Wednesday, April 5, 2023

It was a blood bath out there yesterday...


Come on!

Thirty days and counting

The official invitation has been leaked.

King Charles III coronation

Is upon us all.

After waiting a lifetime 

He is finally going to be recognized

As the rightful King of England!

Imagine being in his seventies

And finally coming home,

As they say about those 

Who are forced to flee for survival

To be allowed home for thier inheritance

Many have done it 

Gone out when told they must

While sitting in full view 

Are those thieves and braggarts

Who just want to own what does not belong

Charles was given the impression 

His parents loved him and then kept having more

Little male heirs running around the castle

He was sent out through the world

Not allowed to come home even to attend

His beloved Camillas wedding to another

And then forced when he was forty

To accept the hand of woman 

Who was clearly unable to fulfill her own duties

Diana was a beautiful woman

But had no ability to understand

The role in which she had accepted

For better or worse 

Her death was an end to her own suffering

She would never have allowed Harry to marry

A complete bitch as Rachel Mehgan 

Nor been silent to Empress Kate's performance

Now the unwanted one is going to become 

The Queen of England

While Charles has been waiting for his mummy

To die so he might rule instead.

Who is going to be present

Anyways to this historic event?

Jimmy who considers himself a Lord

Candace who cant stop calling herself

A queen from Africa?

Or her daughter Lisa who probably caused

So much of the misery of Dianas life?

Certainly there wont be the President of United States

He is too busy holding the bruised hand 

Of the bastard who just wants to be a slave owner

That is how Mrs. Zelensky will go down

The wife of a slave owner and a murder of innocent

Just because he not only does not want to give

Up the neighbor Donbas he has also greedy gone

After the Crimea as well.

For all his hand holding 

Mrs. Biden is going to be known

As the one who could have stopped it all

But chose to have a wedding on the White House lawn

Whether than attend the funeral of the one causing

All the blood shed in Ukraine

There is no misunderstanding that  it is his fault

And he has led so many into this blood bath

While Joes a hero once to his own family

Sits by idly and allows another man

To face criminal charges than put a stop

To the nonsense for the sake of Kamala

While Hilary did not win the Presidency

The nation is still punishing Trump

Good man that he is, Joe wont say no

He lost his wife and daughter

To a senseless accident probably caused

By those who hunt down prey

She simply got in the way

His little girl of one years of age

While he was here recently

He brought along another daughter

Who does not appear to be able to replace 

The one he lost, all she wanted to do was shop

And sit at the beaches instead of working

For America by preventing her father

From facing his worst task yet,

The signing of a Pardon for Trump

We all know its going to have to happen

While the office of the President 

Is not above the law

Neither are those who keep after them

Preventing them from performing thier duties

And then causing a nation of journalist

To sit in shock over the abusive nature

Of complainers and naysayers

If he expects his own legacy to live

If he wants Kamala to succeed him

Than he must sign off on this business matter

You know Ulysis Grant save the nation

From Civil war but failed to keep 

His own administration from robbing the people

They say his people were even going into

The Internal Revenue for funds for themselves

He was never brought up on criminal charges?

It is amazing where the white color crimes

Cause more concern for the justices

Than more brutal types

A man such as Jimmy can keep

On raping and robbing a single family

Get convicted of it and then go about

Destroying them again and again.

Because he was expected to live

In a one room cell 

He has device a way to keep

Someone else in a small area 

With no outlet nor any future either

Not even the religion did he leave alone

He just wants her to know how he feels

She is not the one who convicted him

Nor the one who freed him either

But watched him systematically.

Destroy her mothers life

While his own mother sat in one 

Of the old Homesteads at Howards

Incorporated San Diego did a number of things

A family who were here when they struck gold

Has had their belongings distributed throughout.

The greater city while yet one more homestead

Has been torn down and destroyed

Benita Camille Bullocks Washington

Lived here while her daughter went to college

While her husband became the first black mayor

Of Washington DC she fled the scene

Allowing her daughter to take another's life

Her works her exams her written stories

For herself to become a professor

Of sociology of African studies

Much more appealing than Native American culture.

Now even the earrings she wore on her companions

Show Captain Kangaroo have been found 

At one of those cheap pawnshop types

Not even her daughter living in town 

Wanted them all because daddy got caught

Having a mistress while he was shaking 

The hand of the President of the United states

She stays here away from it all

Using up someone else life for herself.

While even Michelle Obama 

Was once her friend meeting her for lunch

That is long forgotten as so many things

Are when it is politics as usual

Why they even bother showing Malia

At all, she was such a drain

Upon the nation from her first day

Now she wants to be part of Hollywood

Well, she is worthless none the less.

While Barack can do nothing since his own mothers death

Meant that not a single relative of his was welcomed

In Michelles house but her communist mother

Was even given a pension just for babysitting

A blood bath is what happens

When the politicians forget to check

Out what their children are getting into

Business transactions get messy

So do the details when presented 

To the court

Bogota, Columbia

The Judge was born outside

Made his way into a law school

As a child of migration

He now gets to decide teh fate

Of the office of the President

In his own country 

They would already have drugged

Him outside and shot him

Leaving his corpse for the dogs to lick over

Not unlike what the journalist girls 

Were doing instead of being on their knees

Praying for peace and democracy

There was another night

Nissan fourteen

When Jesus whom the said was the christ

Got down on his knees and prayed

He was still arrested and brought 

Before the justices by one of his own men

To be lead with his hand bound

Stripped of his official garments

Leaving him with only his underwear

While the nation watched and jeered

Over his claims to the throne of the Jews

Who were never really considered royals

Not by Egyptian standards

Nor Babylon either.

But we sit and cheer them on

As they make progress over

The horrible crimes they suffered

By the hands of those such as Lisa

Who probably caused the auto accident

Of Diana herself in her silliness

Of having to be present at all things

As a retarded bastard thrown

Into the waste basket as already dead

Some ungrateful German couple

Picked up and ran around decrying

So many of those Nazis were allowed

To enter America but don't want to be Americans.

They even take over your religion

Where one cant even go out for a single night

Of remembrance not celebration

And find oneself amongst enemies

Who only want to devour your soul

Not rescue it and still have yet

One more baby be told 

That they are the real little princess 

Instead of me for all the world to know

That they are liars as well

No truth sayers nor survivors

Just a bunch of rowdy whores

Who want to sit and cause trouble 

When I would have liked to have seen

And spoken to my last remaining uncle

Who chose to become a Missionary

Instead of the world acclaim he could have had

At several careers as well as a survivor of the holocaust

My mother said it never occurred

The concentration camps 

Nor Pearl Harbor neither

She lived a special life

Where someone as dumb as Lindsay

Will hear her tell the world.

That there was no Japanese attack

And with the same breath

Insist that her innocent daughter.

Also gave birth to an abnormal

I did not have sex with Barack Obama

Nor Michael Jackson or even Nelson Mandela

All the world now watches Lindsay.

Lie to them as she believes the Jews are also lying

About having suffered any harm from those Nazis.

Wherever you are Uncle John

You are remembered and loved

Even if you married the wrong woman

Who purposely befriended Candace

Who only wanted to rob you of your inheritance

I found a few things of yours

But no one cares except 

To destory them as well

Lisa just likes to have her way

I wont forgive her for standing 

At the pharmacist and stealing 

My thyroid medicine in front of me

While her husband Gary stood 

There and as an elder did nothing

Just because she wants to appear

As a little boy with no curves

I now have a goiter from lack

Of proper medical care

Unforgiven and soon to be forgotten.

A blood bath occurred. 

The night Jesus was betrayed

And his own religion does not alter

Its own course towards deception

And outward appearnces

While receiving money under the table

With erroneous business records abound

A sad fate awaits them as well.

Meanwhile, the Pope came out of hospital

Too soon for his Palm Sunday

Hope he does not die after Easter.

Because one of his needs a confessional booth

Poor Biden with his Catholic views

Must make a hard decision for himself

And his nation as well as office.

Mrs. Putin will be remembered. 

For having screwed everything she could

In her efforts to be a faithful wife

To Jimmy whom she married 

When he was only twelve years old

He thought he was a big man

Then set out to destroy everyone else

Look, Mira!

At what he has done to his own world.

What good is it to send the French guy

To China for negotiations?

China has become the new world power.

Not that they were weaklings

It is just that they are now acknowledged.

Whom will be next?

Or is this the short list

For Jimmy to reign supreme?

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