Saturday, November 25, 2023

For sale!

Hitlers supposed Mansion
In the woods.
Is for sale

Did you find this one
As well?

He has been selling
All of the places
Associated with my family

Just because he was told
Not to but is going 
To do it anyways.

Perched high in the mountains
Set on a beautiful natural lake
It is still standing

But then it is 
Less than a hundred years old
Built about 1943 or so

But it is not 
In Germany
But Argentina

In Patagonia
Nestled right up
Against the tail

Of South America
Not Brazil on the east
But the west coast

Where there is 
A whole town
Built by Germans

Many migrated
There using false
Paper work

Everything about them
Is fake and phony
Imagine running away

After falsely
Claiming to be 
The Aryan race

The Aryans 
As everyone else 
Knows left by way

Of the Caucasus mountains
They may have gone to India
Or they might have made it

To America
The Incans might
Have known of another

Race even further down
Not small Amazonians
But light complected

Anyways there are so many
Stories of this land
To the south of Texas

The city of gold
Maybe it was theirs
Having left Europe

Carried with them
All the things they needed
After all there is another

Race just as mysterious
The Scythians 
Who once lived

Where that horrible genocide
Is taking place
They left behind gold

Real beautiful gold
But no one knows
From where they came

Nor where they went
Those in the know

In Arabia
Started destroying 
All the books on the world

Before the Catholics 
Were allowed to take
Back their land of Iberia

Trips to the American
Continent must have occurred
As there is too much 

Non information 
An entire continent
That no one had heard 

With astronomy and calendar
As well as writing and mathematics
Fully developed race

Which the Aztecs
Took over in middle America
But what of the south

Only the Inca were found
And those cannibals 
Of the Amazon river

Two races disappeared
From Europe
A city of gold

Which was never found
Nor have the gold items
Of the Jewish nation

While a system
Of communications
And trade were known

Among the Americans
Hmm, maybe
Hitler did find them

The Aryans 
In Argentina
Building a town first

And then a house
On a lake which might
Have the answer to a few things

Such as if Hitler
Did live here
Is he buried here?

Why did Suzie P
Know of this place?
And did the Von Traps

Get to this lake
Having run away
From Hitler

But maybe 
They  were simply
Leading the way....

Nice guy 
And large family
Wonder why so many?

And who were her family
She was an orphan
Given a lot of lee way

By the nuns
Who was she related?
Clever to live first

And then provide
A backdoor
They are probably 

Not guilty
But there were many
Nazi artifacts found

In Argentina
The land of Evita
And cowboys

Horses and cows
Not Texas
But Argentina

Provided beef
By boat for those
Who could afford

To ship it.
What else went on

In that house
My grandmother 
Made it to Brazil

And may have gone
To this lake house
She was a radio reporter

Often invited places
Not to her benefit
She had flashes

Of past experiences
For which the second husband
Would have her locked up

He was never loyal
Nor faithful
But for some reason

She still cant define
She found herself 
Married to a Portuguese

From Brazil
I recall her stories
And remember

Being taken to a similar
Place and kept hostage
Every time I escaped

I was taken back
One time something bad
Had happened 

The woman with a child
Of her own screamed
And ran off into the woods

Jessica is her name
She had switched places
With my sister

She had not known
There was two of us
I found my sister buried

In the front yard
Wrapped up in a sheet
I dragged her down 

To the lake 
And pushed her across

Accustomed to water
Having been born in the ocean
She was thankfully

Not dead yet
And those on the other side
Helped us escape

My younger brother
Shudders when kilts
Are mentioned

He was forced to wear
His in the wrong country
They said they thought

He was a girl
He also had a bad
Incident occur

To him on a lake
But Suzie knows
Where this place is located

She is not what she says
Showing up with a girl
Named Janet 

Who was born when
I was only six years old
No one is that niave

To believe a six year old
Gave birth 
Would put the Virgin Mary

To shame!
Janet was instructed
By Suzie to take 

My groceries from me
And my wallet
And when she found out

Where i was staying
Dragged me out
And throw my clothes

In the street
Her and her boyfriend
Juan Barron

Not allowed
Which is how I ended up
Being placed in a shelter

And what began 
My cry's for help
She also had drugs

From a mental ward
Not given to any patient
But only those with 

Serious disorders
Such as Jimmy 
And his companion Cathy

Red dots on my body
And scared out of my mind
Screaming for no reason

Except she has come again
To get even with me
For not wanting her 

My sister did die
When she was not six years old
That whole year

All sorts of crazy women
Claimed I had left behind
Thier own babies

Playing Mariam
But they did not have 
A Moses for the world

Bastards and bitches
All of them
Wanting only to kill me

And my family
While they live 
High on the hog

Just as Jimmy
Always presents himself
To me as a pig or hog

Cant see anything
Beyond that pig snot
Surprised he has not 

Attempted to sell this house
Although there is nothing left
Just like Suzie to raid it.

Maybe the lake 
Is the location of 
The city of gold?

Or Hitlers grave
We might not ever know
In an era of genocide of neighbors


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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...