Friday, April 7, 2023

Negative! Good god! Whats next?


Out of nowhere came 

A man from the south

New Zealand in fact

He arrived in America

With a beautiful wife on his arm

And made it big on screen

Now he plays a wandering jew

Wolverine, a character out of a

Comic book of a bygone era.

He has done good on stage

And made some of those 

Independent films to get noticed

But the actor who has to bulk up

For his reprisal of a super strong guy

Has a weakness 

His face which has gone from

Downright gorgeous 

To I am also now over the hill

Sorry, still good looking

And charming

But he keeps get skin spots

Skin cancer is dangerous

After all, one cant just cut it out

When it covers the entire body.

Another biopsy and it is negative!

Good grief. 

We did  need to know that 

As a public person 

He is responsible for his image

And warnings towards the public.

Good job!

I have tumors,

One of which bulges outwards

I am tired of being told

People are considered I am pregnant

At my age!

Or worse. Those other comments

No one needs to be concerned

About my body.

I also had a biopsy

It too was Negative.

Not that anyone cares.

Just a bunch of bumps on my uterus

Which makes my stomach look

Well, not young and then enough.

It is one of those things.

Nothing I can do about it.

But wait until the high paid doctors

Stop listening to their nurses 

To stop making fun of them.

I was once someone who was 

Not a public mockery

But then they allowed a convicted

Molester and murderer

To enter a public arena

And de-pants someone

Who had the honor of being on stage

All he got was a serious frown

He then went on to prevent anything

At all to come towards my mother or myself

He has raided all of my family and friends homes

After shutting down the banks 

And removing any possible paperwork

I simply don't exist at all.

Even a walk on the beach

Has become almost torturous

When did it begin

That a spoiled retarded male

Was allowed to stop even

Presidents in their footsteps.

I now he is planning the demise

Of Putin.

An assassination is all he talked about

When he was younger.

He was even executed for murder

But they forgot to plug in the machine.

So he gets to go anywhere he pleases.

If he succeeds in having the Russian President

Killed then it will be the end of the other one.

Zelensky will not survive a murder attempt

On his opposite, politically.

He and his wife may as well

Find a cave to live in 

Because he wont be seen as innocent

Just because he says he was not

The first one to through a stone.

He wont be believed if the last one

Kills the man who is just doing his job.

Not one that we enjoy watching.

But it is politics as usual

While we continue to keep

Up the front of not being a racist nation

While allowing themselves to be overrun

By both terrorists and gangsters

Everyone knows that Mexicans

Are no longer good Catholic's

But communists or drug dealers

Human traffickers.

I should know Jimmys

Wife Teresa who insists 

She is also my mother

Has done nothing but instruct

Me on the ways of Mexico.

They don't have a choice

When it comes to the drugs 

Nor the human trafficking

Even enforcing their own in-laws

While stealing everything she can 

From me and my mother 

Including my life.

Jimmy has attempted to kill

Both of us and I am sure

He murdered most of my family

And perhaps his own parents as well.

I do actually wish the Bidens 

Well on their journey 

It is not their fault 

That American are not safe

In Mexico nor after they cross the border 

Either due to the enormous amount 

Of stress put upon those 

Who are allowed to travel freely

Such as the Morenos and their friends

Not one of them is useful in society

Nor are the not above stealing

A persons life much less property

Just because they think they are above the law

Does not mean they get to take a homestead

Over a hundred years old for themselves

Jimmy is not going to stop 

Nor are any of the daughters of his enemies

Safe from his manipulation

They have all gone down for him

Even the infamous chef Alex

Thinks she is the real princess

Instead of me and I was only three years old

When she was born 

But she will come up with one more story

On how it is possible

When in fact the judge already told 

Her I am not her biological mother

But she wont accept it nor will any of the others.

Tumors! I grow tumors not babies.

On the third day he was arisen.

Good Friday is about the event

Of Christ being brought out of death

Three days after he was killed

It come after the event of his death

But Palm Sunday

And Easter Sunday are dates on the Calendar

Not real time dates.

The Passover is about the release of the Jewish

Slaves from Pharoah and Egypt

Finally, being allowed to leave

To go back to their own country

After having moved in when 

Jospeh was the second in command.

After his death his relatives became 

Enslaved but then he was not even given 

A virgin but a pregnant priestess for a wife.

All those honors of politicians 

Are already tainted.

This year there is no peace

For Israel either

Stay out of the sun

Or at least take preventive measures

While considering where we are all going to be

If the real innocent are not released

And the actual killers put away

Why is Jimmy still running around

Threatening women?

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