Sunday, November 12, 2023

Miles to go ...


Americas Poet 
Robert Frost
Wrote many words

About his native woods
In the East
But out West

It was the fate
Of the Russians
To first step foot

Many believe
They have preceded
Even the Erik the red

Certainly before the 
Converted Conquistadors
But maybe after the Chinese

There were four waves
Or separate groups
Of Native Americans

The last group
Are the Inuit
With Asian heritage

They were encountered
By more than fur trappers
They became the rock

That the great Russian Empire
Was built which went all 
The way down Baja

They gave Christianity
To these new converts
Without the forced 

Slavery of the Catholics
Upon a people
Who had been invaded

Too many times
In the wilderness
One finds these

Orthodox buildings
We even found 
A tiny version 

In our backyard
Only to have it and us
Removed from the property

None the less
Speak to an Alaskan
And they are Russian Orthodox

Christians and Natives
These is Native American
Appreciation month

And thanksgiving
Which many tribes
Don't acknowledge

But the Russian church
Has decided upon
Its first female saint

In America
A healer of people
She is a proud Inuit

She is seen with her
Unique facial features
And a towel draped

Over her arms
As she is about
To perform a cleansing

Of the soul
Many of the old eastern europe

Also had traditions
Of cleansing the soul
In order for the person

To be healed
Of what ails them
They also would 

Be under care
Which is sometimes 
All that is needed

To cure diseases
Rest and sleep
And food and wamth

There is a third contender
In the ring

A Kennedy
Out of nowhere
A smuggling bootlegging

Came an Ambassador
And do gooders

Who have never been
Women who are millionares

Who show up at 
Soup Kitchens
To ladle out hospitality

We all watched 
In Horror as the President
Was shot in a parade

His brother 
Also murdered
On his bid for Presidency

Now his son is in the race
Against a fellow Catholic
Whose family 

Have come under investigation
As well as his lead
Contender the Trumps

Wealthy Americans
Who want to spend time
Shaking hands with the poor

This after the son 
Who stood saluting 
His father 

Went missing
A boy whose life
Was under fire

Whose own mother
Had no money
When she married

And only on the basis 
Of a third brother 
Was allowed to have 

Her wealth
To further the arts
Of America

Which included historic houses
Ours in the West
All some of the oldest examples

And yet they have been torn down
By an interloper
Whom I always suspect

Of having caused 
The situation
Even in the death 

Of John jr.
He grew up
Without a father

Lost his stepfather
And watched  his sister
Be publicly mauled

By the press
She did not marry a prince
But her hearts choice

He went unwed
While he made his own mark
Americas royalty

After his mothers passing
He took to sports
Got a young wife

And went around 
Having saddened 
Everyone with his choice

On the eve
Of his cousins

He got lost
After having survived
All sorts of trails

His plane vanished
Not his own sister
But another cousin

Said he had not shown up
Him and his wife
At her place

They sent out
The emergency warning
Which I heard

In California
Once more being 
Removed from my 

East coast jobsite
My mother had unplugged
The television

She had watched
So many of these things
I sat glued in the middle

Of the night
On the porch
Listening to them

Searching for him
They tracked his plane
And then decided

It must have gone down
In water
In the early hours

Of the morning
They switched
From rescue mode

To recovery
Meaning he was not
Expected to have survived

We waited all weekend
While I attempted to distract
My mother 

For news
Finally they found the plane
Submerged off 

The coast of Marthas Vineyard
His sister stuck inside
Her million dollar mansion

Was going stir crazy
Her last one
She had lost her parents

And now her only sibling
They could only find 
The bodies of his wife

And sister in law
But they held a funeral
Anyways presuming

He had not drifted off to sea
They had checked
They also discovered

That he nearly 
Missed an airlines
With no vocal contact

They did not know
Who he was
The formers presidents son

As his plane
Flew past 
He did not comment

A thing most unusual
And then weeks later
They got the information

That he had phoned
The nearest airport
Asking for help

He needed someone 
On the phone
Or we will not be making it

To their final destination
No one responded
Not even when a missing

Persons report was made
Hours later
Who did you say?

A slow breath out
He had his run ins
With local police

Whose fault was not
Coming into contact
With the famous

Unless they were
About to be arrested
A Kennedy missing?

Seemed hard to belive
And they were no texting messages
From the women

Nor phone calls 
To his sister 
Or Aunt

Many miles to keep

He flew to a wedding
In complete none speaking mode

Was his girls 
Not able to talk?

One expert
Mocked him
If only he had put on

The autopilot
Jimmy loves those things
When I was flying

He used to take over
And put on that
Then when he was done

He would jump out
How he survived
I don't know

But if John 
Did not speak
Maybe he could not

Maybe he was on 
Not knowing how 

Close they were
To the airlines
Because he was distracted

Not in the cockpit
Somewhere else
In a  small plane

Maybe jimmy 
Was there 
Or at least on a phone

Nothing this kid
Did was right

Made jimmy
More important

His calling for help
Without a mayday
Meant he knew 

Something was wrong
His plane malfunctioned?
His gas or oil low?

Something was wrong
But when he did make
The call 

No one responded
None of the locals
Knew how to respond

His life is gone
Before he was ready
And my mother

Shortly afterwards
I was forced out
Of her room

A few nights
Before she died 
Of heart failure

No resusitacion
Which was agaisnt
What I had told  them

They were not listening 
To me a former Mayors daughter
And an elected government official

They listened instead 
To Jimmy 
And his wife Teresa

Whose son has been
Lying to everyone
About who he is

Juan Barron
Imagines his father 
Is what?

A now dead millionaire
Now dead 
And me as his mohter

I warned my mother
About not letting her in
Nor to allow her son

To get comfortable
But there they were 
Denying me the right

To my own money
And property
John is so cocky

He thinks he owns
The world
But waited until after

The disappearance
While helping Jimmy
Lock me up

For no reason
Except what I cant remember
I remember alot of things

I know I did not give birth
To anyone at all
Nor has anyone 

Who has come 
Been allowed to win
Against this drug smuggler

Kid so willing
To sell anything 
Including his own women

If necessay
A dirty lot 
Is what we fell into

And his demise
Is going to bring
Thief Teresa

To her own misery
I recall being passed
On to the wrong

Person when my grandfather
Had me out for a morning stroll
After we had arrived

At the Mansion
Not the brick  house
We came from good stock

Being found
On a couch 
In the Oval office

Was not pleasant
For my family
Nor the constant

Issues with local police
Who don't know 
What to do faced

With a hoax
Just don't give in 
To the pretty face...

Miles to go
I have survived
While others have not

I miss those good souls
But measure out
The time left 

For the bad ones
Who wont even phone in
An assault or a lost plane

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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...