Monday, November 13, 2023

And the beat goes on...

Little lord Mountbatten
Windsor if you please
Is 75 years old today

It has been a hell of a journey
Hasn't it?
He has seen almost

From his own grandfathers

His mothers coronation
To the birth of his sister
The only princess royal

To landing on the moon
To the death of churchill
And the day the earth

Stood still
When President Kennedy
Was shot on his 15th

Time passes 
But never stops

Never gets here
But yesterday
Is always with us

He has survived 
Many hellish things
Including the Pandemic

And his parents deaths
The massive funeral
And multitudes of

Well wishers 
Descending on old
London town

His own sons have 
Produced heirs for him
Not that the girls

Were worth the costs
It is as they say
The beat marches on

And stops for no one
Get with it
Or be left behind

Where have I been
The last few years
Or so?

Waiting for Jimmy
To be caught and captured
To be locked up the rest 

Of his miserable life
He is going to be 67
Next month

My own mother
Only made it to 69
Her grandmother

Was 96 
Almost 101
Her desire to see

The end cut short
The day I arrived
Was with anguish

That another generation
Had come to her
The first for her daughter

But not the first great grandchild
Time has warped 
Everyone's mind

They forget
To whom they belong
But not those

Who fell to an early death
If i close my eyes
As my mother did

I see nothing at all
But I do remember
Grandpa Jack

Getting excited
He had taken upon
Himself to raise me

His Anastasia
Survived death
To be lost 

My mother died
Refusing to believe
She had given birth

Pushing the perambulator
Back to Georgetown
He got caught 

By his own fellows
Had to sit awhile
Drinking strong coffee

Listening to the news
While I held out my hands
For those autumn leaves

The next few days
The city was overtaken
By hordes of persons

We went to a vantage point
Where my mother
Would not throw herself

In front of the hearse
She was horrified
That she had not been

In Dallas that day
Life stopped for her
Until she heard 

Of John Jrs 
And was not invited

She was a Vasseur girl
Had been to everything
But forgot who we were

Could not say my name
Nor give up 
I was someone else's

So we sat watching 
It on television
Just as I watched 

The Queens 
Last ride back
To Windsor castle

Where she went  
To join her husband
Under Saint Georges

Wonders will never cease
When the world 
Looks back

They might ask
Who the stupid girl
Is sitting there

With the royals
Ever so skinny
Not terribly pretty

Just another face
It will be the son
They will remember

Not the grandson
Having stood guard
Over his mother

All those years
Since the assassination
On his own birthday

He was not really 15
But 50 overnight
No one remembers

Me now adays
Jimmy easy money
And drugs were too much

For many to resist
My own age forgotten
I am still just

A virgin 
Not ready to turn
Sweet Sixteen

The world once cared
About those such as my
Great-grandmother Marie

They should not have 
Replaced her with 

Little Maire
I am also
Such a long name

The first born 
Are given
Watch out for him

He cares not for
Whom he kills
As long as he receives

The inheritance
Of another
He will never be

A king
Nor a President
Best Charles 

On a fine journey
75 is not 97
Let William sweat 

Just a little
The beat must go on...


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