Thursday, April 6, 2023

While the cat is away, the mice will play...


"God is with us."
Emmanuel name meaning
Is significant in the absence 

Of respect shown towards 
His office and without his presence
He has suffered more than usual

Amount of protests 
Setting people places on fire
Or the bicycles of the streets

Our iconic images of Paris
The sweet streets of cafes
And bicycles with a basket for groceries

It seems so idealist to have such an atmosphere
Then there are the images of the Eiffel tower
Or the smart ladies with their tiny miniature dogs

Strolling down the street
Instead, they have become like the boorish
Americans they once taunted

In fact they asked us to stay at home
They now the ones wearing the GAP
Style of clothing and setting fires 

To their own streets
While protesting something silly
It is not like the Great depression

Pension reform was bound to happen
With the Olympics coming to town
They need to clean up their acts

No one wants to visit a city in flames
If they don't want to loose what is left
Of their economics then they need

To stop acting as Americans
Or Germans and become the same
Sophisticated French who don't care

About anything but their expresso 
And baguettes with brie
It is bad to assume this is now their life

But it is also hard to imagine them 
Really willing to shoo away the visiors
Coming for the olympics

Do they not want to compete in the games?
Are they not willing to share their city?
Is it that terrible that foreigner's are going

To tread through their streets and museums
That they are staging these activities?
While he is gone from thier country.

He is attempting to keep peace in the world
And make it a better place to live
With his trip to China.

But they dont care about anything
But those two years on a nude beach
No one has vineyards anymore

Nor seaside teashops
Much less a farm to go home 
They are just going to sit in thier rooms

And do nothing at all.
Travel to another place
No way!

Move to America!
Not at all.
They wont even go to the Chunnel. 

To see the Queen off 
Nor the King coronated
If it shows up on tv

Instead of the latest soccer game
Oh well, they might watch.
What are they planning to do anyways?

I'm not going to let you in.
You are supposed to come through the window
That is why i leave it open.

You are not allowed to come 
In through the hallway.
Not anymore, you are now a big 

Cat! You  must learn to go around
To the window and not meow 
In the hallway.

Everyone is complaining about it
No more noise.
Now I am closing the door.

Meow, meeow, meeoow!
I heard my neighbor tell her cat
This morning after over a month

Of listening to it at all times
Of the day and night
I was thinking of getting food for it

Now it is being told no!
The hallway door is not supposed 
To be open and she should not be able

To access the hallway
But really! 
She is not even six months old!

Some mothers!
I bet Emmanuels mother
Never left him alone 

Not even at school
She was always there 
Right on time

To take him home
With her to instill 
Safe and secure issues

With him as he grew towards
A man who would become President
In other places of the world

She might have been locked up
For no other reason than he 
Was not to grow up a normal boy

But like Jimmy 
A mental handicapped young man
Imagine if children were their parents

Dream to be the same as imagined.
One assumes that little John
Crawling on the floor 

Of his father's floor 
In the Oval office
Was to become a big man

Instead his father was shot
He grew up in a fancy city
Where he had to obey the rules

And still did not get any respect
Everything he tried to do was not good enough
Then one day he flew off 

And never made it home 
While his cousin Robert 
Was just born when this happened

Has always gone towards politics
Even though his own father 
Was also murdered not long afterwards

His uncle and his father
Yet he has tried as well to be a good boy
Four marriages and a few elected jobs

Maybe there will be another one 
A Kennedy in the White House
Not that uncle Joe is doing a bad job

And both of them Catholic
The rest of the crew
The surviving ones as they have 

Lost quit a number of them
Must be getting ready to support him.
Presumably Jimmy will not be invited

To be  his manager nor press man
All Jimmy has eve wanted was to be 
The boss with no one telling him what to do

He has often come up with stories
Of meeting the man who died
When he was still a young boy

Being born in Dec 1956
In Germany to an African woman
Who did not want her husband to know

That she had meet her old flame
Whom she could not marry
But then she did not know what to do

Walter probably was aware of the bastard
After all he became the Mayor of DC
In 1975 when Jimmy turned 18.

What are the mice going to do
If Jimmy keeps making up stories
Or the dog catcher does not get

Those rats or rabid ones
Who just want to cause trouble
For others just to enjoy the misery.

Mice need to know they will not be
Tolerated if it causes to much harm for others.
It is Easter time and the resurrection hope for many.

Maybe we should all go to bed
And wakeup with a new hope
That Jimmy will not be there tomorrow

Nor the border scrimmage 
No longer a threat to Europe
But a peaceful time to watch the bunnies 

Hop, hop off into the sunset...
Stop burning your town!
A few more years wont make a difference, anyways...

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