Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Sacrifices for salvation


For eighteen years

I have wondered

Why was I side lined?

My auto accident 

In which I died twice

Has never been resolved


I understood I was no longer


In the game of life

But was my sacrifice

For this spoiled one

Who has never made

A sacrifice 

But wants the world

To consider her 

As a contender

For the world stage

But does she 


Her grandparents

Suffered World wars

For their own people

To turn on them

Sofias family 

Were disposed by 

The Greeks

Who would not even

Give her brother

The King a public 


While Carlos

Dealt with the Franco


To take his grandfathers


Only to be publicly 


While his own son

Took the throne

With a hired whore

Despite Felipes 

Innocence in not 

Doing anything but

The right thing

For his generation

He is standing there 

Unawares of this era

Of spoiled ones

Who wont sacrifice anything

At all 

For their family

Nor their friends

They all live in one

Of those dated

Video games

Where only one of them

Will be the real princess

By going behind the backs

Of their parents

Needing themselves

To be given the life

Reserved for someone else

They don't even care

If they were born bastards

They only want what 

Is destined for another

They stand there sneering

At everyone

Including their parents

Who raised them

By denying the one woman

Who is listed as their real

Mother even though she did

Not give birth to any of them.

They wont understand 

That some women cant 

Have babies

Nor the unfairness 

Of making her suffer

The consequences 

Of not wanting to 

Be her mother

Because it is the 

Only way it works

For some reason

I was chosen 

To be this woman

Who is going to give

Everyone else 

The benefits of those

Who have already sacrificed

My own mother went mad

With all the knowledge

Her parents provided

With their sacrifice

They could have been

People who made a difference

Instead all someone wanted

Was their genealogy

They were not the only ones

Who had links towards royalty

But they were convenient

In their isolation

From the rest

Who had no clue

Thier own children

Would turn on them

As well.

Do the Gores 

Or the Bushes


That at least one

Of their daughters

Has been trained

To betray them 

As White house people

For this one child

Who cant even 

Invite her own grandmother

To her swearing in?

Are those real princesses

Born in various houses

Aware that this one

Has been chosen 

By Jimmy

To do his will

And destroy 


As well as 


Not lady Louise

With her pale


Compared to 


Who was  born

To a heroine addict

Given up 

For adoption

For a scholarship

To an arts school.

She does public works

Of large metal objects

While her daughter

Bores the brass

Expecting the world

To be handed to her

On a silver platter

A cheap piece of metal

Does she know

She is no longer



The lion of Spain

When is she

Going to have 

Us all given

Away to demons?

May as well call me 


The one that survived

But was never seen again

One of the Romanovs

Made it through 

But was not able

To get her family

To share in the wealth

Of the bank account

While she died in poverty

All they needed was 

Her signature

The rest was for themselves

Having done nothing 

To save the world

Unlike my father

Who spent his life

Creating or designing

Things for others 

To take credit 

Even those girls

Are now not needed

It was all for jimmy

To find the one

That would provide him

His weapon 

Against the world

Which he was not born

A prince

Nor has ever given him

The Presidency of any country

Til now

When he gets to rule

The universe

Through the nonsense

Of a child 

Who was born 

Just so I could have

An auto accident

Which would leave me

An unwanted cripple

Having been avoided

By everyone who used

My family in order

To get upstairs

Instead of being

On the ground floor

Just so Jimmy 

Could be the winner

After all the assassinations....

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