Saturday, April 1, 2023

Come on you know the drill....

Now that the emergency is about over...
The Pandemic was so bad that...
There was nothing good that happened.

We all had to stay at home
Not go to work 
Nor school

Nor the parks or libraries
We had to stand in line 
Outside the grocery store

Six feet apart
To find almost nothing inside
All those empty aisles

The toilet paper was gobbled
Up whom?
And Lysol spray went up past

Ten dollars for a single can
While eggs went way past twelve dollars
And there was no cream cheese

For the Christmas time
In fact, the company asked us not to bake
With it at all.

How bad was your time?
You did not get to go on your vacation
Or visit your parents or children

Had to watch everything from the internet
Even my doctor started calling me 
Instead of going in to visit

The nurses got accustomed to not
Having patients underfoot
Really got angry when we insisted

We had to come in and be seen.
As for the pharmacy
Free delivery is not always a blessing

Got the wrong meds 
Couldn't get the right ones
They moved and had to find them at the new place

Had no cat to chat with nor sleep 
Never can count on the bus coming
They have a tendency to step on the gas

All those empty busses
Made the drivers happy 
But all of that is coming to an end.

They will have to actually drive us around
Without complaint that we need to go somewhere
Might find where the beaches are located.

Might start to get mail again,
Might even have the guy not drop a box
In the office lobby and run for his truck

Might meet a doctor again
Another one has disappeared
Must find yet one more 

Primary care physician
As for the pharmacist
I don't think they want to deliver anymore

Grocery stores have gotten mean
About needing to hand over our bags
Don't we have something else to do?

School busses are out again
Although it is dangerous to go
And those movie theaters

Actually, might accept an online ticket
Fandango owes me for a few of them
As for Vodka, I found Texas is not bad

Better than bad wine 
Someday we might get real stuff
One day the lab results will go to the right person

How many more MRI's and Ultrasounds
Do I need, get it over with
The tumors are not going away

I will punch the first person  
Who says I look pregnant!
My insurance seems to have stopped

I was not on the emergency list
Must check Monday, again.
For those who dont have to worry

Until the official May 11.
Be ready, those fingers are quick
On the keyboards

Everything is going to change overnight
And it might not be pretty.
I am still in shock to see old houses

Torn down when there was no reason
And family belongings in the boutiques.
But at least I can go out and have a cup of coffee.

Found a French cafe in California.
No Spansih spoken here!
And they serve a Rosewater Latte!

Life might be worth having survived.
If I could only do something about
That other thing in Kiev.

What was the worst thing?
To endure the last three years?
Besides the underqualified faces 

We have had to put with
But hopefully not for much longer.
Come on guys, get with it....


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