Monday, November 6, 2023

Poor, poor Fiona


The loneliest sheep

In the world 

She is being taunted

Stranded for two years

Alone in the Scottish

Highlands with no company

She was rescued 

And brought to 

A sheep farm

But the animal activist

Have protested 

This is unfair to her

She is nothing but 

A spectacle to be 

Stared at by spectators

What spectators?

She is just a sheep

Who survived being 

Alone by herself

In the wilds.

Now she is being denied

The right to live with others

On  a farm where people

Might drive by 

And offer her 

Carrots or apples?

Instead she is again

Alone by herself

In an unknown

Laboratory setting.

We all know

What happened 

To those rodents 

The Humane Society

In California 

Allowed to be shipped

To Arizona

Went to feed other animals

In those areas 

Where food is scarce

Who else would 

Want six hundred

Rats and rabbits?

Oregon at least 

Asked for cats

For their over population

Of rodents

Everyone who moves 

To Oregon 

Has no knowledge

Of what it means

Not to live in an

Urban area 

Where they spray 

For coach roaches

But not more serious things

Anyways the Humane Society

Of Southern California

Is burdened with too many 

Donations of unwanted fur babies

My mother hates cats

So much that she would

Pretend she did not see them

And attempt to trample them

With her feet.

Of course she did the same

Thing to her newborns

I found my siblings

In the strangest places

One was in a pail

Where he looked 

As if he had spent

Some time

But was still alive

My grandmother 

Had me feeding him

With a little bottle

When she finally walked in

From having gone

Looking for something.

Always pretending

She did not know

That she had a baby

That is why I was never

Nursed by her at all.

My grandfather 

Had the joy

Of bottle feeding me

And diapering me

My first few years

I spent in his care

With a few others 

Taking care of me.

She refused to acknowledge

She had given birth to me

With her legs spread wide apart

On the beach 

With the waves licking 

At her toes

In front of witnesses

In fact they put 

Her picture in the paper

For having attempted

Giving birth underwater

Really she did not want

Me to live.

Live I did 

With my poor grandpa

For whom I am also named

Taking the brunt of the 

Blame for her not being

Allowed to simply

Throw me out the window

Which is what she did 

To another one

I saw the thing fly

Went to find out

Climbing down the rocks

To find a newborn

Frozen in time

I carried it by one leg

Thinking it was already dead

My grandmother brought

It to life 

With her love of life

My mother only had hate in her

For some reason

It was believed 

She had been exchanged

At her birth

And could not belong

To her parents

When really it was just

A jealous other woman

Who did something 

When she was born

And then after wards

Kept showing up

Violet was her name

I asked once who she was

Since they would talk about her

But she appeared

To have been a woman

Who was on the same boat

And was just concerned

About the infant

Instead my mother behavior

Got worse and worse

Her mother had a baby boy

After her and it disappeared

No one will say anything

It was felt it was better

For it to no live with

Carol and had taken him.

But which one of the cousins

Is my mothers brother?

After the war 

When Jack came back

Injured after all those 

Excursions he had been on

As a paratrooper

The marriage feel apart

They were still in love

But could  not live together

Now adays there would have been

An answer

But she accidently remarried

Someone she was not in love 

And during the late stages

Of pregnancy fell off

The top of the building

Three and a half stories

High with the washing machine

On top along with the lines

Hanging up laundry

Found herself at the bottom

Lying there and bleeding

She cried for help

But none came

She was alone that day

Finally my mother brought

The family dog over to her

Thinking god knows what

By that time she had 

A miscarriage

The dog picked up

The dead baby

And ran off with it

She scrambled with 

What was left of her 

Strength to the dog

And had to beat him

To death in order

To get the dead infant

From his jaws

It was her father's dog

Expensive present

From a former military 

Comrade that could not be

Replaced due to its value

Grandmother ended up

In a hospital for a long time

While mother went to live

With her father in Florida

Grandma never got over 

The incident 

But raised a girl named

Judy as her daughter

Ten years apart

And spoiled rotten

Her father took good care

Of her that he had a teenage

Mistress who gave birth 

To a boy out of wedlock

He was catholic

And divorced my grandmother

In order to have a son

Ignoring the "niece"

Who had a terrible

Row of husbands

Giving one son up 

For adoption 

Just because 

She did not want

Him after the divorce

Stuck with Juilee

Who was jims pet

Did everything he told her

Including letting him inside

When he was not allowed

Neither one of them

Came to my mothers help

Nor attended the funeral

But have probably

Taken everything they could

Of my inheritance

Even though there was a will

And a life insurance policy.


Especially the ones not really

Related who just want

Your property

Such as Ruth Nauman

Or Janet Pittsenbarger

Or Denise Hurlbut

Or Harmony Smith

Even ugly Teresa Jackson

Has shown up 

And she looks just like

Tracy Nelson

Of the famous Nelsons

Who had trouble

In her young adult years

With boyfriends and babies

Played a nun on the 

Father Brown series

A perfect angel

Her poor uncle.

He has had enough 

Problems in his own life

And a local of the same town

I grew up in

But no one remembers

When the government

Gets that all of the land

That has been destroyed

By illegal aliens

Just because they were told

In Germany or Mexico

All you have to do is step

Foot on the property

And it is yours!

They will not be able

To replace the historic sites

Nor prevent the mass destruction

Of all of their disgusting

Glass and steel towers

Which will not survive 

Any magnitude earthquake

On a  double fault line.

There is a story of a young man

Who was made Pope

Just because they wanted

To appeal to the younger ones

Only to have him corrupted

To the point 

That the Vatican took

The matter to god

And decided the guy

Just would not do

And gave him sleeping pills

In order to allow him the rest

He demanded 

Imagine if someone had just 

Done that for jimmy 

Attempting to feed newborns

To sharks or alligators 

Just because it is funny

All he ever wanted....

When god, when will you strike him?

Somewhere I can hear

Her voice, Candace-Constant comment

Now Carol you did not have another one

Did You?

Lets discuss this again,

You promised....

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