Monday, April 10, 2023

As far as the eye can behold


Look at those poppies grow!

The first Europeans were amazed

They wrote about it and brought back

Examples of these beauties

There are examples on ceramics

And in paintings,

Then the Spanish Mexicans 

Arrived, destroying everything in sight

Replacing those ugly cacti 

Instead of useful trees 

Or edible flowers 

Just like them to ruin it for everyone else

Just as so many actresses 

Wanted to be brought to California

To see Disneyland

Then go home and proclaim themselves

More royal than the Windsor's 

Real little Princesses abound

In England, New Zealand and Australia

Not to mention all points in between

No evidence except the abuse of a woman

Already diagnosed with Dementia

And kept from her own family

By a group of Germans communists

Who invaded all the local communities

For god know what 

Except it got out of control

There is this girl named after a Vacuum 

Kirby who just believes she is an actress

Or a Romanov, more so then Mirren

Whom she played her own daughter

Older than is allowed and playing

The mother of a baby while causing distress

Well, there are other stories that came out

Of the recent Hollywood attempts

At keeping to the Pandemic no touching policy

Such as the Laundromat family

Who are immigrants afraid of being deported

Only to be faced with the IRS woman

What is worse the social worker?

Or the ICE? Or the IRS?

All are scary and not pleasant

More pleasant than having grandpa

Arrive to find one of the children is gay

Or is she the right child?

By the way daughter

This is not the correct girl

She was given away years ago by you

You have forgotten who you are

And your husband does not understand.

Why you keep demanding not to know

Your own son!

Who wrote the screen play

I would like to know

Because "every way"

Closely matches a scenario. 

My own parents experienced. 

When I was no longer living with them

Nor did they seem to know they were 

Legal residents of the land.

At some point they had been taken

Into an Airplane building

And brain washed into believing

They had to allow Jimmy to make decisions

For themselves, my mother lost her mind

While my father was never really well after that.

Jimmy was the spoiled son of a Hollywood

Celebrity who lived out his frustrations

On other people, and we were not the only ones

Just the ones who got stuck with him

He played out the teenage suicide

After he had already turned 18 

He hung himself and shot himself

But did not die, but others did.

Falsely accused one cant even

Get the updated booster 

Without suspicion nor reimbursement

Antoher derailment has occured

And another shooting

At least it was not a school

Although the mother is going to go 

To Jail for having her son shot his teacher

How often my mother was in fear

Over the actions of her "son" Jimmy

His father Bob took us to court

Complained about having him live with us

While his mother Camille also came 

To speak to me in particular

About not leading him on.

He did not know any better

He was born out of wedlock

To a woman of the south

With connections but not with the ability

To comprehend he could not have the world

Instead he began to steal babies

And bring them to my mother 

Until there are more than two hundred of them

They have no usage for me except to die

Not as a sacrifice but as terrorist

Getting in my way

And the way of the politicians

No body is as dumb as these bunnies

The Easter bunny did not bring them

Nor did they parents who raised them 

Not know who or what was going on

All the cared about was the free food

And trips and being allowed to choose

Thier own birthday presents

Out of the homes of others

They are still doing it

Just throwing out someone else's

Hard worked for items in a time

When people did not just demand

To have them brough to them 

From someone else life or home

Wonder what Charles has to say

When he hears he is not good enough

For his own  family

Even little Louis and Lady Louise

Want to have nothing  to do with him

Because they are real royals

Of the Yellow submarine 

Of Jimmimes imagination.

I cant believe I used that word

In association with Jimmy

He has no ability to imagine

His mind still stalled in infancy

But the Kentucky Derby is due

To be run the first week of May

In the same city as a the latest shooting

Hopefully Jimmy wont be doing doping. 

This time while his brother in law 

Does ride as a jockey, poor Carmen.

Meanwhile, India is drawing ahead 

By a nose in front of China....

The population surge 

Despite the Pandemic decline

Goes to the ones who set fire to thier own

In the public parks 

While China shut down 

And hide thier dead.

Will wonders ever cease?

As far as the eye can behold

Are the miracles of the world....

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