Sunday, November 5, 2023

What time is it?


What time is it?
Suzie P asked me
When I decided to go out

And buy myself some food.
It startled me because
I had used it for

My secret password
She had been robbing 
My family since 

My mother was little
At some point
Her brother and her

Had convinced 
My naive mother
That they were going 

To kill her parents
If she did not give them
The food stored 

Inside the garage 
To them as they 
Were poor

A life time of 
Her family demanding
They had the right

To my families properties
Just because young stupid
Did not tell her parents

Of the extortions
Every time they came home
From a trip 

It would be to find
They had been raided
One more time

And sometimes
They were still inside
The home using it

For themselves
Even now there 
Is not a single trip

That one of them
Have not shown up
Acting as if I should 

Not have the right
To use my own money
For myself

Janet P
The adopted daughter
Kept taking away 

From me as an adult
My food, my clothes
And my homes

Just because she 
Thinks she  will get away
With falsely claiming

That a child gave birth
To her no matter what age
I was it was before my menstruation

The religion told them
A child has to be at least
Twelve or thirteen

For it to be believed
Bu Janet is retarded
Just like her aunt

Believe in the impossible
Or just plain selfish
Some of the places have

Been torn down
But most of them 
Were emptied of the contents

Then sold for herself
And her Latin lover
Juan Barron

They have laid hands on me
And others who were with me
They want to have access

To everything of mine
And others who are friends
Some of the those 

Durg addict girls
Who pretend they are my daughters
Want to have a rich man

To be their daddy
So they can pick his wallet
Beware all of you

Even Mr. Putin 
Would not be safe
Around these people

I was in DC 
When he went to the 
White house

All I did was walk by
The museums in the park
And there she was Janet

Glaring at me
And her mother 
Standing silently

Next to one of the last
Houses of pre civil war
Brick houses

Shortly afterwards
They sold it as well
Don't trust anyone

Not even you driver
Any of you 
Who happen to have

Crossed my path
With no evidence
These people keep 

On making false statements
To the local congregation
In order to be allowed

To take advantage
Of the situation
There is no where 

I can go without
The spies standing there
Providing my location

While they gossip about me
To local authorities 
Suggesting that I am immoral

And deserve to be hurt
I have no STD's 
Been tested again 

For HIV 
And the rest
Without my permission

But there it is on my 
Lab results
They even steal blood

These people 
From Germany 
They and their friends

Have proven that
The Evil Slave class
Is active even today

They were supposed
To have been stopped
After WWII 

In London
Caught embezzling money
From the organization 

For those in Germany
Who were not Jews
But Nazi sympathizers

Pretending to be 
International Bible students
The Barmettler's

Were a well known couple
Who had both been arrested
But stoled a womans purse

While she was in hospital
Then took her paperwork
To immigrate to America

With their spoiled rotten 
Child named Carole 
Mr. Weins and his bitch

Have continued to rob 
Innocent people
And as convicts themselves

Tell bank managers
That they are pursuing 
A woman who keeps

Trying to cash checks
With her name on them.
Again I was asked in an

Incredulous voice
If I had a check to cash.
Even my federal money

Is sought by these thieves
Who use a religion
To support their white supremacist 

Group which includes
Such ones as the 
Herdclotzes and Schneiderwrights

Always the perfect ones
Worse than dealing with 
The Italian or Russian mafia

These white people
Who have amongst them
Albinos with African nannies

Betty J and Candy G
Both have their picture
In the newspaper with their 

Black skinned nannies
Who are in fact their grandmothers
Poor little Suzie

The time is for her and
Her daughter to go to prison
And as for the Chinese guy

I have special plans 
For him

Back to China
Where he can squeal 
On them and their smuggling team

By the way
It is fall back time
Benjamin Franklins 

Little device to keep 
Time in the old days
To save time

Instead it is wasted
By modern persons
We get to go through

Two- two o clocks
This morning
Just to reset the

Natural time period
Of the earths spin
When sunrise 

Was no longer
Good enough 
For six am 

But Greewich
Set the morning hour
For the world 

Remember to reset
Your clocks this morning
Just as God is going 

To reset time 
While those evil ones
Will not get a second chance

By the way
I want my money back!
No more ratting on me either.

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