Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Forgotten stories of yesteryear


Anyone else think that we might

Have lost it?

That American feeling...

Those stories of yesteryear,

We did your grandma come from?

My mother was boring Pennslvania.

But on one side who family came from 

Good heavy stock of Americans

On the other side the were featherwieght

Immigrants who did not know what they were doing.

Such as actually believing a piece of paper

Entitled them to owning the property they were standig on.

Or those other stories of how easy 

It is to be swindled by your neighbors.

Either they simply go through your mail

After it has been put into your mailbox

Such as Candace and others

Or they impersonate mail carriers. 

Who are supposed to deliver your mail

But who are instead waiting for that important?

Letter or check in the mail.

What happened to Ernie?


He always delivers the mail on my street.

He disappeared and there has been no mail

This week.

What the, that guy doesn't exist at all.

There is no such person delivering mail.

Then who is the guy dressed up in your company clothes?

Could be anyone, I wouldnt give him any mail.

But he ususally hasa the key to the mail boxes

And opens them and puts little letters inside.

Well, he is not on our list and your street

By the way doesn't have a mail carrier.

We sent out notices a while ago 

To come into our location to collect your mail.

And how were we supposed to get these mailers?

Look you are just causing trouble.

Next! Move aside

Wait a minute, you said I have to collect my mail.

Name, address and ID

Here, is there anything for me?

Oh, this is the one who has to have the special 

Delivery guy who is going to propose to her 

What am I supposed to tell her?

They have been giving him her mail

So he could get close enough to ask her out 

Or something, I bet he took her tax refund!

Look, we don't have any mail for you.

Next, move aside.

Hey! Dear Mr. Franklin

About your franchise business...

The thing about grandmas 

Is that they tell you stories 

That you believe and then one day

Find out they are empty

For instance, my mother would tell 

Just about anyone that there was a place

They could just walk in and own

Without any paperwork or nothing.

The problem is that her grandmother

Did not give it to her to own or sale.

There are such things as wills.

Then there are the issues of people

Actually, showing up and saying they are the real owners.

Then taking all those special boxes and trunks

Down to the donations center 

Where anyone can go through them

Except they are empty now

That the big bad man named Jim

Has had enough of little girl stuff

He has raided the hen house 

And wants me to know it.

All I can do is peruse the boutiques.

As the church stores call themselves

And look at the items I cannot afford.

Nor have a place to out 

Now that some of the one-hundred-year-old houses

Are gone because the county clerk did not get 

A big enough tip for pressing his stamp against

Your piece of paper as required by law

He just wants his free lunch.

And I want the contents of those boxes

So carefully stored with loving hands

Of a real grandmother 

And not one with brain cancer

Lying to everyone she can aboaut everything

Because she doesn't know any better.

But the girls who sit on her lap do know better

Nothing is for free dear 

And if you don't have a piece of paper

With your name on it, it isn't yours.

Birth certificates are required by law.

Let me show you something. 

Candace, the border is just over there!

You were born somewhere else 

Since you insist on using others names

Such as my own and my mothers

Who hasnt got a chance of recieving

Gods blessing for her entire life

Unless someone such as yourself 

Is given over as evidence

Which I don't think your family is going to do

They are all riding to hell with you

Including Janet and Justine.

As for everyone else 

I would go find out where your grandmothers

Boxes, suitcases and trunks 

Are now located if you ever cared about the old lady.

As for the younger ones, go get a life.

With someone's else's stuff 

And leave my grandmothers stuff alone!

Perhaps, a few people might find some old flags

From those days when people went to parades

And believed they would die

If they lied about their heritage

Instead of being accepting who they are

Making up all that stuff 

Just because you cant deal with reality

Or go get another injection of heroin, like Kate does  

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