Thursday, November 9, 2023

Which one, which one?


Mommy or Daddy?

I'm a fathers daughter

All the way.

My mother may

Have given me birth

But it was my father

Who gave me life.

His was a sad 

And eventful childhood.

His goal was not

To harm others

He raised all of us

To be considerate

It was my mother

Who had a death wish.

How often I saw 

Them argue

And him wanting

To end it all.

He could not stand

The cruelty of his wife

She had been 

A lovely girl

Who was charming

And deceitful

One knows it is

Going to be a challenge

To marry your heart

Once it is obvious

That something has gone

Wrong with them.

Those Germans

Never left my mother alone

Even now Candy and Suzie

Believe they are going 

To be winners in life

But they have no place

To go for themselves

They have burnt 

All the bridges

For me to have 

No place to go.

But they have also

Eliminated for themselves

Any other place for 

Them nor their families

They believe they will

Always be in control

Of their own destiny

But they have not thought

Of all those they betrayed

Nor if god had rescued 

Them from a life of hell

Only to have those

Go home to the demons

They had left.

Behind in order

To seek a new life

They will not forget

The lies of those.

Who called themselves


With the hearts 

Of atheists

No Barbarans

They call themselves


The great race

Were they get to do 

What they want

No matter whom you are

In America.

My father was a great man

Jimmy will never be good

Enough for any woman

Nor will he do anything

But lay his limp dick

On top of a woman

And boast and brag

About being a nobody

Long ago 

Even he sold his soul

To those who hated


What he plans to do

Next is anyone's guess

But we have seen

Small scrimmages 

Break out 

In the areas 

He thought he could

Go without conflict

Places we were sent

As Americans

As Christians

Until we ourselves

Were swallowed

By the locals

Who needed not blessings

But a way out from

Those who tell jimmy

What they want

And he supplies 

It to them

By using his children

Lisa Gordon

Will regret sitting 

Down next to me

As if she was a good 

Person instead of a rat

Smiling as she betrays me

For her kind

Just as Katarina Jaillet

Did nothing but show

Her corruptions

Along with their mother

In aiding and abetting

Terrorists and worse

There is no end

To what hell

They would go to

If they beleived

They do not 

Or they would not stop

Instead of running 

And hidhing

Jimmy keeps 

Sniffing the air

And claiming he is in

Control of it itself.

He is an idiot

And his father a clown

I will one day bury him

In the middle of a parking lot

After removing all of his

Organs to be ground up

To feed to his close ones

Such as Lisa and Janet

Who want to take

Other peoples food 

Resources just because

They think they are

Going to find out

The day and hour

Of gods wrath

For what reason?

It will not save them

No mater where 

They hide nor

How much money

They have in thier walls.

They will be dead

Just like everyone else

Jimmy still acts

As if no one is going 

To harm him

But that parking lot

Will be one 

Where religious people

Will park their cars

And walk over his dead body

In order to seek a savior

Which will not come

From any place

In this west coast

Place were they harbored

And encouraged

Those men who flew

Into the east coast

On a day that might 

Have been my birthday

Put down on some old 


Just because 

He hates me so much

That he has tried

To eliminate me

Since babyhood

His life was not

Worth the cost 

Of all those babies

That were born 

Just to sit and sneer

They have no future

But they don't take care

There she is the apple

Of her fathers eye

Ivanka Trump

Born to a rising rich guy

Had the best care

The best clothes

The  best food

The best education

Only to marry not a prince

But a Jewish Man

She did well enough 

For herself

Marrying for love

But there she is

Testifying for the government

Against her own father

And her brothers

While her mother

Was found dead 

At the foot 

Of the stairs

Presumed of natural causes

What is she feeling?

Most will say 

Nothing because she

Deserves it.

Not like Janet

And Katarina 

Who married not 

For love 

But for convenience.

They don't love themselves

How can they love

Anyone else.

I watched my mohters

Mind break into fragments

Of  her former self.

While my fathers heart

Broke into shards.

I could not repair him

Nor did his friends

Consider what it did 

To his children

To watch them

Always go for jimmy

Our enemy

Who hired some

Stupid bitch 

Named Troth

To destroy us 

In order to control 

Us for some reason

Have they ever

Thought of whom

He works?

Or what it has done

To their children

To be used as drug traffickers

And the ones 

Who allow those

To board planes

Without proper credentials

Just as Meghan has made 

It clear that she is never

Going to get responsibility

Just now she visited

My city again.

After what she did 

To me in DC

Ruining my last chance

Of regaining the trust

Of those who had been

Trusted by us before

Now she wants to walk

Over the same ground

As the President himself

Why would she come 

To a navy city?

After she refused

To give in to the 

Queen of England

And may have caused

The death of her husband

With her hate and spite

About being black

When in fact

She has me as her mother

And I am not African

Nor is she American

Jimmy wanted her 

To come to my city

Again just because

Harry is not stupid

But he has been


By Kate 

Who is also one

Of jimmies girls
His real and only daughter

Is a small black skinned girl

Whom his wife 

Ludmilla gave birth

But then she might have

Had an African lover

After all she had many men

And now has a young lover

To satisfy herself

After pursuing 

And innocent KGB

Officer who was just

Doing his job

At a time of great

Stress in the world

Who has nothing left

But to defend his country

And protect his world.

We might not like it

But he is also jimmies


And all those

Who have sided 

With jimmy

Germans who want

Neither to be Americans

Nor Russians

Who will do anything

To betray both sides

Including taking home

Muslim men

Who don't talk religion

To women unless

They want to know

About our hell.

I'm afraid to tell them

That in their heaven

There are no virgins

They have all already 

Been raped 

Therefore their betrayal

\Will bring them no benefits

Nor will Lisa ever be anything

But a mixed race not real white.

I cant tell you

How many times

I honestly told others

Things I believed

Only to find out

It does not matter

What one believes

But who claims ownership

Such as all those former communists

Women who invaded Christians

Such as Janet Untch

And Betty Adelman

They dont want peace

But where to go in order

To get away from what 

Is coming for them.

My father was never

Dishonest nor a criminal

But he died by the hands

Of these women

Who stoled other children

In order to insert

Thier own 

I have no daughters

The only mother

I had is the one

Who wanted me executed

For being born 

Better than those 

Who hate her so much

She could never see it

While my father went blind

God sees everything 

And so does the devil.

He does not welcome those

He does not want.

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Three times loser

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