Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The day after



She said her name

Was Louisa

I was confused

And very concerned

Did she mean Louisiana?

No in the end

We would find out

She meant that she 

Had been to the worst place

On earth

Or at least America

The insane asylum

Named Heloise

After the old poor farm

Where people were invited

And then put to work

Only to have them all

Developed weird reactions

Towards starvation

And malnutrition

A mental institution

It became and one of the

Most famous

For its cruelty 

As well as practices.

One of the first thing

That Freud and his partners

Did was diagnose accurately

Celiac Disease

Many in north Europe

Had a type of behavior

Considered odd at times

An allergy to Wheat

Caused them to have 

Stomach cramps 

And the results

Off often toilet visits

While they thought

They were well 

Going mad

A gluten free diet

Was enforced

And all the symptoms


Making them normal again

While the other guy 

Created a diet based on 

His own prescribed

Breakfast cereal

Made of wheat flakes

Created a new meal

For all of America

But that doctor

They said also began

A process of not feeling well

Eventually taking his life

Even though his institution

Was more tranquil


While she did not know it

My little sister

Had been sent to a place

She would never recover

They sawed a hole 

Into her head

She might have thought

It cute to take my glasses

But she had not lived 

With me nor grandpa

She could not answer 

The questions i would have 

Known not to answer

Just as I had to sit there 

Afterwards wondering

Where she had gone

And whom she had

Spoken to from the stories

A lobotomy 

Is never performed 

On a child of her age

Jimmy just wanted to have

His way with her

He had gone places

That his parents

Had not meant

But then his nannies

Always took him

Places they thought

He belonged from his 

Clear white skin

And colorless eyes

Not knowing who

His real mother was.

It ended with him taking

Over he entire place

That used water submersion

And electric shock therapy

On individuals 

Checked in by their 

Own family or fiends

How much more swindling

Does there need to be

For the authorities 

To know that most

People are being drugged

Or poisoned by others

In order to have their money

My sweet kid sister

Is what he always called me

I hated him so much

I did not trust myself

Not to kill him

It turns out he is one

Of those natural controllers

They even get the docotrs

To listen to them

There she was just five

Going to school

And being allowed 

To be with her own family

After having been abducted

As well as myself

She could not handle

Not being with mother

While i was almost 

Never at home.

She did not deserve

To be taken to that place.

You guys don't know

What we do in there

Do  you?

No one comes back

The same.

I found out 

By accident 

When i was also taken

Inside only to be recognized

As a double


No one told him that

I was quickly taken

Away by one of the few

Humans left inside

A place where the doctors

Might have lock themselves

Inside with their patients

In a time of crisis

Due to the amount of difficulty

Dealing with patients

That even one old doctor

Found himself

Sitting in a wheelchair

Having been given treatment

Meant for jimmy

He still had his wits

Inside his broken body

And gave commands 

No one else listened 

I realized that he was telling

Them that the mother 

Had been brought in

To stop the boy 

From destroying 

The child 

Only to be given 

Horrible treatment

By jimmy 

Attempting to drown her

And to sit there with 

The wires crossed

Zapping her over 

And over again

Until she lost her mind

Although she did not 

Appear it at first


My father had 

Also come to stop

Them only to be 

Caught off guard

Tied to a chair

And yelling for help

He got the notice

Of an intern

Who had studied medicine

For a decade 

And gone to Korea 

Where he knew my father

As an officer

He was the one 

Who finally got 

The message 

I had already found 

Her with her eyes

Starring into the ceiling

Carefully lifting her up

She responded to me

And we were on our way out

When i heard the old man

Speak to me about the parents

Not to leave without them.

And then don't forget me.

We managed to get 

The young doctor

To understand 

With our identical faces

That something had gone wrong

And then we found him

Apologizing to him

He let slip that 

There was a woman

Being tortured 

Beyond normal

By some nurse 

And her nephew

One our way out

We took my mother

And put her on a gurney

Throwing ourselves down 

The hallways 

Only to have 

The intern and father

Find themselves 

In trouble

In the end 

We had to jump into 

A delivery truck

The old man had 

Also been carefully

Wheeled to the entrance

Where he got found

And then sent to 

A nursing hospital

Where he never did recover

Sitting there telling 

His story to a group

Who did not care

My parents had to be

Interviewed by the FBI

About the situation

They had abducted children

But parents who had 

Been in the war.

They were told 

Not to allow jimmy

Inside their home

Which is why 

He kept getting

Pregnant girls

To be his girlfriends

In order to shame us.

And why that holiday season

Was supposed to be special.

My sister died with a circle

In her skull missing

She might not ever

Have recovered

We will never know.

One flew over the Cuckoos nest.

Where the very guy

Who was sent into 

Find out what was going on.

Becomes a permanent member.

Native Americans

Have been deemed by 

The psychologist community

As crazy and beyond


I am always getting

In trouble over this.

Meanwhile I have 


Not depression 

But a condition 

Brought on by lack 

Of proper diet.

I was refused salads

And forced to endure

Every night 

Of Pizza or pasta

Instead of light fare

Or anything at all.

Three will be a day

When she will be given

That special child reward

While my parents

Might not make it 

Having given in to Jimmy

In order to survive

They did not know

What to do after 

He moved in with us

Without our permission

They both died a terrible death.

Having visited 


A hell on earth.

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Three times loser

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