Sunday, April 9, 2023

Awe, returning something borrowed

It is a matter of opinion.
What is occurring today?
On the calendar, 2023

It is Easter Sunday
In Rome where the Pope resides,
While elsewhere it is the Lunar new year of the Rabbit.

What will you get today?
A white rabbit item
From China?

Or a Chocolate bunny?
It is a time of rejoicing
And rejuvenation

It was also the time 
To see the return of some
Of those children who were picked up

Because their parents were not present
To be taken under Russia's care
A bus of them were returned

To awaiting parents
While the poor kids did not even know
That they had been abducted

So existed just to be talking
To the news man from America
He forgot to be sad

It is a crime to keep up the pretense
But many have never heard of the times
Before they were born

While those borrowed for the war
Are being returned to their parents
If they can provide evidence of being their parents

How often my siblings and I 
Were taken hostage or just given 
A free vacation with a different family

We did not appreciate it 
Especially when we found out the family farm
Had been put up for the ransom 

Required of the abductees.
Who were pretending to be friends
Keeping the different ones busy

I never forgave such deceit myself
While others did not seem to know
What to do about it.

I want all children to be with thier families
If possible or a clean arrangement
No foster families 

Those never do work out
Especially from religious houses
Were all they want is to steal

The families homes and bank accounts
Child support! You are already being paid
By the state to raise the kid that is not yours

The Morenos and the Bartmettlers
Are bad people
They put their own children as if they

Are others in order to gain monetary support.
Meanwhile, perhaps others might claim 
Thier children peacefully from the camps

Instead of causing more bloodshed
Leaving both children and parents
Dead from the misunderstood war

Don't blame the newsman
He is just doing his job
He has to report what his bosses want to hear

No sunny easter egg hunts for him
While the White house is going to have one
Of those for their own satisfaction

Israel is under attack
The Passover is corresponding 
With Easter this year

The Pope is giving his all 
For this day with his health 
At risk and no one able to cure him

He is now pretending to not have bronchitis
Someone needs to build him a small
Lift for his chair and not have him

Grabbed by his lapels by his security
To be placed on board his Pope Mobile
It is very unnecessary

Hey kid, get that guys address
You can always show up on his door step
In a few years claiming to be his kid.

That is what they did to me,
Everywhere I went their were tiny footsteps
Following me home 

Now there are more than two hundred
And no way of making the understand
That you know they are lying

Nor are their parents going to take the high road
When is it going to be a pleasant spring celebration
Of all the religions special day of the year?


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