Saturday, April 15, 2023

Death of the Virgin


When it comes to art 

There is always something 

One misses when viewing

Or at least forgotten for awhile,

His name was Petrus Christus

A follower of Jan Van Eyck

Well known for his European works,

Not Italian Madonna's but modern

Works which included self portraits

Which gives one the impression 

That one is viewing Jesus Christ.

Van Eyck was a leader in the move

Away from the Roman Catholic

Religious works of art,

This guy with the unique name

Of Christus followed in his revolt

Creating stunning images of humans

His clear features are astounding.

His works were sought after 

While he was alive and then he disappeared

To surface in many museums of the world

Such as the Metropolitan in NY

As well, as smaller ones with just one

Work which shows the alienation

From Rome as the Reformation was occurring

Instead of a Madonna with child

We have the death of Mary the mother of Jesus

She is surrounded by the twelve apostles

Who apparently were reverent towards 

Her miracle of accepting her burden

From the angels Gabriel.

One sees just outside the door

The image of one man standing alone

With a rope being handed to him

Judas Iscariot who betrayed

Christ is said to have committed suicide

By hanging. Herer the last apostle

Is seen not allowed inside with the others

And may have been the only one dead at the time.

Viewing them, the viewer can observe

The differences of the apostles

Thier faces are different not generic.

His true ability in representing the human face.

Then if one lifts their eyes is the second Mary

Rising on a cloud of angels towards heaven

Her soul has been released while a candle 

Is being used to see if there is yet life in her.

She has passed on from life to death

Her journey is shown in the last moment

Before the flame flickers stop

As she ascends towards her reward

In heaven where she is being welcomed

By whom?

Jesus Christ himself?

It is unclear if it is her son she bore 

On earth or God whom she has not meet.

But for a Northern European artists

Who might have traveled some outside

The Roman countries 

While Martin Luther was shocking the world

From the east with his criticisms of the Catholics

The man greeting her with more angels 

And his arms outstretched with love

Is a man clothed with a black garment

More to the modern ideal of proper decorum

With a full beard and a head gear

Not unsimiliar to the Orthodox type

Not the Roman high crown.

Christ is not spoken of with a beard

But Jews are known for wearing beards

Romans were known for shaving theirs off

Clean shaven and most of Europe had begun

To show themselves as if they were still youths

With no facial hair, unless one was in certain countries

Constantinople were the Church began with Constantine

Was not too far for an artist to travel

He is a Dutch artist where Tulips

Took Holland by storm, from Turkey.

His work as part of the reformation refusal 

To accept the Roman Catholic views

Than it is easily seen with the alternate

Orthodox Church leader representing

Most likely Christ himself welcoming.

His mother home to heaven

Instead of concentrating on his birth

With the Madonna's who were in fact 

More testament to rich men with mistresses

Almost contracts by showing them

With the baby instead of the wife

As the Marriage Contract shows

A couple presumably getting married

With her prominent belly

It seems the Europeans had developed

A need to provide proof of parentage.

Hence pregnant women were proof 

Of a mans virality 

And a mistress holding another's child.

Her business contract with the man

That she would be provided for on his death.

Whereas, the Europeans were beginning to complain

About the amount of Roman motifs

Provide several alternate interpretations of the life of Mary.

As well as the way in which she was represented.

Laying dying to receive her reward.

Instead of being awarded a special privilege.

The views of the Middle Ages had also altered.

Somewhat with the plague killing off so much.

Of the population, that is was better 

To lay dying with a well worn life 

Receiving redemption in the end

Instead of being cast off or executed.

And with no signs of disease either.

There are also a series of paintings.

Showing the diseased humans but not here

Where they have a whole room 

Devoted to Russian Orthodox icons.

Brought home by American women.

Providing a source of revenue to those

Fleeing Russia as it was overcome by something.

Worse than a Tsar

As well as Italian Catholic Madonna's 

And other religious works depicting

Women who have completed their lives

Journey with their children watching over them

Or in their full glory as highly valued women.

Not the later artist models whose lives

Became the normal of society.

On a religious holiday

For more than one religion

It was fitting to find this reminder.

Of humanity and differences towards

The right to believe in any god. 

Much less the right to portray it.

I once worked at the Timken.

But too many individuals interfered.

Some people only want to cause trouble.

Disappeared into thin air are other less valuables

When are there going to be honest Christians?

 In any congregation of any religion?

Praise towards those still attempting.

Any form of worship while we wait....

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