Saturday, November 18, 2023

The best of both worlds


Just say the word
Sounds  ...

Was one of those things
That happened to America

Until some stupid film
Ruined it
Sound sophisticated.

Italian gelato
And expresso
The best of both

The sweet delicate flavors
Of iced cream

Minus the heavy cream
And heavy syrups
Made more old style

And the not to sour
Pressed coffee beans

With a hint of spice
What could be better?
Pouring the strong brew

Over the slightly sweet
Cream of iced perfection?

Rum cake with 
Layers of pudding
And coffee.

Hmm, my taste
Is the Affagato
With expresso gelato

Just to wipe away
Any soft epicureans
Such as Jimmy

Who prefers
A Banana split
Once had one of those places

High up Bankers Hill
Called Hillcrest
Ice cream shop

Does anyone remember
Those places?
It is still there

Called Chocolate
It serves fresh California. 
Crepes and other types

Of food from Europe
And they have a gelato bar
With all the surprises 

Of a good European
Mix of real flavors
From Raspberry with alcohol

To various chocolates
With real mixtures
And expresso or coffee

And then they have
Those mirrors
In the corner

To watch them make
Not the food 
But Expresso martinis

Wonderful world
Expresso and gelato
And Vodka

What could be better?
A pacific Asian conference
In San Francisco

Where they have
Italian food in
A Special area of town

Try San Diego
Next time

We have a Little Italy
And a Gas Lamp Quarter
Which serves high end

Food from old Europe
And there are amazing 
Gelato bars

And Crepe places.
We also have sea world
And Safari world

All those talks
And what do we get?
The Pandas

Might be coming back
You know
They took them away

From America
China did
No more Panda bear

Was it the Pandemic
Or America
That caused China

To yank the lease?
Well, they are speaking again
And those cute not so little guys

Might be coming home
A first-class zoo
Always has a panda bear

Along with a tiger exhibit
And there is also the zoo.
Not that anyone can get to it

It takes at least. 
Three different public buses
To get to Balboa park

And the zoo
From any hotel
Which is why they rent cars

Those who can
And then drive out
To the Safari 

To experience 
Africa up close
As well as that 

Other mandatory stop
Sea world
They have those scary rides

And really cute
Sea creatures
Such as killer whale

Which they have trained
To do circus acts
They even have 

Emperor penguins
A baby girl has been born
Without a name

Perhaps they can decide
On a name for her as well
While they keep us from

Another war in Asia
What are we going to do
About Israel

Nothing we can do
It is off limits
Which is Ukraine? 

Got so much attention
Does anyone know
Why there are so many

At or already
Spewing ash

And hot lava
Into the air?
Old Aztec one

And Iceland
Have made themselves

But there is a circle
Around the Pacific Ocean
Of live volcanos

Just like the ring of fire
Of the earthquakes
Which are ongoing

Indiana and the Philippines
Have felt the wrath
Of God firsthand

Wish Jimmy had not tripped
In Arizona 
When he went to be executed

The machine was not plugged in
While they worked on it
Jimmy worked out a probation plan

With not the state of Arizona
But the American government
He has been on probation

This whole time
Working out everyone else's
Misery into his own advantage

This is a stupid kid
He is working hand in hand
With government agencies

And still gets it wrong
Which is where all the fires come from
When he gets it wrong

He has immunity. 
To go about his old business
Of destruction

There are a number of old houses
Wondering why their little plaque
Has been removed

And a bulldozer
Is calling them friend
That old hotel up there

On Bankers Hill
Built when it was
Winters township

Is gone along with
The gas station
And post office

The only thing worse
Would be a bunch
Of Africans showing up

And shadowing me
For no reason at all
Except I got hacked

And Scammed 
Almost went to jail
Just because I am not allowed

To cash my own checks
With my government issued
Name on them

Just because
Those people say no
They have been making it clear

They are the ones
Involved in human trafficking
And drug smuggling

I know a few who are
Gun experts
And a couple of diamond traders

Worlds sometimes collide
I am not into thefts
Nor murders

But those suicides
And near misses
On the highways

And railways
As well as those 
Military ones who go down

Considered at fault
The operator
Of the vehicle

Wonder how much
Jimmy went into in Africa.
After getting in close

With Muslims 
In the Arab world
Why is my old homestead

Being occupied
By heavy East Los Angleen's
And why am I seeing 

Everyday at my bus stop
Individuals from elsewhere
Who are talking on the phone

About me in a foreign language
I now from their eyes
And behavior

Reminds me of Paris
In the old soviet days
All those followers

And then the upstarts
Watching us 
For no reason

Except Jimmy 
Gave them the impression
We were important

To the Presdient.
Look at me
Not even invited 

To this conference
And I was a flower girl
At Jills wedding

Missed her granddaughters
Finally remembered 
To send a card

Which Jimmy 
Has probably already 
Snitched out of the Post Office

Poor old Plains
Both of them now 
In Hospice

Bring on those Pandas
We need some peace 
Of mind

While some of us
Still enjoy the expresso
If not allowed the sweet Gelato.

Best to the Carters
In their last year or so.
Maybe the Press

Could let up on 
Old Joe
He is doing his best

And those stairs 
Are not easy
Did anyone see

The spread
Putin put on
For his latest meal

No more apple farm
Nor sweet berries
And salmon 

But a neat tight
Group of foods
For each of his guests

And himself
Military style
Each one had his own

Cafeteria style 

No sharing 
No waste
Just plain fare

When is America
Going to get 
That this guy

Is not going away?
But Jimmys
Usefulness is over

Would someone
Please run him over?
While we get on 

With the business
Of being Americans
I want fish

Not fowl
For my holiday festivities
And ocean air

Come on everybody
Get with it
The end of the world

Is at hand
Volcanoes erupting
And devastating earthquakes

Being felt
Revelations speaks of them
And then it is all over

And perhaps 
Vodka if not gelato,

And get
Out of my town!

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