Sunday, April 23, 2023

Who Dare's?


Would you dare?
Do you dare?
What is a Dare?

Nobody knows what happened
To little Virginia Dare
Of the Roanoke Island.

It is still a mystery as too what happened.
Everyone has theories but  no one has answers
And then there those people such as my mother....

Anyways I ended up on stage as an infant
As Virigina Dare at one of those history dramas
They used to be popular to go along the highways

And find historical spots who would 
Then entertain their visitors with little dramas
My first misadventure.

I hate being on stage
And have had a life of being pushed or shoved.
My mother says we are related to this family

In fact we are descendants of the missing people
That the Governor John White left behind
A bad man he has gone in history

He was in fact a cartographer who worked
For Sir Walter Raliegh.
Hence there is supposed to be a Walter Dare 

We are supposed to look for and then know
Well I did find such a person born 100 years earlier
However, there are two Dare lines on my line

We are more Scandinavian than British
There is a family from Norway
Who married into the very wealthy Pope family

Their son decided to become a brick layer.
Now in those days they were taking to religion
And often acquired secondary skills

He was most likely a Free mason from his job description
And had attended at least two years of university 
From whom his family were and might have even had

Some training in religion
After all he had agreed to travel to the other side
Of the Atlantic and set up house

With none other than Eleanor White
The only daughter of John White
Annanias was his name

It is biblical and not uncommon.
At the time to take on a Hebrew name
Annanias Dare of Norway

Whose daughter was the first born in America
Virginia Dare is her name
Also included was the possibility in the two year time period

That a second child had been born 
And it would have been called John after its grandfather.
Some forty years later a man surfaced in Jamestown

Circa 1629 calling himself Edmund Mason
He says he is the son of Virginia
Where she got a husband no one knows

Nor could anything be proved 
Except that last name of Mason
Is of course not a canning jar

But the guild a bricklayer might have belonged.
The Masons.
John White never found his family

Died while working for Raleigh creating maps
That is what a cartographer does
Works on paper with stories and numbers

Creating the imagery of maps for the world
It was the age of exploration
When he died it is not known what happened 

To his fortune as he had no other relatives
Never remarrying after Eleanor's mother died.
Maybe he was not a bad man after all.

His grandfather sister was married 
To the Lord Mayor of London 
John Wheate Whyte Wyett

Various spellings occur of his last name
Which is the same as my own
But there used to be a plague on a wall somewhere

With the correct spelling
It is so frustrating to have you family arrive
At the Plymouth site and set up shop

At Concord Massachusetts but with no
Idea where they came from except Southwark's.
Which is the other side of the Thames

There is a cathedral with that name 
But that is about all as it went red light district
At the time of Shakespeare's bawdy plays

This means we are not descendants of Virginia Dare
But ancestors of hers and  her mother.
So there, I dare you to resurrect my mother and tell her.

Now along comes someone such as Jessica Kelly Reilly
A very well-known actress who will spoil everything.
She was born in 1977 when my family were deteriorating.

It was a bad year for everyone.
Jimmy who had turned 18 insisted on moving in with us
Which meant the real boys had to disappear?

He has a tendency to kill things that annoy him.
In fact, my twin sister had already died
And my younger blond blue eyed sibling

Had disappeared in Paris on our last family trip
I went into a coma in the summer and almost died
Then I kept getting strep throat and was at the emergency room

All through the fall and winter
At no time was I a pregnant preadolescent!
But this bitch has ruined my life.

She insists that I gave birth to her.
Her words are in fact:
That I am too stupid not to know

That I had a baby girl!
She is most likely Candy's bastard
She is always getting married

And then forgetting herself.
There are a number of unwanted ones of hers
All I know is it was impossible.

And the judges have told her so a number of times.
Instead, she introduces herself to everyone 
When I was still recovering from the accident

The coma, the death, the divorce and the world 
Coming apart in the late seventies.
She even wrote to Helen Mirren 

And told her I was her mother
I do recall having to go to court
As this woman was angry enough

To think she was being threatened.
I might have met the young Mirren at some time
As Jimmy was always dragging me around

Claiming that I was a Romanov princess!
But we are Russians and Scandinavians
But, Mirren is a  distant relative of the Romanovs.

As Former Prince Philip is actually
A direct relative to those people
In face King Charles and his family are the closest

To the Romanov family who were murdered
And there sits a fraud claiming to be the "Empress" herself.
Mad Kate who is also a drug addict.

There is my sad little story
Of half my family being east coast originals
And then some immigrants who were taken advantage

My great grandfather whom I never meet
Was swindled of everything he had in what 
Was 'Nouvelle France'!

Napoleon controlled America as well as some of Europe
Their paperwork was in French not Spanish
Pancho Villa was just a displaced Jewish family thrown out 

Of Spain by the Bourbons.
He threw a fit and robbed everyone in Baja which was called
Something else at the time.

The latter day saint man
Had risked his life by converting
Leaving his country and accepting

What was his inheritance and properties?
Instead, he lay dying in a hospital. 
In Salt Lake City where they don't really believe in medicine.

Which is why great grandma?
Who left Saint Petersburg in 1907
Lived with us while we were given the impression.

That we owed taxes on this two places 
Across the border and were responsible
For the utilities and up keep of the place

They destroyed his sheep farm 
In what is now the old barrio of Tijuana?
The new building is in shambles.

Someday Jack Smith is going to be shot
He is a pimp and a hustler and not the property owner
As the for the other little place

Which was known as a nut farm
Tree orchards of nuts and fruits 
Sometimes we are referred to as fruitcake.

But they were guarantees and payments
Some gringos from East LA
Says he is Mexican, and he owns everything.

Chuey or Jesus Molino is also a wanted man
My job is to get even with Jimmy 
The law is going to have to take care of these two

While my mother lost her brains
Had a mental breakdown 
Could not recognize her own parents

Gave away her boys
Would not even allow the found
Baby to come home instead of this witch

Life is full of troubles
But why do they always follow us?
Maybe because we are the only ones

Who care about others.
There are two hundred spoiled Reillys now
And none of them are my babies

I have tumors not pregnancies.
When reality hits these girls
As it has hit Markle 

Perhaps there will be justice for all.
Except for Candace who kept stealing our boy
And replacing it with one of her girls ...

Poor Candace, we can at least show a lineage at all
Even if it is not a direct link to the Romanovs of Saint Petersburg,
Whereas your family hides where they come from.

Blessed are the Roanoke's.
Who are probably still with us and amongst us....
Perhaps it was a Free Mason settlement meant to merge with the natives

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