a hospital.

It is a shame 

How many murders 

Have been allowed under the guise of war.

So many of the so-called atrocities

Are suspect and not at all like a war crime

But the neighbor's getting even with those left exposed.

It is really quite sad

Young woman

You appear to be beautiful. 

And happy in your marriage

And yet, you can't understand

That there are those who are not as happy

And your family are suffering 

While the world watches

Who will be left in your country?

After you get done blasting the other side

Who are you fighting for?

The measure of your waist?

Or the individuals who should have been given the assurance

Your president was not mentally unfit

Just as we are dealing with not one but two Presidents.

Who are facing charges of incompetence?

All because they allowed your country the freedom

To be invaded and the bad man have a stroke. 

From your constant barrages

Really, if you want the children not to be murdered

Then bring them into your own bunker.

Leave our people alone

Many of us are crying 

For your people. 

While you are still taking in the glory

Your husband was a good man when he ran for president

But you were not elected.

You are blaming someone who might not have had a choice

You need to sit down as a mother and daughter

And consider how to live when it is over.

When there is no one left 

When the other country will be given the freedom 

Already provided through Nato.

When Putin is done

No one knows

But he has to abide by his government. 

Just as he has done in the past

He will survive

But Biden might not be our President. 

Who are you to us?

To bring your problems to us

But not be compassionate enough to give the same freedoms.

All because you are more concerned about your size

And not about the conditions your people now live

Will there be a country for your millions to return?

We all want to have peace

But it is unfair to bring us an issue 

That even you are not able to provide an answer.

Where will you be if your send a nuclear bomb?

Where will those families be if they were not allowed? 

To give the news images that are not really real.

We want you not to be in pain

We want your neighbors not to be forced to be your slaves

We want the last man with knowledge of what could happen to not be eliminated.

May god bless your family

May your husband not be murdered

May you be able to lift your face up when it is over.

And Jill sits holding her husband's hand

As he is retired from the game of politics

Because you choose not to be honest about your reasons for not giving in to the obvious.

Please Oleana,

No more pictures we only have your word upon, 

Listen, and provide an answer to end the standoff. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

What if Dillinger had been a college professor?

 Instead of robbing banks?

A professor like on Gilligan's Island out to do for people through his experiments.

Or something.

The days of the Roaring Twenties

We are told were full of vices for those with purses

And bank accounts.

They did not hide their money under the mattress

The rich poured it into the banking and financial system.

Then they wined and dined off the proceeds.

The Stock market crash of 1929

Meant that those with the money

No longer knew what to do with themselves.

While some through themselves off of buildings

Others had to learn to live without

And some even went so far as to reinvent society.

The Great Depression was caused by widespread drought

Or so we are told, a natural catastrophe

That disrupted the harvests of the lands already robbed of their natural resources.

Bank robberies was the next best thing to boot legging.

A ban on alcohol had gone up throughout the country

Another reason the swinging twenties were so good

Boot legging moonshine

Many became famous and rich

Including one Dutch who was undermined by a friend in a lousy diner

Dillinger seemed to come out of nowhere 

He and his girl robbed banks and were very good at it

His gang held off those nasty FBI guys 

Who heard of accountants with badges?

Anyone could get a good cop to turn an eye 

Every once in a while, or so they said.

But an account!

Straight lace and no nonsense.

That was just not fair to do to the bad guys!

Bank robberies were the way to go

And they were good at it.

In fact, there was a whole batch of "third grade teacher" types

They kept showing up at all of these banks.

These quiet girls with an education.

Not like the broads hanging out with the band.

No fair!

Anyways, prohibition came to an end.

And in the end, so did the Great Depression.

It made some rich off of their stories.

The gangs with the guns got away or put away.

But those little girls with the big eyes of innocence.

They ended up all across America.

The FBI actually kept records of these girls just to make sure 

Accountants and those who record keepers.

Who knew their were pictures of them?

Fifty years later a researcher might come across the collection.

Of sweet face girls with no reason to rob a bank

Except of course for being broke like everyone else.

And knowing a certain type

Such as their brothers' mechanic who needed a little decoy in the show room.

One never will know about them

The innocent ones who kept showing up at the banks

Not withdrawing money but always present

A distraction to the tellers and the guards.

Who wants to shoot an innocent bystander?

They all got old, these girls of innocence.

The only thing was their pictures in the records

A whole collection of sweet, faced girls

Who had no reason to be where they were?

Except to facilitate the bank robbers.

Thier families were modest but with just enough money

To own a piece of land or a home.

No known associates

No known large stash of money

But their grandkids were another thing

Those who had gotten married 

And raised their own kids instead of loaning them out

Theirs always took trips to places like Florida.

Huh, makes one wonder.

What was really going on anyways?

And how many got away with belonging to the Professors hidden assets?

Loosely connected but well supplied 

Throughout the decades afterwards

Quiet living for those who had made it their business 

To own the right to bring down the rich

And then survive with their own

Takend care of for life.

Wonder, wonder, wonder

Could it be true?

A larger gang of girl's decoys?

And who would employ such a gimmick?

One can only be careless enough

To wander into the wrong religion

And find out you are among thieves and cutthroats!

Worse than Pirates!

Saturday, July 16, 2022

They say that Eliot was one of them

 Imagine a foggy night in Georgetown.

A man is approached.

He extends the idea of a new operation.

An honest organization is going to be born.

It will be called the Federal bureau of tobacco, firearms and internal revenue.

FBI for short.

Now adays it is not unknown to question authority.

The answer is not insurrection.

What if Eliot Ness had not been chosen?

Charles Lindberg was probably more honest.

His child was abducted and never returned.

Eliots wife claimed he had syphilis.

And she did not.

Evidence he was having sex outside.

What a crime.

A woman who never remarried

She came from nowhere and went nowhere

She must have been honest.

Or was she just another hired woman.

One of the mob mafia girls

Hired to keep company with a company man?

Was Eliot an honest agent?

No one will ever know.

Really, it was his word against Capones!

He could have been a bad guy from the beginning.

Or he could have fallen in love with the wrong girl.

Or just gotten greedy and self-centered.

All that glory and nowhere to spend it.

So many crimes went unsolved.

And now adays,

There is more and more 

Unsolved crimes.

It is ridiculous

Why can't they solve simple things?

Is it because they are insufficient?

Or just part of the problem.

Hired to do the impossible.

Police themselves.

They are no better than anyone else.

OR so it would seem.

At times one does wonder.

What takes so long 

Was he an honest man?

Our Eliot?

I bet they said the same thing once 

About the Pure Putin.

Too good to be true.

And now look at him.

He can't do anything right.

There are so many missing children.

And so many children committing murders and other crimes.

One does wonder if our agency.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations

Is actually doing any work

Or being run by the very crooks it seeks.

Hmm, wonder who will go next?

In Russia, they have no problem in sorting it out.

But America is special.

Special agents running around

Acting as if they are running the country 

And yet even the Secret Service have to returned home on occasion.

Some journalists deserve to die

They are rapists, insisting on rights they don't deserve.

And some G Men are not honest accountants

But grave robbers.

Who should be taken out and shot?

Meanwhile, we the country have no place to turn

Afraid we will run into the wrong agent

The one who has already been drugged the night before

Or whose wife belongs to the wrong book club.

It is so hard,

Now adays to get it right

To do the right thing

To never step out of line.

When the line keeps moving for the other guy

Why else is so much spying on one's neighbors

And know it all's on the phone

Reporting crimes that have not been committed.

Meanwhile murders and bank robbers are still running around

Who believes a piece of art has just now been discovered?

It is an old find, why talk about it now.

And all those painting left behind in a barn.

Someone forgot to lock the doors

Or fill out their paperwork.

Don't get me wrong

I am all for authority

Just not corruption.

And when they begin to block the doors to the honest ones

Or the former expert witnesses

And throw them out on the streets

One begins to wonder.

Who was right?

The wife who claims her husband was having affairs.

Or the man named Eliot who stood for justice?

Let us pray

It is Eliot who was honest

And not the wife!

Friday, July 15, 2022

How the mighty do fall when they are pushed

 Poor Ivana Trump

She had it all

And then she dropped the ball

Or so it seemed.

She had come from the hard knocks of the Soviet system

Then a miracle, she qualified to be an athlete

Many don't remember her as an athlete.

Yet she competed at the Junior levels

As a skier at a time when everyone knew how to ski

She made it to the Olympics in Canada

Even though she herself did not compete

She became an instructor for others

How easy life seemed in the past

Just walk away from the angry enemy 

Living at your own doorstep

Soviets were a different breed

They were not the Nazis 

Out to breed a new race

While eliminating all others

They were the results of too many revolutions

And too few good rulers

They were attempting to make life not unpleasant

But unbearable

For those who did not conform

TO the new Paradise of an authority 

Over the entire landscape

Until the day they too fell 

Tyranny is hard for many to accept

One woman made it all the way to New York City

She even had her own clothing label

Imagine to be poor 

With working parents 

And no prospects at all

She even managed to make 

It to the wedding of the most eligible bachelor

As the Bride!

How many years she could have worked? 

Doing nothing at all

And had a mediocre marriage.

Instead, she went for the big one

They had three children

And a nice business

Which grew into a multimillionaire

assortment of businesses

People used to mock her 

At her skills of business

They kept asking her 

Over and over again

Did she really run his office?

She did and more.

But one day she found him with another woman

That should have been her end.

Instead, she did what she had to do

She took him to court

And came away as friends

With her former spouse

It kept the business in the family

The kids were happy

To continue on as rich kids

And she did not have to worry about housecleaning skills

Her future was not rosy

But she made teh most of it

With the skills she did have

Which included new friends

New places to stay

And even new men

But in the end she was 

The former spouse 

Of the President of the United States

Another woman, not the same one

Was the first lady

And she sat back and enjoyed it all

Now a grandmother

And rich herself

She had nothing to worry about

Except that most dreadful of things

The intruder!

One knows when one is present

No matter what the doctors say

One just knows.

She went down the stairs

One step at a time

To her own death.

Having fallen for the oldest trick in the world

The concept of being under threat

Whether or not it is present 

And then falling, or fainting

Perhaps the back of her head can tell 

If there was in fact someone present

Or if she had finally gotten the message 

That the time was up

And he was coming for her life

Only to have no place to go but down

To her grave 

Her children will mourn her

And her husband respect her

But it was her own fear 

Which drove her down

The stairs to see who had entered

Her paradise in America

Far from the Soviets 

And the Canadian slopes.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Why a Garden club set flames up and down the coast as a warning of an empending attack

On December 7, 1941, the unthinkable occurred.

Japan attacked the United States.

My mother always claimed it was not true.

But it was, Hawaii woke up to a swarm of planes out of the west.

They attacked the ships in the harbor.

Many never got past their front door, including my mother's aunt Norma.

She was a runaway teenager training as a nurse but too young.

Her brother was taking care of her and had her marry a widow.

Just in case his parents showed up without warning.

Instead, the Japanese showed up.

Her husband was lost as a pilot.

And she was replaced by a possible German girl who set out to dissuade the family that there was a threat.

Before this day, there was a warning.

One woman had gone along with many others to Japan.

She left when her husband was reported dead or disappeared.

She had to leave immediately with her infant son.

Her in laws were in fear of her staying any longer.

The land of the Samurai.

Actually, she had come after the Great war

A family with contacts and export licenses

Important to a family

She had fought her way through the jungles

Carrying her sone with her to get him away

From the murders who had taken his father

And made it to her garden club in California

Only to have them show up anyways

To claim their rightful heir

The reverse of Madame Butterfly

Land of Tea and the last Asian Royals.

The Japanese were proud people.

Never to give in to another power.

And yet they had begun to fear their nearest neighbor across the Pacific.

It would have been better to go after Mexico, but they only had boring resorts.

America had those ports with war ships.

They were marked as the enemy.

It is said that at least one pair of flyers made it up to Alaska.

An impossible feat to fly across the Pacific.

Amelia Earhart had gotten lost on her quest to cross.

Or had she?

Lindberg had lucked out in his crossing starting on the wrong side of the Atlantic.

It is still felt that some kept the two from France from making the crossing.

They did not want the Germans to follow.

Here now were not the Russians who had been knocked down by a revolution.

But the Japanese who had traded with America for hundreds of years.

Why attack them now? Thier own friends?

One lone individual made it through his squadron to his vantage.

He was determined.

He separated at the first chance and never returned to the training grounds.

He kept on flying on winds he had learned from his grandfather.

He made it to the coast of California.

To land in an old garden he may have visited once a lifetime ago.

Like Madame Butterfly he was taken from his white mother and returned to Japan.

He loved her and did not believe in this disaster that was about to happen.

His plane swooped down on the garden club without warning.

They sent for her, they knew it was her son.

Who lay there in his cockpit calling out?

Crying she cradled him as he shouted.

His warning went to the hearts of the garden club.

They sent out their blooms, and fires were lit up and down the coast.

Too late for Hawaii, although also warned.

They did warn California of the oncoming targets.

Even Roosevelts mother was said to reside in Hawaii.

A Paradise not to be likened to hell.

But Hell is what they say the Attack on Pearl Harbor.

Those who believe it did occur.

And why would anyone deny it?

While a lone plane was pushed into an old barn by a group of hardened gardeners.

They knew when it was time to uproot an unruly blight on the landscape.

They also knew when to prepare to save the forests or field of flowers.

They say he survived under his mother's care.

But could not be caught in California.

He wandered the America continent never to go home again.

Always seeking an escape from a terrible war which would tear apart both sides of his family.

And yet, no one ever spoke of his bravery.

Or have you heard?

The different stories are there, and some say he cost the Japanese nothing 

Even frustrating the Germans from taking a foot hold.

In fact, he might have saved his country from being swallowed forever.

Perhaps as an old man he finally got to step foot on a Japan that wished to become American.

Maybe some have forgotten the wages war seeks from the host country.

Neither will survive, in the end, both will have been ravaged.

War is dangerous when it is necessary.

And when it is not necessary it is still dangerous.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

There was once a little girl named Tara

 Like in the movie Gone with the wind.


It was actually the name of the House, but some people are so illiterate that they can't even understand the films reference to the house.

Some people name their cars, Ol Betsy or Brad.

Judy was one of those who had difficulty in understanding anything at all.

She is half Chinese, put up for adoption her and her sister also named Judith.

Probably Jade and Jasmine.

Really, some girls have no comprehension.

She was a big girl with black hair and slanted eyes.

Said they were from the south and they were KKK.

Well, her adopted grandfather is in for a shock in whatever afterworld he went to when he finds out what his daughter brought home with her one day.

Which brings us to Tara.

Now Judy married her high school sweetheart.

She made a column by forgetting her overnight case at home.

She had to call her mother to bring it to the airport.

Why was she not already at the airport?

A trip to Hawaii on a honeymoon was not common in the 1960-70's.

The family had started off living in a trailer behind the post office on one of those swank Golf courses.

Then the post office was moved due to much traffic and the private gated area wanted it closed.

They then somehow managed to get one of those private homes inside the gated area, free of charge.

Judy felt as if she was a princess and acted accordingly.

She might have been skinny when she started but grew proportionately to her ego.

Did I mention she felt she looked just like Elizabeth Taylor?

A beauty is what everyone said and with makeup she was not too ugly.

Now the real story is when she got divorced.

She went ahead and had a little boy she named Brent after Brentwood where she wanted to live next door to you know who.

He came right along with the wedding, close enough to cause comment and before the one-year anniversary.

Then there was a pause as she adjusted to life with diapers or not.

And along came a little chuggers redheaded girl.

Judy was no longer living with her husband but off of everyone else by now.

She had the habit of needing the money out of a man's wallet.

She would do anything to get that wallet, or almost anything as the stories claims.

Anyways, one trip from coast to coast, Brent had had enough.

He was tired of hearing that the baby needed food.

She needed this and she needed that.

What about him?

At a gas station in the middle of nowhere, she found she had not enough for the gasoline.

Off she trotted to the nearby diner to get the rest.

Leaving the car and the baby in the charge of Brent.

Well, Brent just put the baby out on the pavement in her basket.

He had enough and he was not going to be responsible if mom got arrested, again.

Next thing he knew they were speeding along the highway.

His mother had come back in a flash while he was sleeping.

All was well, no crying baby only the sounds of sirens in the distance.

Las Vegas, here they came and went without even stopping.

Foot down, Judy just kept right on going through the night.

Without a care in the world, except that real angry man's eyes whom she taken a wallet from.

He must have been a mayor or Governor or something from the fuss that was caused.

Distance and speed are all he got from her after that.

In the meantime, there was found a little redhead girl baby.

Left on the side of the road.

A warrant was issued for the arrest of the woman fleeing in the night.

She would only find this out another time.

When she did there was hell to pay for little Brent.

He had never been spanked before nor denied his mother's love.

Where was the baby?

Did not know nor care.

He was free at last.

And he was going to keep it that way.

Who should come along that same highway?

A redhead, all grown up and with two children.

One small blond girl who did not like to be touched.

Not hers.

And a little redhead baby just born.

She was something of a star herself.

But did not want anyone to know it.

Gas station attendant noticed her and the baby.

Sirens in the distance closed in on her.

She was handcuffed faster than she could say her real last name.

And then came the discussion of the missing wallet.

It was discovered the little girl was not hers.

She was just taking her to her grandmothers.

Whose baby was this?

How am I supposed to know?

And whose red head baby?

Well, actually she is not mine either.

I am taking them both to the East coast to family.

She ended up having to walk away without her own infant.

All they wanted to know was who had left the other baby.

To retrieve that wallet that had gone missing from that card game outside of Vegas.

Really, she had to go back in and sneak the baby out of the nursery.

She was all the way to the east coast before she realized she had the wrong one.

Hers was left right where the other one was in Oklahoma.


Yes, the young man had finally confessed.

He was sure it was a state that started with an O.

Ohio was too far north.

So, it was Oklahoma.

Off Judy went to retrieve her infant.

She had no idea what was in store for her.

When she got there, it was hand cuffs.

She had no idea about no wallet.

But the men were more concerned about something else.

A female siren had discovered she had the wrong baby.

And she knew someone who knew someone.

Her shriek and cry could be heard all the way back.

The wallet was discovered behind the dumpster of the gas station.

It had been there all the time.

Someone must have accidently picked it up with the trash.

Yeah, but there is no money in it.

Yes, but the id's are there and that is what they wanted.

A deal was struck between not so dumb government officials

And a lady in high heels and with a dumb little boy.

They sent them back to California with the wrong baby.

She was never to come through their town again and she was never to mention them again.

No handcuffs.

Judy speed through the night with a baby with red hair.

She had a bad feeling about it.

It just did not seem right somehow.

But she was free, the wallet returned and her boy silent.

Tara grew up spoiled rotten.

She would never take no for an answer.

And she did not look like the rest of the family.

The siren stopped screeching once it was explained she had to have a license.

She had come back through for the right baby.

Without a marriage license she could not reacquire the red head infant.

She left in the dust as she drove away.

But not before leaving them something in their nighttime depository.

Her name is Ree.

She cooks on television.

She calls herself the Pioneer woman.

She is a multimillionaire in Oklahoma.

Where she was raised and reared.

She has a husband, children, a dog and a house all her own.

She does not have to share any of it with Brent.

In California, the discovery was made of the wrong red head.

Tara was not theirs.

She was put out by them.

On to another family.

Tara grew up demanding she was part of the family of the other little blond girl.

How Judy got that families name is hard to guess.

But hunt them down she did and with a vegence.

She destroyed their lives wanting the real red head back.

Tara was no unloved, just not wanted.

She never had to do anything at all.

They were afraid to touch her.

They trained her to go after the other family.

She made the mother give her everything.

It was her right after all.

She also made the father miserable.

In the end, she hooted and hollered as an Indian as gasoline was poured over his head.

As he was set on fire in front of the blond girl now grown.

It was the message; she wanted her life the way she wanted it.

The problem was she was not theirs either.

The real red head had gone a long time ago to a different world.

A world where people don't go back.

They don't remember what is lost.

Because they have made it to the front covers of magazines.

Her infant was somewhere, if not already dead, being raised by a loving family.

Meanwhile, Tara got away with murder one more time.

She had even tried to kill the son of the family.

As well as the grandmother who was found at the bottom of the stairs.

All was well, with the world or so Tara thought with one more of the family that had left her behind.

Really, there is one hunting her soul down, no matter who her real mother might be.

Someday, Tara will be no more as well....

Friday, July 8, 2022

Did I mention the time...

 I was traveling through Eastern Europe with friends and colleagues.

We were in East Germany when things went wrong.

I had been visiting libraries and museums for a research project.

The others were university students and journalist just making a trip in the pre soviet collapse.

Safety in numbers and cheaper in those days of few credit cards.

Anyways, we were in that rebuilt city of Dresden which was bombed to bad it had to be completely rebuilt.

It was famous for clock makers and other types of specialized crafts size as ceramic dolls.

We all had our own interest but were careful not to get the other sin trouble.

I had already had to remove the magazines my mother had put inside my luggage.

Also, no bibles were allowed which some of the Catholic ones were having difficulty.

A book seller tried to hand me a Koran!

It said HOLY on the outside, but I recognized it as not a bible.

It took a while to discover but there was a a note for me, and it was simply inserted into the first book.

It appears i was being warned of an imminent arrest. 

One of my groups had turned me in for something. 

It was a common enough occurrence. 

The German Secret Police were feared by everyone, and some said even the KGB kept out of their way if not on their own turf.

I was calmly sitting under a tree in a courtyard where everyone had thrown their backpacks down waiting for the return of the others.

One of the issues when traveling, who sat with the bags and who did not return on time.

I was approached by a big angry guy and then all hell broke loose.

I was arrested for having subversive material.

They thought I had accepted a Bible.

It seems the book had been inserted into my backpack despite my decline.

Except it was not my backpack. 

I was arrested and put on trial.

I did spend some short time inside their jail.

They denied it afterwards.

But it had made the front page of the New York Times.

A group of American tourists being held over the contents of one of their bags.

I had a visitor the first evening and she did not know to have a needle.

I quickly exchanged places with her or at least twisted her arm and the needle hit her instead.

When I went for help, I found no one was anywhere near me at all.

I understand the woman had a baby nine months later.

It appears those jails are not much safer than the American ones back at home.

I got lost and was found at daybreak still inside but just sitting and waiting for my hearing.

I had no idea of the lot of the woman I fled and then could not find any help.

Escape would have meant the end for my group and I had assumed their would be an American diplomat on hand the next day.

As it was most of the group were forced to go to the border but then detained seperate from myself.

I was being put on trail for bible material that would destroy the minds of the youth of Germany.

The book turned out to be a Koran and in a language I could not understand.

Most women are not taught this language.

The big guys name was Beer truck, everyone thought it funny.

It appears to have been his real name, Bierwagen.

His companion at trail was the local KGB official.

Mr. Putin.

An Unknown to most unless one had a relative from Saint Petersburg who worked at the Hermitage.

They used to gossip something terrible about all the really good-looking young men.

The old ladies knew all of their families and little girls visiting got an earful.

Apparently, I had missed my interrogation the night before.

The KGB man was not interested in detaining a large group of tourists and was very adamant about the charges.

The poor German SS took out the suspect book and opened it to be not a Bible but something much worse.

Really, I was going to teach them all to be good Muslims and lay down their arms?

At the time Muslims were seen as peaceable and not harmful to society.

Except for the multiple women and insistence on acquiring a newer wife.

Someone was not amused and he had a wife to go home to with two small girls.

What was this!


A waste of time!

On and on the two of them argued.

While I was hoping not to get another night in the jailhouse.

I did of course and almost get a whole lot more.

A group of librarians took up my cause and invited me to their castle where they were curators of the old books.

Whoever they were, they had clout and I was safely tucked away somewhere else for the night?

The next day, my would be tattle teller had made a ful confession.

She had been following me around and had a full report of my subversive measures.

I was a protestant religion of several different faiths from the same family and was more careful than most not to associate openly with anyone.

I did not want to be considered an espionage agent as I was promised a career as a journalist as my grandmother had been one of the first radio announcers and had also done interviews during the wwii.

I was however doing research for a translator who had not entrusted me with what he was working on just what to look at, simple stuff.

Fear gripped me, what if I was working on something I did not know about?

Wendy was her name and she was an old foe.

How she had found me in Germany was a wonder as a convict she was not allowed to travel outside the united states.

Her testimony had been done in secret and behind closed doors. 

The tape of it was being played a little too loudly and through an open window.

Hmm, suspicious and more suspicious ones than myself.

Well, in the end, the confrontation came over my backpack which was not mine and the secret police watching me due to this woman who wanted me not to come back home to America.

In the end, he upended my backpack by mistake so everyone could see the contents.

Oops, instead of sanitary napkins or tampons it was more of the male sort of toiletries.

An amused Putin asked him if he thought I shaved, I was still young enough and not unattractive.

He was more than embarrassed, especially when one of the guys yelled.

Hey that is my bag, what were you doing with it!

I was just sitting there waiting for everyone's return.

And my bag had gone missing as usual.

The American Cavalry had arrived.

As soon as the young man acknowledged the bag, the swooped.

Not another arrest.

The Germans had made a mistake.

Let it go, the girls belongings had been stolen and she had no issues with the police.

Grumbling revenge, Bierwagen reluctantly was forced to give in.

Mr. Putin was removed from Dresden almost immediately afterwards.

He became the Deputy Mayor of Leningrad.

A raise in stature? or a disownment? 

It is hard to tell in the old Soviet days, where envy ruled more than reason.

The young man had a photographer mother who knew a lot of people!

I also am a Manhattan project grandchild, which why I was extra careful not to disclose anything.

Grandpa died shortly afterwards, wondering one more time what they thought they were working on in that laboratory.

I did get my career but so did the other guy who seemed to have thought I was out to get him.

I got too old and had to care for my dementia mother after my father was murdered.

I grew up when i was little with two greatgrandmothers still alive.

Three grandfathers, as one of my grandmothers had died when my father was three weeks old and her brother took over his raising while the young guy worked on his test tubes or whatever.

He was a Navy man who spent fifty years at sea before retiring.

And my one grandmother as well as a set of parents who did not know to marry and then be miserable.

If it had not been for the stalker Jimmy and his crew, we might all have made it through.

Instead the cousins who survived wwii finaly dispersed.

And the younger ones were tossed out to the far corners to get them out of the way.

While Jimmy got to have his fun and his women have had a full time in testifying against me.

Just the other day I picked something off a shelve and then decided not to buy it.

I put it where everyone else puts thiers at the lineup shelves and not inside my purse.

I heard a woman talking about me and did not listen but understood afterwards that she was reporting me in America for having not paid for something I had not bought.

Anyways, I ran into Mr. Bierwagen again.

He had not changed a bit; except he had a Chinese wife.

They had just come back from Costa Rica where they had been Christian Missionaries.

He followed me home and never forgot me despite being told to leave it alone.

He said he was an elder in my religion.

And he had me put out on the street on a trumped-up charge.


How can one verify that?

I don't even know what particular lie I did not tell.

There was no hearing this time nor any mercy.

His wife had also removed the new clothes from my closet as she needed them.

I had lost weight to size zero, turns out I have a nodule on my thyroid and now am slightly larger than normal with no amount of dieting, starving or exercise to eliminate four quarantines of doing nothing at all for two weeks inside a single room. 

Do you think they survived the CVD19?

They were traveling to China.

One can only hope.

The young lady in Moscow can almost be seen as a monkey in a cage.

To put it bluntly.

She is so much taller than her jailors it is ridicoulous.

The glass cage is much smaller than usual.

After all, Peter the Great was over seven feet tall.

And it is not unknown for Vikings and the Russ to be very large and very, very tall.

Six foot nine is not overly tall, especially for a prison setting.

Those are really small guards, I guess she is not considered a threat.

Her story is while packing she threw in someone else paraphernalia.

That happens, or it was inserted.

It is assumed she was a drug tested and came back negative.

Therefore, she has not choice but to tell the truth she believes in or continue making a plausible story.

In any way it works out to ten years in prison.

How she was chosen, one can only imagine.

A millionaire sports athlete in the twenty-first century post Soviets.

One does wonder. 

I was more the caught bear held up for laughter, tied to a pole for everyone to see.

Caged animals are not victims, they just bide their time for release.

Perhaps she will make it out on an exchange.

It turns out i was working for a man who was translating the Bible.

Something I did not know when I was arrested for having a Bible in my possession.

He has since died, but his new work was published having worked on it some fifty years.

He was a Rhodes Scholar who had gone blind.

He had trained me how to do research and I thought little of it at the time as to what I was working on.

At least it was not a bomb, just some old works in glass exhibit cages. 

Nothing to worry about, not doing anyone any harm....

Thursday, July 7, 2022

How does this work?

 Abe has been shot!

Abe was a good Prime Minister.

Forced to resign over health issues.

And just before the Japanese Olympics came to town.

He also missed the wedding of the Japanese Princess and her exit from society.

And now the economy is in bad shape.

All he wanted to do was make a speech.

A man walked behind him and shot him in the back.

Almost no one shoots someone in the back unless they are making a point.

What did he do wrong?

Did he agree to resign to be out of the way for the Olympics or the Wedding?

Was it supposed to be okay to come back into the limelight?

Was this a decision made for him by someone else?

It seems no one is safe from gang like warfare.

The mafia has a long arm and those who keep interfering for no reason at all have won again.

Or so it seems!

What is next?

Boris had it all and did it all.

No one minded, he goes things done.

Including Brexit.

He even got a new wife and two adorable kids.

What could he do wrong?

Those damn crybabies!

They always have something to complain about.

With the Jubilee being enjoyed by the populace, while the Queen pouted behind her curtains.

It was thought he was in the clear.

And then the parties got leaked.

And he got caught covering over some of the others doing things.

Lying to cover for his guests.

Who ever heard of that!

Anyways, it all came out and a mutiny occurred.

He was not going to have it affect him and yet he came out number 10 today

And resigned!

Overnight decision.

Is he going to be next?

Will he be shot or knifed if he gets invited to a public feature?

Will his wife and kids be held hostage?

What is going on anyways?

Are we living in a new era?

Where the rulers are being threatened with misdemeanors.

And if they don't comply...

Then if they do step aside, are they still going to be victims?

What about Trump?

Did he refuse to hand over his desk to Hillary?

Was that why there was so much trouble?

And then they decided to storm the Capital to teach him a lesson?

Is this the type of extortion that is going on around the world?

If they don't give in to the mafia type politics, they get cut out of life?

This is old style politics.

But it is the new generation which has been too obvious about not playing with the rules.

They want it their way and when they get tired the want to change the channel.

Now or else!

Whose next?

Putin or Biden?

Wait for the next set of instructions, please...

We have your President or Prime Minister held hostage.

And he is going to do it our way or else....

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Can you tell me where's?

There was a time when I was younger and moved more freely.

I often had little ones with me but did not live always in the same place.

I remember this conversation I had outside the downtown city hall where the fancy hotels were located as well as Amtrak and Greyhound.

Can you tell me how to get to some place.

Middle eastern men were not unusual in my travels it was jus odd.

They don't talk to women unless necessary nor ever about religion.

My young man was supposed to be in the French immersion school up in the Mesa area where there is also the small private airport.

Instead he kept ending up in the Jewish school next door.

I had been driving him, then car jacked so we were taking public transportation.

This day we were waiting for our trolley to the transit center and then the connection up the canyon to the special schools and neighborhood which was upscale.

The Muslim man was polite but spoke to the boy instead of me which was not odd.

He wanted to know how to get to airport. We had the discussion about the big international but know he wanted the small one.

Where they taught one to fly an was there a good college.

We explained about community college system and my young man told him how to get thereby bus instead of trolley.

He also asked if the not had a father. He was my god son visiting so no I was not married or actually my husband no longer lived with me.

He said something to the little boy who responded in Hebrew.

That ended the conversation!

I was worried he had just gotten off the Greyhound from Los Angeles.

He had no friends but wanted information about college and airport.

He was going to have to find a friend real fast in order to survive.

Unless he had money in his pocket to waste.

Anyways I told my godson I was sure we had spoken to the wrong person and no good would come from the conversation.

He went to live elsewhere but not before my dementia mother ha him repeat the exercise for her to know we whom I had spoken.

I was sure she was up to no good and found her in conversation with Muslim men about religion.

I made reports bout the men but was removed from my home town to the one she grew up in.

When 9/11 occurred she went into shock an had me taken into custody.

She was explaining how I had meet this man.

Always a trouble maker.

I think she told the mental health I was trying kill her.

It was the other way around it she was too far gone inside to k o the difference.

My young man who was visiting I now in the area of diplomatic concerns.

I wonder if we did speak to one of those pilots who trained in those city before taking over the air.

Wonder if he remembers and what did he say to him in Hebrew?

Just feeling as if my life had been altered irrecoverably.

My father had to d that Greyhound due to his blindness and had problems acçording to my younger brother.

My father was murdered by Jimmy and the crew of red heds who had too much information about things.

My mother was giving away houses and cars and other things to people for o reason except to be mean spirited.

I wonder what one small conversation created an who started what and how far it has all gone.

Just because one woman had dementia and the other innocence but no one showed either of them Mercy!

Monday, July 4, 2022

Life after wards

 What was our life before?

It's hard to imagine there was on e a person who was treated with respect.

Before I became size zero and had people scream in my face and call me freak!

Before the auto accident which was not my fault left me paralyzed and ow handicapped.

Before the stroke caused vocal recollections.

Before I was seen traveling with ticket in hand and a suitcase but deemed unworthy.

Not homeless nor beggar just not good enough to be treated as a human.

Fourth of July at Denny's with Hispanics having hysterics about me perhaps Jimmy's relatives.

Remembering Margaret in the days when she was broke and living with a scam artists across the street.

Walter Keene never paid for anything and broke his stepdaughters trust fund.

Jane and I once knew each other , traveled together, were both Manhattan project children having to live with the bomb!

She even showed up for my mother's memorial who was a well known reporter.

I missed her wedding and have a anniversary gift. A huge quilt for her wedding bed.

I called her to console her an she does not acknowledge we were thought to be friends.

Marriage does that and so does fame.

I was an international foreign correspondent who could go now where in Europe and enjoyed our quiet time.

Now I'm on my own again.

No husband nor brother nor even a demented mother.

Just waiting for my refills they don't want to service.

Hoping for a walk on the beach as a native American.

Now unknown Cherokee princess!

With no daughters but lots of swindlers to go to prison!

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...