Tuesday, April 4, 2023

More Nazi's!



The Finns are Nazis.

They volunteered during WWII

Instead of being invaded as Denmark.

They even conscripted their reindeer.

In order to kill Jews and Americans.

What Anna do if her boyfriend.

Turned out to be a Nazi!

Would her sister Elsa turn him into an ice sculpture?

Now I am Scandinavian.
I took a lot of harassing 
About being Viking 

When I was younger
And it was not "cool"
Thank God for guys like Mamoa

Whose character on Game of Thrones
Made everyone want to be a Viking
Then he went off to fight the Atlantean's....

I have even been to Finland.
I don't dislike the people
But really all this anti Russian 

Nonsense, excepting a former enemy
Just because someone cant pay for his own
Little battle after making it to the presidency

After all, this war is not about the Jews
Of Ukraine nor their religion
But about the Crimea and its naval port

Ukraine was allowed its freedom
But not the port necessary to defend the entire area
From attack from outsiders.

Clearly, they are attempting more than a defense
Against the big bad brother next door
They have taken the offensive

Made it clear they are aggressors themselves.
We do wish the Finns well on their newest
Political move against Russia

But are they for America?
There are those of the Jewish background.
Who might not be pleased to have them as friends?

It is always the issue with politics
When one turns against it neighbors
If they can be trusted again?

Please God, don't  let us all die
Just because no one wants to be nice anymore.
Let you will be done on all the earth and not just Ukraine...

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