Sunday, April 16, 2023

How it was supposed to happen


Like all good Romans
Pontius Pilate never left Rome
Unless absolutely necessary,

It appears more things went wrong
Than was possible in one night
While Jesus had expected to be brought

Up before the pharisees
He had not counted upon the many mishaps
Mistaken for a foreign visitor

They came out with Palm branches
When he had simply meant to proceed
As always through the city his stepfather

Had trained him to see in his head
Long hours of preparation had occurred
From his earliest days Jospeh had prepared

All those stories are nonsense
When he heard about John the Baptist parents
He carefully choose and groomed Mary

She was a Jewish heiress
With a widow mother 
And both appeared to be reverent

His plans were not to defraud
But to become part of history 
As Boaz had welcomed the chance

He cautiously made it known
The engagement to the elders
Who were still loyal servants

Of their god and then  made sure
Not to lay a hand on Mary
But to encourage the populace

To view him as her husband
He was a carpenter but he worked
With his hands less than his mind

He was trained to design and craft
International architecture was his field
He had ideas of leaving the area 

Until he realized as one of the underground
Leaders in pursuing an end to Roman occupation
The hopes of a Messiah were always there 

But to bring about an insurrection 
Was the goal of many who no longer
Felt their religious leaders knew right from wrong

Poor Mary had succumbed to his intellectual
Methods and understood they would be altering 
History if all went well

Not being deceptive but wise 
She was probably already a chosen one
Just the matter of whom she married 

A good for nothing might not have been bad
But instead a smart one came along
Encouraging the boy from the beginning

Making sure they did not make it inside an Inn
With others would be present
For as a virgin her birth would end her life

Instead, he managed to have a livery of animals
Where abnormal amount of blood would not be
Seen as unusual along with the instruments

He had purchases along with the knowledge 
Of how to use them
He carefully slit her abdomen when the time was right

Arriving In Bethlehem for the taxation
That Rome would deny but was done anyways
By the local guys for their own convenience

A cesarean was often performed 
On prized sheep for their infants to survive
The art of sheepherding had been perfected

By King David they said 
A son of a secondary wife 
From across the sea where they could not afford

A single death of an animal
It worked out fine, him and his associate
Bringing the baby out carefully from her womb

The stitches were carefully hidden
Then the Sheppard's arrived
Having been sent in to see 

His work may not have been planned
But it had gone unhindered
He brought her out when there was no more

Signs of trauma and began to work
When the men came from the East he knew
It was time to go West 

The Incense and Myrrh were handy items
For her health and to be sold on the route
For their plan was to survive 

And not have the baby taken from them
To raise him according to the rules 
Mary had been given at conception

She had carefully had them copied down
Then they got to Egypt after traveling 
Through many of the places of the Mediterranean

So he might have some instruction
And insight into the ways of the world
Coming home after further instruction

The boy could read anything at all
He suspected Gabriel had come back
Giving the boy special attention

When they were busy with the others
They had to appear to have a family
He taught them all their ways

Of reading and writing
As well as reasoning as he had been to university
Not  pharisee but an intellectual

Those building plans they developed 
And the knowledge of Jerusalem
On their many trips to make sure

He understood where he was at all times
Choosing also the types of friends 
He would have as well as companions

Joseph had thought it all out at night
At least he assumed it was his own thoughts
and not those of an angel providing him 

A knowledge of how to raise a perfect man
He had not intended to be away when it occurred
But his thirty birthday was approaching

It was felt wise for him to disappear
For awhile to see what would happen
He watched over them from afar

His Mary and stepson
When things went wrong that horrible night
He was busy escorting a number of the children

On to boats to set sail for other parts
He only knew the end was coming
And did not want any hostages to be taken

Instead, he was betrayed by the accountant
Of all things! But Jesus seemed to expect it
He had also been given special attention 

As he grew older there had been more absences
Of his around the time of the Passover
Now he was confronted with a crowd

Pressed in upon him
He was almost killed that night
But the swords wound was carefully

Attended by his servant who stayed 
Close to him without being noticed
A wealthy man could afford many things

No duplicity in having someone 
To take care of those things he could not
While attending to crowds of people

Who needed to hear his message
Inspiring a new religion 
Had not been his intention

And then he understood one night
While reading the scrolls
What they had done

Which was too switch everything around
His suspicions of the religious leaders
Began to burden his soul

Knowing that these were not the original
Writings but substituted in order to keep 
Peace among the ones returning from Babylon

There he was confronted by the men
He had been warned against
They had chosen their time wisely

When no one was about
They made their complaints known
To the rest of the people

But without a ruler from Rome
Being present, these swine were not real
They had replaced the real ones at some point

Leaving only a handful of the original families
To serve at their own welfare
To few were left to give a proper testimony

But the entire world had heard about his preaching
News travels fast when there are deserts to sail
And waters to plow instead of fertile soil to dig

Far and wide they had come to hear from him
Long awaited and prophesized
It had been three years and the arrival

From other areas was converging upon
This one Passover
So, they ended it there and then

Otherwise, the Jews might have been given
Thier way again and the Romans abated
His trail was a mockery while the soldiers

Were compliant to the wishes of the leaders
After all their wives were their daughters
Then the scare in the night that the rest

Would be hunted down and murdered
Instead, Judas was lead outside 
Where he was threatened to tell the truth

Instead, he chose to die than explain
How much planning there had been
To keep the secret from reaching Rome

The scatter of them was evident
Really, they were being forced into hiding
For the sake of their families

They were made to understand 
That afterwards they would have to return 
To normalcy for a while at least.

They were not cowards
But expecting the real authority 
To put a stop to it before it was too late

Instead Pilate never did reach his home
Although as a crow flies he was informed
Of the inconvenience that had occurred 

In his absence while attending
Yet one more feast for the Caeser
He had ready one of the speediest ships

But in the fog, even they betrayed 
Thier own leader, going in the opposite direction
While the released a murder to the populace

Those left in charge were having
Fun with the candy store 
Knowing the master would not be returning

This time for his death was also planned
This man was not going to restore the royals

To the castle, the line of David!
Really what were they thinking
Anyways the made short order of it

Without the Real Roman leader 
Being present nor the guards 
Who had been hired by his stepfather

To protect him on his journey
One that had not been easy to perform
All those miracles were real ones

His prayer of removing this stench
Was subverted by Satan and his demons
They knew how to create a cloud

For the others to not be able to breathe
When morning arose he was gone
On the stake hanging over the city

With his wound in his side 
He was already on his way to death
No need to break his bones

After all there might be a backlash
When Pilate returned to find out what they had done.
Meanwhile, Pilates ship wen to far afield 

They found themselves lost at sea
Drifting at times 
And other times driven

Til they found themselves on the far side
Of the world where no one would know them
In the end, the box he was in was sent ashore

Where no one found him till much to late
The Romans sent after him took thier time
In delivering their Creasers anger 

To the misfits who had caused 
A situation that Rome would not survive
It would last awhile longer

But they were not supposed to kill
The son of god nor a descendant of David
Who could have taken the throne

Careful in their Empire to take
In the loyal ones and the royals
They made sure never to kill 

The rightful heir to any throne
In order to bargain with the rest of them
This was outrageous

Heads were going to roll
Over some sissys who did not want
They spankings done when it was true

His box was carefully lowered inot the ground
Pilate who had been captured that first night
Never did see light again but remained

Kept inside a steal box for weeks and months.
Now to the ones who had caused it 
A siege of the city was a must until 

They found the guilty ones
Then they would take care of thier families
Jesus was supposed to have been given 

A fair trail by the Roman ruler
Then allowed the crowds to be pleased
As the false religious leaders were caught

And convicted to exile along with their children
Then he would restore the religion of god
Before he disappeared in to the realms above

Without having suffered the defeat of death.
His wound was something he could not attend
Not without one of his family and the special herbs

But now it was over for him
No more walking around on earth
Yet he was still going to take care of Satan

As for the rest of the story
We know that Rome suffered a defeat
And a new religion was created

Upon  his resurrection to life.
Oddly, he could have sworn the streets 
Were not right that night nor the universe...

God does not allow his will to be altered
But sometimes it is the events themselves
That turn things around 

In the end all things work out
But for the suffering of a few more souls
Who will also be avenged in the end as well....

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