Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Different shades of grey


What the hell
Wore grey

Hey guys
Her husband is on trail
And she expected

To sit next 
To her foes
Not her piers

Was not nice to her
At all 

While Hillary
Did everything 
She could

To cause her 
Now Kamala

Is sitting behind her
As the adversary
Who ousted her husband

With a win 
Rosalyn may not even

Be known 
To her due to their age
Where are the other 

Hillary brought hers
But the others were

Left at home.
A tribute to a lady
Who was modern

In her views
But also steadfast
Stood by her man

When he was in trouble
Over the Iran hostage thing
They all looked beautiful

Even little Amy
Was a shining star
Having matured

Into a beautiful woman
After suffering 
An awkward adolescence

At the White House 
In full view of the world press
Seconded by Chelsea

Who started off
In shorts 
And ended it in a mini skirt

Im not sure what
Melanie had hidden under
Her grey wool coat

But it was not a decadent
Fur as even Pat Nixon
Was criticized for wearing

Maybe it was a pantsuit
As most modern women wear
Probably also black

But her statements
Of outerwear
Are already known

And she is from another
Area of the world
Wear making an appearance

Would be questioined
At the best
But she did show

Despite the constant 
Barrage by the press
What are the different

Areas of grey
Portrayed here at a funeral
While the world

Is at war?
Hostages appear to be
The main reason

For the Gaza attack
In order to free
The Prisoners 

Israel has been holding
Will we ever learn
Not to run head first

Into a windmill?
First genocide
Of the Donbass people

And now an icky sticky
Situation of hostages
In exchange for inmates

Well, we are the world power
Even China and Russia
Are having their troubles

No Christmas for the Russians
They don't want large gatherings bombed
Nor is China doing well

With the flu season
Another outbreak?
Please not that

I have not even recovered
From this last one
And there is still 

That trail to go through
Preventing a President
From doing his duties

By allowing prosecution
Is not a wise thing
Nor is allowing an angry mob

To assemble without dispersal
The Boston Tea Party 
All over again?

And whose fault is it
The local police 

Or the federal authorities
Who did not decide sooner
That there might be a bomber

Or a man welding a gun
At this sad event?
I am not pointing fingers

As one who worked 
In government jobs
Usually got the rotten assignements

But still don't want anarchy
Nor children not going to bed
In their own homes

Well done Melanie
Who did what she ought to have
While the rest of the world waits ...

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