Monday, December 21, 2020

Where should I start?


At the end. I have been up and down the west coast, back and forth across the united states.

And here I sit, after complaining of upper respitory infection virus, no emergency room would declare contagious nor too dangerous to travel, having survived being tested positive.

This was after I it was inconclusive and after a dozen attempts to nail me for the dreaded disease. I did everything I could, while traveling I used my own cups and water bottles. I used hand sanitizers, insisted on being in the down stairs handicap section where I was less likely to come into contact with children.

I was even reported by a man for wearing a head scarves. He went to the bathroom on the lower deck and I was still dressed for the outdoors, with the large scarf wrapped around my head and shoulders. I often wore a scarf in those years, around my neck in layers to keep my lower face from being exposed. 

I actually had to remove my face covering because a  man using the facilities had spied it inside the enclosed handicap section. I was disturbed by this incident and brought the paper work on my medical condition but reported I was allowed to travel which satisfied the conductor who had returned. 

One can be removed from a train without a return ticket and dumped in a foreign location or domestic city with no place to sleep nor a way of continuing without permission from the conductor.

Now I had to go into a isolation unit which was a single hotel room with a bathroom and no window to open. I had to keep the door closed and not have a television with a signal on anything except sports. My food was not delivered properly and I began to run a temperature after I was provided a place.

Unlike Malia's family who could not afford a hotel, the poor are provided places when they qualify. The treatment is bare minimal and the second test they said was positive. I never have received a actual paper report on any of the tests I have taken.

I thought I was going to die for a few days in the middle of my ten day ordeal. 101 temp and lack of oxygen. I told the nurses on the phone but unless one is dead they don't come to your room. Just stay inside until your time is done and don't die. 

I did not die, I came out on my ten days still coughing and light headed. I wish Mr. Emmanuel gets better treatment in France than I got. I hear Mr. Boris got a hospital room, which is now in short supply.

I also had to go back to a cot for a few days even though I was promised a new lodging. It took a few phone calls and a lot quiet wailing in the back corner, but the right person ordered a reprieve.

Those of us who had missed our bus the week earlier where provided a second chance. We were given less than 24 hours to pack and be ready at 7 am with our luggage. At 9 am we were escorted onto a bus, one at a time. 

I wont go into detail but we did get to our destination where we had to sign leases agreeing to everything under the sun. I am now checked into a hotel for homeless people. Instead of a homeless shelter which promised housing.

The cost of a two room hotel unit with a door separating the kitchenette, a microwave and hot plate and the bathroom with a bed is 1600 dollars a month. 

This after spending two years due to having no work history and no bank accounts and a bunch of children riding on my identity who clearly are not my children. I hear even Malia is listed as one of my unknown children.

It is not amnesia I have but the suspicion that there are criminals using the system for their own children to keep track of upper class persons. My mother always claimed to have gone to Vassuer and I thought I had got into a few Ivy league schools myself.

Well, who ever is using my identification on multiple levels need to know who many dozen children there are listed and that none of them are going to make a better deal than Meagan who ruined my life in DC where there is no longer a house to return. 

But I have a place to stay and perhaps with an emotional support certificate I can get one of my cats out of the pawn shop. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Not out of the woods yet

 Damn, there goes another man down on the ground, accused shoplifter. And another dead body removed from the premises next door to my very not so nice 500 dollar a night room. The count keeps going up but there is no way of knowing of when it is going to stop.

Those who dont deserve any mercy are the ones robbing hope from others and the ones who could at least be offered a chance are whisked away out of sight.

I had ten days in isolation in a room without any way of opening the sliding door even though the one opened quite freely and frequently. All night long and this alternated with the hand washing, on and off goes the sink, what do you have a meth lab  up there? And then there was the little knocks, can I come in and keep you company? We are in isolation units, one each no sharing no intimacies!

Well, my room, had sharing, the spiders hanging down from the corners were wondering where I came from. I was wondering where the ants had come from and who they were planning to visit. Housekeeping! There is no housekeeping in these units. Just a box, with a door, a bed, a bathroom and a television, which did not get signal for anything but sports sports and sports. Felt like a prison cell, maybe?

And the food delivery, three times a day, the rap on the door and leave a bag of food with water bottles. I am on a glutton free diet, something if  I fail to mention leaves me with nothing but pasta and then there is nothing to eat. I had nothing to eat, they decided I did not need to eat if I could not eat their food.

I get diarrhea from the bread, pasta, pastries and other items which include wheat. This includes soy sauce and barbeque sauce and some dressings as well as pressed meat such as lunch sandwiches. I got instant oatmeal, which clearly had gluten and yes tummy troubles. I complained for three days and they switched me back to the cold scrambled eggs. 

They gave me a tiny ice berg lettuce salad which i could not chew because of my abscessed tooth. I ate the bag of potato chips for the salt content and the vegetable content. Until the last day when they withheld those as well. I went without breakfast half of the days and they would not replace it no  matter how many calls one made to the management team. 

As for the nurses a little starving is good for you, not when that is already you diet and the medicine eats \up your stomach. My last night they kept knocking on the door. I got pasta which I just tossed back out, I got a greek meat thing, and then a vegetarian meat thing. I am not sure of either of the last two were glutton free, as mixed meat are not glutton free such as the vegetarian burger. 

The next day I got no supper at all, this after I had to call for my morning coffee and had actually gotten it in the morning. Just deliver coffee to those on a list, no i have to call, hiss I want coffee and yes cream, not the tiny square but got used to black and it was watered down depending on the type of tantrum the staff was having over my argument of glutton free not being anything with bread of pasta. 

Just give me scrambled eggs for good sakes. I was told to exist on day 10 and at 9 am, I was packed and waiting to go, but got no phone call until 6 pm that my ride was waiting. I got other phone calls but I was not budging until I knew I had wheels under my feet since they had brought all of my luggage to me, or at least most of it. No meals were delivered at the usual hour even though there seemed to be only a few of us leaving.

When I arrived back where I started, they were taking away the meal wagon. I had to ask several times before they handed me a hotdog, which i regretted asking for, at least I had a bag of potato chips before I put myself to bed at 8 pm. 

I had to wait outside for the staff to come collect me, then I had to be inspected by the guards while the staff disappeared, then I had to call a new staff to be allowed in the medical unit, so I could so them my pretty letter which they rejected and they made a few phone calls. I have no clear symptoms except my asthmatic cough and I am not running a fever so they let it go. 

Then the night staff looked confuse when I walked into their hall but just told me to go to my bed. Which there was none. It was gone. I had to ask for them to find me a new cot to sleep on. My back still hurts from that bed. People with bad backs dont do well with just any mattress and that overused thing was not up to my spine. It will be while before it is adjusted. I dont want to hear about Jacuzzis either.

The quarantine is necessary for those who are seriously ill and those who have no place to go. My mother always put me in quarantine and threw parties for everyone else to enjoy my misery. The women really was mentally ill over every little detail  of her childhood. It is too bad her brain cancer could not have been treated, I have heard others say it should have been taken care of with a bullet.

I am still not considered out of the woods and now have to wait for the promised housing. I made it too my locker to keep it from being taken over by someone else. I had to endure the psych questions about my stability instead of the cooks staffs about their desire not to feed a sick individual. I did have a temperature of 101 but with my inflamed mouth and being kept outside in the cold it is hard to say if I really had the dreadful disease and passed through a bad week of chills and sweets or if I simply responded not to well to being locked up. 

Time will tell, but I did survive and have my letter to prove I went through my quarantine. My dream is to give jim one shot of the antivirus but keep him from ever getting the second one, he likes to sweat things out. It is the only retribution for taking my houses from me and keeping me busy with his children or girlfriends to allow him the pleasure of thinking he will be protected but that second shot never reaching him.

Friday, December 11, 2020

My Last will and testament

 December 5 2020 exactly fifteen years after my mother passed away from brain cancer, I was told I had tested positive to coronavirus. All this time I have complained and yet no one has given me results worth mentioning. 

On her anniversary I was whisked away as a criminal to an isolation unit where I am not allowed to stick my nose out the door until my 10 days are over. The man next door has already been removed without comment from staff. 

My mother left no will even though promising things to come to me for putting up with her behavioral. Instead, everyone else has run around claiming their own rights even though they are not related to her and I am done with the African children demanding I am their mother. 

I am Native American and French and Russian!

My last will and testament as I am of sound mind and soul.

I know I have a been tested positive to a deadly virus but show no signs of weakening and they are talking of vaccines after a full year from the inception of the  mutation. I am still wandering about the dormancy stage and how long this virus may have been around but not deadly.

I now I have had no children from my vagina despite the claims of amnesia by some and my doctor have confirmed this just recently. Therefore, I disinherit all of the two hundred so called children laying claim to me as mother, most of whom are in the social service filing fraudulent claims. 

I have no daughters at all, except the one who now refuses to speak to me, my cousins who was left behind by accident and then her mother died. Many have tried to pretend to be her, but only she runs away from me and makes no claim towards me so I would only like her children to be given a chance by her real family since I was never good enough for her but I personally have nothing left to provide as everything has been stolen.

I once was known as a bigamist, but my one husband left a decade ago for espana with a Jehovah Witness and has not even provided his retirement social security for me to use in my neglect. I can no longer find the marriage license, just a piece of paper I never did use as he preferred other types of women, such as motorcycle chicks and rock star singers.

He owes me property but is also a caretaker against Jim who still claims to be my spouse. Jim is not allowed to use my last name but continues to do so despite court orders. Now that his real father Captain Kangaroo, Robert James Keshan  has died, I have no one to confirm but he is not going to continue getting away with putting his Mexican in laws in place on property which was French before they killed Maximillian.

As for my personal belongings to go to no one at all, not  even a charity. I would prefer they be held in trust by a family friend where the greedy ones will stop pursuing me while alive for even a small item as a doll collected in my travels. I was collecting mementos of my families quest to recapture the promise of the life on the West coast but so many are good at getting locals to look the other way when an argument occurs that my entire family lost their property and personal belongings to the same set of criminals.

The trust family friend will not be the same set of criminals such as Candace Galiotto or her niece Janet or nephew Justin. Or any of the Pittzembargers, Battmartlers, Johnston's, Jaillets  and so forth of the group who claim to be this religion but who refuse to acknowledge the actual convictions on their heads. AS for Betty Adelman, well, even the Kremlin is interested in how she continues to function as a pretend KGB agent.

My personal intelligent property is also not up so grabs. This includes my work history as well as my current ancestry project. These should be held by the one chosen but not named in a law suit. Such as Rachelle Anne Dixon who is Ludmillas Putinas baby girl with Jim when they were married all those years ago. The midget is out of control in her desire to introduce herself to people. I know she has already been kicked out of Buckingham Palace and the Whitehouse and don't believe anyone else is interested in her thieving children. 

The Jehovah Witnesses group lied to my family about being a pure religion respecting god and authority. Instead they let an old man who sacrificed his life at their head quarters die in a nursing home with no one to care for his needs, while his family home where he was born was turned into a camp grounds just because the group wanted a playgrounds. This is why even though some of the family are shocked, none of them have been able to prevent the atrocities' done because there is no recourse to a group with no law accept themselves.

Therefore, I leave nothing to anyone except the knowledge to trust no one at all. Not even your wife, now that we are in a Pandemic. Your trusted toys will be thrown in the trash or given to your enemies children to play with or worse their dogs to chew on. And if there was anything of value someone such Alona will come along and rob your own grandmother during her funeral, just so she can wear a Russian fur hat and say she is a Romanov.

I leave to my dead twin sister the resurrection when she can get even with everyone by rising from the dead and looking just like me run around reclaiming everything she remembers. To my long lost siblings who were threatened  with loosing their manhood if they stayed in the house, I leave the idea of capturing Jim and removing his limp pride since he knows not where to plant it but instead uses it to continue to steal from them and myself. 

If I had had a child by another means, he would have been cared for through surrogacy since I am unable to produce children of my own and would know how to go about attaining the rights to his rightful inheritance once Jim is stripped of the idea of using my last name. 

As, for that first flame, he seems to have evaporated into thin air in this time or certainly Jim would not be not be nodding his head in my direction as a convicted stalker and harasser giving people the impression he is not the one with mental illness. 

To, Jim I leave his Arizona execution where he tripped over the cord on the way to the chair. That they replug it in, with him in the chair and pull the switch successfully this time, ending a lifetime of misery for my family. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Has it been that long already?

 Time goes by fast when wants it too or way too slowly when one is not ready for the prospects in front of one. This last month has seemed an eternity, hasn't it?

It has been just thirty days since the elections and yet we seem to have gone around the moon and back with the results and the court refusals and the public rebuttals. 

One wonders if you can remember what you were doing just last month? I was walking to get my monthly bus pass and cursing myself afterwards when I saw the free ride sign on the buses due to it being voting day. I've had two important doctors visits since then, with a few follow-ups and still waiting for the right answers. I have an absessed tooth due to lack of real dentistry, the little fiends called hygienists want their money before one can see the dentist where the insurance kicks in to pay for the specialist. 

Well, that and my EEG which came back without the stroke signs and the well known aneurism I have grown up with, what a waste of my time, sitting on bus stop benches and walking past demonstrators. 

I do know it has been fifteen years since my lay dying in a hospital in San Diego and no one came to visit her at all. Not even the hated Jim, nor his family. He always made himself known to everyone and everyone asked for my mother to visit them. 

But on the day she was dying of brain cancer and complications of a broken heart, not even Jim nor any of his family came. I was left to walk done the street from the bus stop to the cheap hotel someone had rented from the Hospice, after  my father was elected a mayor of south county and I had made it through the system in the city council as well to support our local city which had our family name still listed on one of the old townships, Winthers.

Jim is not a Wheat nor a Winters nor is he even a Windsor as he often decorates his ego with other peoples names. He is just a Keshan, the son of a celebrity or at least he is supposed to be the same boy that was born to the man and his first wife before he became famous. 

Often, I have thought he was exchanged at birth or later on with someone elses bastard. Really, though on the Christmas special in 1959, he was a toddler being allowed to have all of the Christmas presents meant for my mother who showed up married and with child. 

Except her child was not born yet and it was already known to be dead. It would be delivered in May to a woman distraught and uncapable of knowing the correct way of dealing with herself, her husband or this little weasel. She would also go through the process of being convicted of the crime of an abortion as it was called when the fetus came out not alive. 

Her life was shaped by this Christmas and we never had a nice one, especially after my twin sister born two years after me died. It was December and as I said I was forced to walk in the dark with the last bus as the hospital refused to let me stay in her room at night after my hotel room had closed for renovations and the Jims family had decided we could not stay for  the holidays with him. 

We had not come for the holidays but for the medical treatment she had been promised and the old friends who were supposed to be in town. Everyone seems to have moved out and who is to blame with all the building going downtown. 

I was awoken at two in the morning with a phone call asking for resuscitation, which I said yes to and then teh phone went dead. The phone in the room was not working nor the phone booth outside and the night bell did not seem to work either. Talk about a black out of technology. I had to wait for the light of day and walk a mile to a different bus stop to go up the hill on a Sunday to the hospital to be shown my mother in the morgue as they had not resuscitated her when I had asked in advance since I was not allowed to stay with her due to their increased holiday traffic. 

The one family I did see during this time was the family from India who used to run a hotel next to the older property near the homestead which also had a town named Winters. They claimed the property and our house and now they are living down here and are also running several hotels. They are no relation to Kamala Harris of India although. 

For fifteen years I have wandered back and forth among the properties I spent my first fifteen years knowing my family had ownership. I know my family had difficulty but they never lost their properties but were swindled a number of times and  never got the court orders executed. The place in Ensenada is a French land grant from Napoleon days and the crazy woman thinks she is native American instead of Jewish as her family claimed when they immigrated from Egypt. 

I came close a number of times in getting my way, but got removed repeatedly, sometimes by force. Actually carried out by varies members of the Christian congregation who have arrest warrants but no scruples who still cause trouble because they dont know any better. They have also enlisted over two dozen children to cause trouble for my father and my self insisting on being the real relative.

Many of these are surprising now celebrities such as alica Vikander or felicity jones, in fact almost every new major movie star has come from jims penis which has no sperm and used to have no balls, hence the suggestion he was replaced by aliens, and they have this witch thing going where they get to do what they want no matter how awful it is to someone else. 

Hence, a number of house have been torn down or dont exist anymore, a number of mexican men have sat in front of me and acted as if they are lords, when in fact they are just bastards. A number of deaths have occurred at everyone of these houses where the Mexicans have no idea they are probably Muslim after thoughts of the build up towards 9/11. 

Anyways, I had to give up my cats Hansel and Gretel and live in a shelter to get medical treatment due to the unfairness of some unjust social workers, judges, and others in the services such as bank tellers who simply lie about things just to stay off the streets. I crossed paths with the one girl I tried to adopt but she wont talk to me as jim abducted her and a number of other children. 

Meanwhile, i am being stalked and harressed by a number of Barack wanna a bes, all Africans with no sense and no resemblance except the skin tone. Poor man, I am not going to say he drugged me and forced me to have sex, no matter what the little vixens claim.

I was a good girl who got married at 15 to a respectable man from the other side in Europe who was then told I was not 17, my paper work was wrong, I was deported and tried again a few years later with another friend of the family only to loose all hope of ever getting away from jim's fury nor my mothers mental inabilities.

Well, it has been a long month, and Mr. Wilson walked right back to his spot near Horton Plaza and is standing frozen in time after disappearing for the voting. He was the other Mayor, my father and him were joint mayors when they decided to incorporate the entire city. Unfortunately, as in politics one man had to go down and they chose my father due to Jim primarily being a pain in everyone's face. 

Fifteen year olds feel things very deeply and dont like being forced out nor refused when the obstacle is finally removed nor does an absence of fifteen years in a person life mean much when that person was a force to be reckoned with. One wonders what happened to everyone else during the last decade and a half?

Friday, November 13, 2020

And another plague is upon us...

 Really, it is just like the bible stories of Egypt. All those years of bible school and treks to Isreal and summers going without the usual kid things. 

I grew up in a nation wanting change, unlike my mothers spoiled fifties generation, the seventies was about reconnecting and getting back in touch with god.

Anyways, we have a new worry, an actual alien invasion. A group of murderers was discovered. And yet another Asian bug coming to America. 

All those Pineapple expresses and easterly winds bringing menace across the Pacific towards us harmless folk on the West coast.

They have been tracking this group for awhile and even gave it a name. Just as a little while ago, we were all told to be fearful of the killer bees from Mexico, the Murder Hornets have arrived in the state of Washington.

They uncovered the first nest. And it is an invasion force. There were two hundred queens getting ready to be born. Just as a syfy-story of real aliens of outer space bringing their queens to us to ride us of our minds, these guys traveled across Asia to America and they were prepared. 

Two hundred queens in one nest. Usually there is only one queen or if there are two, a mother and daughter or sisters, they duke it out until there is only one. The reverse of the male dominate societies, the female is the breeder and the larger of the species.

The size is massive, a full size for a flying bug. Over two inches in length with a three inch wing span. And these guys fly in mass, remember those weird scenes in the Avenger movie of the strange wasp aliens. 

What do you think they were planning, setting up house in this fashion, having brought their entire network with them? Two hundred hives or nest for two hundred swarms? And the authorities seeking these tiny aliens only found one nest, what if there was a second or third as part of their plought to invade our country?

We would need an expert bee keeper or honey husbandry and the only ones I know are either dead, as in Mr. Jennings who used to sale his own honey brand and Mr. Freeman who kept the Hollywood hills beautiful.

Bees are needed to propagate or encourage the spring flowers which brings the fall harvest. In other words, this is not only a plague on humans being murdered by the stings of these particularly harmful bugs, but also an environmental disaster. 

The honey bee is needed to grow crops as well as flowers. If they are attacked by the Hornets which are quadruple their size then there will be serious harm to the crops in the North and Northwest. 

If the authorities have to use chemicals on these giant bugs or pest, then the entire community will be under harm, including the bees and other helpful things for the food growers of America. There is also the issue of breeding out or the hornets invading the nests of the bees and mating with them, causing mutations. It just looks like a horror story from the midnight movie listing.

We already talked about the mid west dumping milk because they might take offense to their votes not counting in the election. After all there are more of them in the middle than either the West or East and rich farmers and industrialist. 

Now we have a new worry, what if the authorities cant  keep back the tide, now that one colony has made its way and been successful in hatching two hundred queens. 

Not unlike Plymouth and Jamestown, the beginning is just the beginning. 

It looks as if Florida might be the best place to retire after all. I wonder if the Russiaa President  is still handing out free passports? After all, he has a reputation for keeping out unwanted guests.

10 plagues:

There were various smaller pests such as flies causing harm to humans, animals and plants alike. Pests.

There was the plague of frogs which invaded the homes and got into the ovens and other types of cooking places.

There were the snakes which killed all the good things which kept the bad things at bay. 

There were the locusts which swarmed over the entire land, turning it black or dark and eating all the cereals of the land. 

There was the Nile that turned to blood, not unlike the chemicals which are in our rivers or those oil spills!

Hail, Fire and Lightening struck the fields killing the animals and setting fire to the fields, or forests as we have seen all around the world including the Amazon and Siberia.

A few more I cant remember but there was the one that took there breath away in the middle of the night leaving every first born dead. Not unlike these breathing disease, where people get yelled at for having allergies and using the safer hand sanitizers than soap and water but contaminated sinks where there are more bugs of the disease kind.

Oh, and the one with boils and we also mentioned the plague arriving on the West coast presumably from the cargo ships from China.

Poor China, bad man out right now. I wonder if there was any religion which might have predicted or warned against this nation in the last two decades? All those wanna bees taking trips to visit already known deadly spots such as Mongolia and bringing back god knows what in their suitcase.

Where is Moses and Aaron to stop the course of these plagues? Is there any religion that is really carrying out the work anymore who have not taken advantage of others in order to benefit themselves financially and advance their own political agenda such as blaming one country or anther as the bad guy?

Sunday, November 8, 2020

As unpopular as the four horsemen ...

 Who wants an unpopular President or Mayor?

Really, this is America. We want to be comfortable and we want to have our way and we want it now!

All this hype of the voters fraud and ballot box stuffing. And then there are those delayed results.

I was stuck out in the rain yesterday for over two hours waiting with groceries along with a few others watching a stream of cars go by waving flags and shouting to the decision of Biden. 

I belive in the American system, overall we come out in the end. But it sometimes takes time. Like when the bus is going to come down the street with all the traffic.

It is not wrong of Biden and Harris wanting victory nor of Trump demanding he did nothing wrong when he accepted the results in the last election. After all, it appeared as if he had won and the electoral college is the deciding venue. 

Not popularity, such as just wanting the bus to come on time. Well, I had an appointment up on the hill as we know it, way above the marina district and the downtown area which was once the only place to see a parade. 

Now, they hide the parades or go up where there is no way of obstructing the local government offices. Which are closed for the most part anyways. Anyways, there was a long line of cars, waving flags, girls dancing in the streets, and rainbow land had come alive. 

The area was once known for it throwback to horses and hillbillies and cowboys. Trucks used to cruise down the main street called Washington on Saturday night with the girls in shorter skirts and families walking together, not afraid to the local restaurants. 

I did see a pair of purple cowboy boots on a man, wearing a cowboy hat with his arm around another man wearing a cowboy hat and jacket. It is now the LGBT community. They have rainbow flags and store clerks with particular attitudes. 

It is also where they built half a dozen hospitals before the epidemic of AIDS hit California. It is also where the major grocery stores are located. Most of downtown is now empty due to the misfortune of Horton Plaza cutting off the community. It is now being torn down, with just Ralphs quaking in its shade and a Ross dress store a few blocks over wishing it was not the only one left. 

Well, during the Pandemic, this community is one of the few still holding its head. Many of the business downtown are closed. And many of the Malls have not opened back up. It has an old smell of local people and the new community, is if not friendly, polite about us interlopers. It was also taken over by the hippies back in the seventies. 

I remember walking down the street with my new friend. Her mother was from India and I knew a few of the health

food store clerks and local music artists who had been to India. She was not as impressed with their trips as the ability to walk around with out the usual trouble as a mixed race as we know call it. I have always had a tan, and as a native american and Scandinavian I was always a little put out by the English and German comments towards myself. 

I actually got yelled at a few weeks ago to go back to England. It was not by a white person and I was having a hard time not crying. I have always been open, except to white supremist and fascist and others who just dont know not to keep asking a child to go back to the bathroom in school and wash her face again and again. It will still not be white when I returned but it was not as hard as the constant hand washing comments, honey, if your grandma had had hand sanitzer, she would not have bothered with soap and water.

Anyways, with the rain and the car rally and afternoon appointment only taking two minutes. I decided to head down to the shops and look around and then go to my favorite store which has glutten free products. I cant tolerate wheat products. And there it was a sign on the thrift store, closed due to festivities. The horn blowing and shouting and bell ringing continued all afternoon. 

Long after I got my groceries and my icecream had melted, it still went on and no buses in sight. One lady told  me she had to walk from the nearest blvd Park, and another lady called her neighbor to come get her. I was so tired I just sat there with my  head pounding watching silly blond girls waving their Kamala flags with tiny little smiles, and great big Mexican flags going by and thinking of the four horsemen. 

I got up when I saw the buses on the other side of the street begin to come down and got on one. I asked and he said they were diverted. The entire five mile blvd is the bus route! And they were diverted. In other words the other people sitting there with thier groceries were not getting home without walking or finding another way out of the hell the car rally had created. 

I managed to get him to let me off on the far corner of the blvd, he refused to stop at any of the other stops on the street and rain for a bus I saw loading passengers heading down hill. It came from the wrong direction but yes it was going downtown. I have a broken back and use a stick due to seizures and what not, running is not a good thing. 

It was dark when I got downtown and then could not do what I wanted, but had to take the two trolleys around the central core, since the Horton plaza stopped all flow of traffic and one has to circumvent which requires a trolley to one end or the other and another one to the other side, in this case the Marina. 

I was rained on a few times during the day and lost my sandal at least once or twice. I have swollen feet from being put on a walker instead of a wheel chair. It is my families old homestead, they inherited. There were other properties but this was the last and unwanted by the water, now it has access to a highway, a bridge to Coronado and other things. 

I was remembering as I walked the last portion in the dark, I started at noon, that Pocohantas had gone to England and died of Small pox, never returning. The Queen Victoria, made the Empress of India, never made a trip out of England or traveled to India. 

I was also wondering what my British friends and families would say about having a woman or man whose mother had come from India being elected? Of course, they have  a Turk sitting in as Prime Minister, having inherited the job when Mae was kicked out due to Brexit. During my trip on the trolley, there was a man from Mexico without his mask on, drinking out of an opened container of beer. 

It seems this victory for the first female Vice President who is honestly of both Jamaican or African ancestry and Indian ancestry unlike Meagan Markle who is clearly making up a story of some kind with little white China slanted eyed man. That the main people who are celebrating are the Mexicans who have never owned California nor won a war against America. 

Poncho Villa, a terrorist shot up a few towns, the Mexican shot Maximillian, Napoleons Nephew, but the Americans did march on Mexico City, capturing its grasshopper hill and royal residence. Just as the British came back after the American Revolution in 1812 and burnt down the Presidents mansion and much of the District of Columbia. 

But.  the Mexicans seem to think they are going to be allowed to continue to swindle white people and claim to be their heirs, stealing their property and their possessions. I am tired of being told my non sister in law Teresa gets my grandmothers fur coat and her sons my last name even though Jim is not a Wheat and in turn my bank accounts and now the property that was the LDS or Mormon families possessions. 

In other words, they have no inclination to go back to where they came from, Spain or Arabia as most were muslim before the Catholic king and queen made them all convert and then deported them to Mexico. It is also appearant, that many of the young women have no idea as what is ahead. Nancy has already been elected to the third chair, and in case Number one and two should die, would have become President. 

The Vice President is very important and I am proud of someone who did work to get where she did. I am also sad for so many who dont try nor care for anything but defrauded and swindling. I still have too many non children threatening me on the trolley or following me through stores. I was also an elected government person and worked for the government. I was hit on the head and had my purse stolen and was told I owed these children a life and a life of luxury. 

My family were both original inhabitants and immigrants who worked at what they owned. These girls just want to make you sweat out what is not thiers. I would whether give them abortions now that they are full grown and have done nothing but sending them to prison will not teach them a lesson. 

Sending them back to where they come from which is probably, Mexico, Cuba, Bahamas and Berlin would make a mark but only if they were not allowed to return as Jim did repeatedly, using my families name until no one can remember a time they complained he was not allowed inside their homes or the US.

I am never going to acknowledge something I did not do and my mother is never going to grow up. That is what I was told, just wait for Armageddon when everyone will have a chance. It would have been better if my mother had been put out of her brain cancer illness and these unwanted threatening terrorist were executed before too much more goes wrong.

As for the four horseman, the White one came first or so we are told. he was given a crown. Some say he is Christ and some say he is death. The Red one is mentioned next with a sword to bring injustice and torment to the innocent. Often seen as a sign against Christians who had a long battle agains all the other nations including Isreal.

Then there is the one with the scales and expressions about food and money. Then the pale green horse perceived as death or pandemics and plagues as we have all been told would occur. And following him is the grave as most have rendered the terms, which by that time were being written in a combination of original Hebrew, Aramaic and newer Greek. 

It is hard to say which terms are accurate but we all can see our modern history of war and blood bath. Terrorist and home grown bombers. Domestic abuse even among daughters who want their mothers to pay for their children's groceries out of her food stamps or mothers who want to steal their daughters retirement fund before she is ready to retire. 

Being left with nothing at all, not even evidence of being an employee at any time in any recognized position makes it difficult not to have a nervous breakdown. I can tell you about spilt milk and cow dung slinging. There is human excrement on the streets. In fact, in San Francisco, the tourist were taking pictures of men who were just doing it on the streets without caring who saw them.

This hand washing nonsense is good for those with basic life expectancies. Those hit hard in New York and other places had probable other reasons for not surviving although that is not always true. It is just most of us who have been sick and survive assume we did not catch the virus. I am still testing non positive and yet feel terrible.

The food shortages have already been described but it is what is to come that is going to be interesting as to which horse came first or last. The Pandemic has caused enormous amounts of death. It has also caused joblessness and business to close. The economics are bad, especially when the American people wont except their own system.

Either change the law and be as Russia is where the most popular wins or accept the states decision, good or bad as to how they are going to spend the votes of the people. Now we have an entire Midwest where the most millionaires and food is grown not receiving anything for their hard work. They all voted for Trump, the entire Midwest, from Texas through Idaho and Wyoming and the Mississippi 

It is not unknown for spilt milk or for the  milk industry to dump their product in order to get better prices. They are know in possession of the food and the scales of justice or food or commodity prices are in their hands. They make most of the breads and cereals of the land, they produce most of the beef and pork of the land. They also have the vegetable gardens and even the soy products of the land in their backyards, this includes legumes, beans and peanuts. 

What is next? An unpopular President due to his perceived not understanding the law gave him the Presidency in the electoral college, remember Pelosi did not win the Impeachment charges on voter fraud, nor has it been proven Putin had anything to do with it personally. 

Now we have a possible unfavorable first female of uncertain heritage taking the second seat. It will be interesting, in the middle of a Pandemic with lower jobs available and higher prices in the supermarkets for food to see who can withstand the constant change of the world markets and local disputes of who wants what and now and not when it is convenient for everyone. 

Will it be the scales of justice, food shortage, no jobs and income, panic and or pandemic which will cripple a nation and bring about death and the early grave? Or are the horsemen riding to something else we cant see coming at us, instead of the usual back lash, when not everyone gets what they want?

I want to have my way in court and to have those told I am not their mother not to threaten me because I dont care what thier skin color is, i am not responsible nor am I going to do anything but attempt to get them into a small pine box since their mothers choice to lie to them instead of aborting them.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Oh SIGH, as my mother would say

 What are they doing out there?

Has anyone heard of jerrymandering or jerry rigging?

It is so obvious from the map of the votes that there is a huge problem. I dont think I have ever seen the entire West coast vote for one candidate nor the entire Midwest not get their man.

The richest millionaires are in the farming and industry business. For instance, the Walmart family have quite a lot more money than the Trumps. And the Wyoming construction guy who turned shipping magnate had two 150 million plus yachts parked in San Diego at the same time. His yachts alone were worth more than most can imagine, even in New York city.

If only the old guys were here such as Cronkite and Jennings. What are we supposed to do with this map?

Even Maine, my mothers favorite state only has the coastal counties for Biden. The whole rest of the state has voted for Trump, but they are only giving him one count and the other three for Biden. 

Some of the states are over 25 electorate votes or more and have sided with Trump but it is not enough to override Biden. 

I remember Reagan, the former movie actor and radio announcer during WWII who made the California Governor when his kids were small come riding in out of nowhere and blowing Carter out of the water. I don't believe he carried the whole West Coast. 

It looks as if someone just splashed paint against the Map. Whole sections have gone either one way or the other. It is usually individual states.

Even Nevada, which is Republican has only two of its counties voting for Biden. The one with Reno in it, Washoe and Clark, the one with Las Vegas in it. The two gambling towns have all gone for the other guy with the rest of the state, going, huh? How are they going to divide its spoils up? Six votes, all for one guy or are they going to give even one tiny vote for Trump?


This is all about the original colonies being seen as separate but equal in the original documents. They were originally, different countries, religions and established for different reasons.

They came together to fight the big bad guy King George. Even Germany sent in troops to help fight his cousin and France offered a few things such as ships and money. 

Then they sat there and yelled at each other for a decade. From the signing of the Declaration to the ratification of the Constitution it was 13 years. The Federalist papers and the additional amendments had to become part of the law before the entire country would accept the idea they were one country.

Out of this came the electoral college. They did not want the poor common man to have the right to decide who would be their leader. Not that they did not trust them, but they had their own interest. 

For the most part, those who governed already had experience and money to support them and their causes. The rest were just along for the ride.

Really, each state wanted to decide how to view their populations cast of votes. Unlike in Russia and Germany or any other Western European country were they take the votes straight to the government and the guy with the most wins, the US had to be different.

In America, each states decides how many votes each guy gets at the end. It is based on popularity but also on supposed wisdom and foresight. 

The point is to keep one guy from having too many votes, making everyone suspicious. It is also to make sure it is a fair fight and no unfair practices such as jerry rigging or falsely reporting. 

Overall, it is meant to keep the popular guy from taking the important seat when there is more qualified guy sitting there who has the expertise.

In the end, the electoral college is meant to  keep the poor farmer from deciding international policy and to allow a more fair system of government than a monarch or a puppet.

What do you think we are going to get? 

I like Biden and Kamala, I am not against Trump. I even liked Hillary. But this has gone to far, change the law or get over it and lets proceed as the founding fathers wanted. 

Or change the law and we can also be just like the Russian President, who votes in the guy with the most votes no matter how he gets them. Although, he is limited in his powers, the government is attempting to alter the way his appointments of his chiefs of staff such as the Prime Minister, he has to be given the right by the lower house. 

What a shock to get the seat of power and then not have your best friend sit there but have to work with what the others want, not always a good thing nor a bad decision based on the kinds of problems the past few administrations have had to deal with since there is always a deal on the table.

Heh, they are attempting to change the law just as the founding fathers had to alter their concept of a united states versus a set of states in unification. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Alois, Isreal and Leslie, who were you?

 Alois Schicklgruber is the real name of Adolf Hitler or Heidler, a Jewish bastard born to an unwed woman who was later allowed to use a pseudnym for his Marxist rise to power in order to get rid of his own group of racially inferior ethnic breed as the newer scientific thinking decreed. 

Vladimir Lenin is really Isreal Ulyanova, but used Lenin in order to hide his families Jewish roots and adopted the title "ruler" as  he ascended in his politics of Marxism and extreme racism towards his own ethnic background staging the removal of the Russian Jews in order not to get caught by any who might have known of his families origins. 

And then there was Leslie Lyn King, a good enough name for almost anyone but the President of the United States. We know him as President Gerald Rudolph Ford, his step fathers name. As a former CIA operative, perhaps he kept two separate passports as granted to him by the proper authorities or maybe no one in the press room was willing to call him Mr. King, President. 

Of Course, there are other Presidents with different names but real birth certificates, such as Bill Clinton. This is also his stepfathers last name, his father having died before he was born and named Blyth with Hayes as a family name as well. Does anyone think he might have traveled under a different passport? 

Then there were those Dukes from Bavaria on the battle field of the American Revolution. Captain David Walker and his son Private Jonathon Walker. They were really Ernst Frederick Saxe-Hildburghausen, Dukes of Bavaria, II and III. 

They fought on which side? It says the father had his assignment from the German Charles VII, Palatinates sent in to keep order against his British counterpart? The son seems to have taken up residence in Harmony Pennsylvania, known as Mennonite country in 1788 after his father died. 

Was this known to George Washington, also a possible stepson? His chief Body Guard had to route out three companions who were attempting an assassination's upon him. Or at least he was promoted to chief after the discovery, his name was Frederick Braun, also from Germany. He stayed behind in Pennsylvania and changed his name to Brown, my great great great grandfather, the head of what is now known as the Secret Service. 

How many others were adopted or given their stepfamilies name? Was it important, not unless they were committing a crime. Traveling under false documents versus those provided by the government is one thing, conspiring to steal someone's identity is another. 

I am dealing with the constant threat of a stolen identity, no work history and the misunderstanding i am responsible for more than two dozen born out of wedlock bastards brought to me on television or to my mother behind my back as abandoned. 

As for them, such as Meagan Markle who did show up at my door with her boyfriend to say one more time that I was her mother, they are terrorist or extortionist, attempting to gain an introduction to those they don't need to know. I am suspicious of any who continue to demand they know me and refuse to go their way without knowing whom I am related or acquaintances. 

For the last time, I cant give birth at all due to an injury when I was three. I have a collapsed pelvic bone which cant be forced open for a live birth. And I have no marks for surgeries according to the State doctor of California. I am also not known for being pregnant but prevented by my mentally ill mother from having a relationship of any kind. 

I also have not had sex with John F Kennedy jr, Barack Obama, Michael Jackson, Andy Garcia, Benjamin Brat or even Prince Charles. I wonder who else I should add to my list, as most of the children claim i did not know I had sex due to amnesia, I do remember alot of head concussions and drugging as well as examinations proving that not only was I not raped under these circumstances as a journalist but that i had fibroids preventing pregnancies.

Now clearly, Meagan does not think Doria is her real mother and I wonder if Markle is her real father instead of a foster family raising her with permission to have her introduced to high society for some reason. I remember Connie Selleca loosing her baby daughter in the hospital to a thief and it was never returned, wonder if the two look alike are mother and daughter. 

We know have a Belgium Princess insisting daddy be made to acknowledge her, well he may have had a mistress but I did not have a lover and none of my daughters better be calling themselves princesses or i will  make sure they are either executed for treason or deported for extortion in order to extract terrorist information. 

Hmm, I wonder if anyone has claimed Mr President Vladimir Putin as their daddy. I get the impression he made sure he did not have real children as he was a KGB officer after very dangerous people who might have held someone hostage or substituted their child for his. 

I  wonder what his real name is, as Vladimir Lenins, Chef's grandson, he uses the name of Vladimir but also am told Pavel or Paul. There is a man I know named Paul Photenhauer who is similar in build and personality, a former white house correspondent who also gives elusive background information. His family are supposed to be from Germany and the Amazon. 

Hmm. I also know a man named Micheal Herdclotdz who is the spitting image of Vladimir Lenin. He wears an eye patch but otherwise the guys appearance is really similar and he annoys me every time I come in contact with him as an extortionist with German roots. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Yeah it got returned

 Returning something was once a code of honor. If stolen or lost, one could almost guarantee an item or child would be returned.

Now days, oh was that yours as they hold the bag on their shoulder or watch the child being put into a car, knowing you are asking about it.

Maku, the Lemur from the San Francisco zoo was stolen in the middle of the night. Apparently, the zoo is not Fort Knox and does not have a system in which someone cant just walk in and remove something they want. Jim was good at that.

No matter where I worked or my father and we were both put to work in strange places such as National Parks and zoos because we were federally recognized Indians, the white boy would come in and do something to get us fired or simply remove something he saw with his camera eye.

Such as the Gardner, we had a lot of problems with him over the painting of the Sea of Galilea, currently missing. He also made the SF zoo available to him for his personal shopping sprees, often attempting to sell the animals or use them for animal cruelty laboratories in the Bay Area which no longer exist, or at least the public was told they no longer are in operation.

Poor little Lemur, so old and frightened, seen stumbling around the play yard of an Asian preschool in Daly City. This is near both San Jose, and Stanford University and does not require a bridge to cross, in the old days there was always a collection both with sharp eyes. The little ring tail was still attached to his body, something I personally was afraid was going to be removed and he seemed to be able to care for his needs although his eyesight might not be very good.

It seems, whoever took him, could not keep him. A sale of an animal to a private collector that did not go through or an animal to old to be sold. No labs would take him either, what was the new owner to do with the specimen? Turning it loose in a playground seemed like a good idea.

After his capture with the help of a bunch of five year old's speaking Asian words, he was put in isolation as is required by law for the Virus killing everyone including Minks. This virus was supposed to have started  with Bats, a species of reptiles or birds transferred to the homo sapien population. It is also able to infect cates of the feline species. 

The Mink farms in Utah, it spread like wildfire. Who ever brought it in, it went through 9 farms in just three weeks, wiping out their populations. No new mink fur coats this year, maybe in about 3-5 years after the new ones grow to maturity. 

Of course, Lemurs are not felines, nor minks nor bats. They are primates,  which the humans are considered relatives, actually it is the feline we are more closely DNA matched but everyone assumes we are monkeys, so I hope the little guy gets his Cov test done and enjoys his isolation.

As for the driver of a sanitation truck, he was caught with a stolen vehicle and he had pictures of the Lemur. It was suspicious to the cops who seem to be looking for things instead of passing through blond women with abducted brown haired children. 

Cory is his name who was arrested in the other direction Marine county driving a stolen garbage truck. Why did he take the animal and then release it, if he is the one who took it? Was he the one who broke in and why this animal? Why did he get rid of it, instead of killing it and making it disappear? How did he know how to get in to the zoo and where to go to steal an animal?

Zoo keepers have special training and most of the workers are not bright but the volunteers make it seem easy. I know I went through the training and was raised around conservationists and hunters alike. Cory must have meet someone who told him what to do or have visited at some time, such as a school trip where a worker was careless in front of him. 

Or he might have visited one of the volunteers putting the exhibit together. It was a new exhibit about twenty years ago, and Maku would have been one of the younger ones. I remember when I worked for various places such as National Parks or zoos and museums, that children would be brought over to me and told they were related, such as my child or sibling.

Cory would be worthy of talking to about his childhood. There are so many abducted children in California. One assumes it is a Midwest problem where no one notices anything. But it is California with its diversity where the children don't look like their parents and the wrong child demands to be part of the family. Such as Jim who was known to be Captain Kangaroos blond blue eyes son. 

Those who kept insisting the brown hair parents where his, or the little African midget who keep being put into my home who still insists now that she is forty that I am her mother. She has refused to acknowledge teh courts decision I am not her mother and now has trained her children like monkeys to steal from me. Ihad to chase her five year old down the hallway, with the large dragon I had bought for the one adopted girl whom I had brought home from a trip oversees. Her mother and I were related and she had lost her luggage and purse. 

It was decided by the others for her take my passport since she was older and had access to bank accounts and I would be supported when we got to the airport about my missing documents. Instead the small private plane she was on, crashed with all but one dying. The baby at the last moment was removed, which is why they were sending her instead of me. 

Have you ever tried to find cows milk in India? Where the cow is sacred? I have never had milk to produce as one of those unable to have children. Another reason I wanted to adopt the little red head. Instead we both have faced nothing but difficulties and now she spends time in Tijuana where Jim took he rto learn to live as a real Indian girl. HIs wife Teresa and him take advantage of children and innocent in order to survive.

He is also an illegal alien, who was forced to stay in Mexico instead of coming to the US. He wife and him are drug dealers or traffickers and she is using my ID. All of this is known to the authorities but they don't seem to want to do anything about it.

As for the little African Queen, she has interfered to many times, and her and her white handler Sue are going to be sued for showing up one more time. Jim was her husband previously, of course he has dozens of women, but this one is specials. She is from the Midwest and is an expert on everything including hand washing.

Maku, live long and prosper, or at least to catch the dreaded disease. Maybe the zoo could put up one of those sanitizer devices, such as Putin uses for the workers to walk through as they go in and out of the main enclosure routes. 

Strange, California which once had class and even the Queen of England came to visit on a number of occasions, should put up with backwoods mentality as the hippies displayed and most of them from Germany. 

All those bank robberies and hostage situations which occurred in the past, forgotten for the most part, but what lingers is that doubt on entering a building and then there are those familiar faces from the past who  might be the very culprits once wanted by the FBI. Maybe their children and grandchildren are masquerading as intelligence officers now and support themselves with stolen identification.

As for the children, most Mexicans don't have children who look like them, haven't you noticed? Really, look at the families, there might be one who looks' like the father but most of them are a mixture of features, as if they are raising children for the mafia or underground or something. 

Even the government does not return a person missing identification nor the life destroyed by an accident or incident. We are expected to move on, while watching other wear or clothes and enter or homes or act as if they are working our jobs. 

It is a sign of the end, when a religion is the most suspected for refusing to return something stolen or found abandoned and they encourage others to sit down next to one, and jab them with a needle just to make themselves happy with whatever it is someone else is being offered. 

The Holiday season must be upon us, the greedy little bastards are at work and the special gift lists are out. All I wanted honey, was a Siberian kitten from the Hermitage! they give them out now in the gift shop, you dont have to go into the basement, really... 

Friday, October 16, 2020

And the music stopped...

 There has been so much troubles in the past year alone that even the musicians have stopepd playing. The doomed Titanic they said they played calming music while they waited for their lifeboats. The question is whether or not the musicians would have been allowed a life boat and then if they would have survived. As it was, they knew the danger that the passengers faced and decided to spend their time with their own vice, playing the music they had spent their lifetime learning, and desiring to play and then their was no more for them to do anyways.

Now it has become impossible to tell who will and whom will not survive the terrible losses. We have seen California set on fire, almost the entire state has come under threat, they even evacuated just to the East of San Diego, and this after a war ship was set on fire in the Marina. Now there is power outages across the state in order to control the fire from spreading. 

Some say the marina life is not important but there have been too many and not enough known as to why they are beaching themselves. As for the other uncontrolled things, people being poisoned and people being beheaded. There are a number of things that can go wrong in a life, such your neighbor reporting to the authorities for things that are unnecessary but they have trouble with you breathing in their neighborhood.

As for causing trouble for your neighbors, they complained of poor Pete Wilson, that they removed his statue from downtown. He was the former Mayor of San Diego when Queen Elizabeth arrived by boat with her husband. And then he made Governor of California as well. The complaint is he is racist even though he comes from an old American family and is probably related to a few Presidents. 

But his statue has been removed and is now in the trash heap of lost statues. Are there any left of Christopher Columbus, since we still celebrate his holiday and he is said to have discovered America and caused the natives to become an endangered species? 

There was another death in the village. The Father Joes Village is the nonprofit shelter I landed when I was forced out of the last of the family properties by Meagan, who has a court order not to come near me. But she just wanted to introduce her new boyfriend Prince Harry to the woman who wont acknowledge having given her up for adoption as a born out of wedlock bastard. The young man still married her but not after she had to explain she was completely crazy. She still had me removed, instead of her as the court order insists, since she was marrying big bucks. No wonder the baby does not look like Doria her social worker mother!

I am still having grown adults show up around me with their babies. It has been along time since any journalist has apologized for the joke of letting a child in the back door to introduce themselves. It was not known they would follow me forever if allowed to come forward with faulty information. There are no birth certificates for any of the more than two dozen children, including Meagan Markle who is probably Jewish and not Christian.

Anyways, at bed check time, 8 pm, there was no response to one of the ladies on our side of the curtain. She apparently slipped into death with no one to notice. I am on the far side now near the wall where I can cough to my delight with my asthma and not be yelled at by those on the other side. She was deed and when I turned over twenty minutes later, there were four cops standing next to her cot. I wandered why there was no announcement as this was not an unexpected thing to occur. 

There was nothing said but others were shocked I had not noticed, I had noticed but had not heard the words dead, and now it would take more than two hours for the coroners office to show up and remove the body as there was no need of paramedics. 

We usually have the paramedics roll through on their mini tractor with their equipment to get as close to the victim as possible. Here the lights go out at ten pm and there was still no sign of anyone. And then there was just one lone cop standing next to a dead body in the middle of a building with at least one hundred ladies watching him and attempting to ignore the smell as it began to sift through the air conditioning.

What were they waiting for? the lights to go out? So they could sneak the dead body out? I believe they already did this on the other side with at least one man if not two. The yellow tag team arrived one morning and removed all of their belongings with questions of what had happened to their buddies. This time the women had to wait while the cops could not figure out what to do. 

Finally, the guys arrived and bagged the body after removing it from her cot. They the staff bagged her stuff and removed her cot. Forty-five minutes late, the lights went out on a sad group of women with a lingering smell of death, and there was no music heard because the musicians have decided to leave  as well...

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Black Notice

 There has been a death in the family. It has been a long haul since my mothers death and now the sudden news of a family member.

The Beluga whale was spotted off of La Jolla, near the Scripps institute of Oceanography, of which I actually had a degree once upon a time. 

Before all of those little rats were told they could ruin my life by simply showing up and sitting on my lap. My newest threat to my existence is called Wendy, and she is over forty, too young to be my child, but she is getting ready for her sons wedding and has not stopped indicating to me about something, something, well I have no money and she gave me nothing for mothers day, so there.

The Beluga has now been found off the Baja coast just below where my family once spent our summers and many of the boats for the Cousteau Society and the National Geographic used to station themselves. California had become to much under modern pollution and they were attempting to study the environment off the coast where there pollution was minimal.

Ensenada is now thick with pollution and where I was staying it looked terrible. It was once a very pretty village. It was listed as a French colony before those terrorist murdered their leader, Maximillian. Only to stage a revolt of their own and now they are all just communist like Pancho Villa and El Chapo, only it for the drugs and human trafficking.

What they dont care about is the environment nor the animals nor humans either. While I was waiting for my radiology to be scheduled, I attempted to spend time down in the old community but even the Whale watching and other activities such as La Bufadora are no longer good things to do while in Baja.

I found a number of animals on the beach on my daily walks to keep from having a nervous breakdown from all the years of taking care of a woman with brain cancer so bad, so did not recognize herself in class photos nor know I was her biological daughter. She also kept insisting she had African grandchildren although I never had a "lover" of that ethnic background. I did have a husband once upon a time, in fact we got married at least once in Cabo San Lucas, another mecca for the eco friendly tourist.

I arrived in the middle of the storm Lydia which was a hurricane and we did have damage done to the other small community my seafaring family once had a house or pier to stop. Meanwhile, the dolphins were piling up on the beaches and I kept trying to get the idiots running the hostels to call the local authorities to come get the bodies. There is also a ocean unveristy there in Ensenada but instead most of them were either pushed dead back into the water or buried in the sand causing an enormous amount of stench and bad health.

There was also a few weeks were bones kept finding themselves on the beach. I collected one morning enough rib bones for at least one human adult. No one was interested and I thought I saw a leg bone or two as well. What happened to the rest of the person, I don't know, he did not have clothes nor skin.

There was also that little incident where at least half a dozen Mexican men drowned in less than three feet of water right on the beach. They said it was undertow, but when the tide was out, there was not much of a trench, just another sand dune to stand on and very suspicious of the Los Angelo's ladies who might have seen too many movies, and might have been collecting insurance or getting a younger husband. It all happened in the Todos Santos Bay, Toussaint Mare. 

I also found a dead white man with shorts and a hat but no wallet or shoes. How he got there no one knew, and he had no relatives, the police finally came and collected his body. It was probably put in that traveling meat locker diesel trailor neighbors were complaining about. His wife might never know what happened to him down in Mexico. 

I had meet the couple first in Ensenada at the fish market where they were doing an interview of  some movie star and his wife eating local food. We also showed up in Mexico city where I went to the Museums with her and then she was abducted in the subway. They showed us being separated and her being carried off. I went to the consulate but was not met with much positive information. 

Then she showed up three days later saying she had been in the hospital the whole time and did not know what I was talking about. Her husband seemed to think she had left him, when I talked to him later, and then found him alone living in Baja. And this after we got our pictures taken just for being in the same fish market as those other people. 

There were so many strange incidents in the last five years, I was beginning to think I was being selected for something such as an assassination's. It is odd to be told you have no work history nor can cash a check for a company you are well known for being associated with as I had to testify in their behalf over some of their spare parts. Now there is no memory of my being part of the back to nature movement or my years at National Geographic. I was even voiced over by a young man named Benedict for the trip to Isreal, my last on my way to a PHD.

I have started over, and took a course on the Rain Forest in both Costa Rica and Africa. It is evident the land resources cant survive without the water resources. With the melting artic and the fires in Siberia and the Amazon, there is much concern on some of us old experts as to where the animals and the humans are going to be in the next decade or two.

The death of a single whale thousands of miles off course is a death in the family of humans. There is no reason not to be alarmed. There have been hundreds of stranded dolphins down in Australia where there was also much conservation and exploration. The ocean environment has a situation brewing which needs more than a new coffee filter to fix. And then there have been those hundreds of elephants in Africa, with their water source being sited as the cause of their multiple deaths.

Just as the Artic is giving up its hold on mammoths and other fossils of the past age of an environment which disappeared, the newer age is also now under siege. Will Jane Goodall's, mountain gorillas survive if a single whale dies off the west coast? I am not sure, it seems we are all in this together and those stories that no one had traveled around the world prior to Columbus should also be reviewed because it is evident that some societies were aware of other areas of the world. 

The Plague which crept through Europe was supposed to have come from China, although it might have traveled there from Egypt where a number of plagues had already wiped out a civilization. They also have all those strange desert cities which might have had a water outlet at one time. But it is interesting that one death in China caused the whole world to go on alarm and shutdown over a virus. The plague which was known in the Atlantic Europe was not known in America with no evidence of it ever arriving with all those Puritans and Pilgrims. 

It is now present on the West Coast, with a death in the Four corners area of the lower US and a single woman diagnosed with it in upper California. Meanwhile, there have been reports of rodents having the plague for decades in both the lower west coast and inner desert areas such as Arizona and New Mexico. No one worried because they were just animals, but with this giga mammoth fire destroying much of California there might be a positive side of it destroying any remnants of an old disease that might have traveled the pacific from China as well.

Meanwhile, my favorite habitat the Ocean has an unexplained death. Just as the single white male on a Baja beach went unnoticed, not that I did not try calling and reporting him to the various agencies, probably earning me a stalker or worse code. This single Beluga might be the beginning of the humans environment that in the past has created a new world view. 

The old European view has long been held under suspicion and those deserts in the Mideast appear to have been covered in water once, what happened in the past might be recreated if the agencies don't show more concern for a stray in strange waters attempting to find something anywhere they reminds him of home. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Shark! Sharks! and fires everywhere ...

 And the President is in the hospital, isn't that an uneasy feeling? What would you whether have, the knowledge there is a shark patrolling the local surfing beach or the head of the country in the hospital? Especially for such a little thing as an upper respatory infection or virus, after all it is not pneumonia and anything really serious. 

Anything goes in the current situation and surfing at the beach and breathing in all those fumes from the diesel ships is just about odds against getting the virus by attending your local congregation or synagogue.

Sharks were spotted at La Jolla, just above the city of San Diego which most consider part of the same universe. That ocean air and all those floating bodies... come on, its a little bit hungry. The big sad shark with no one to play with out on the ocean with the cruise ships grounded for months.

Anyways, in land, in the marina area where there is a ferry to skip across the pond to Coronado island and not getting run over by one of the naval ships coming and going at all odd hours, is a tiny island. They are still completing an outdoor amphitheater which looks alot like a Conestoga wagon, or covered wagon. 

The family story of who actually owned the hundred acres was that multiple attempts to settle occurred, including by ship and the Russians water side of the Rurik dynasty only to have a little Roman sneak in with mosques to discourage the land lovers from encountering ocean air. A long story, after awhile, they could no longer come by sea but had to go through the motions of landing on the East coast and making their way to the West. One family made it by covered wagon and before the Mormon trail encountered a way between Los Angelo's and San Diego, also called Sebastopol Occidental. 

And before those outlaw monks were forced out of Mexico and not allowed to go back to Spain so they headed towards the old French hunting grounds and Russian forts. The covered wagon made it to the coast but thier view of the Pacific ocean was and is blocked by an island. It sat where there is now an eyesore of a modern home provided to the family after their old house and property were turned into a parking lot for the locals. The parking lot is almost never used and the family still walks around wondering why, why....

A tiny baby shark was plucked from the water where the covered thing is still waiting an audience. An island itself with landfill and a floating restaurant and a basketball court as well as a fishing pier. The nice men from the new community have bought themselves new fishing rods and ignore the basketball court, while there is no outdoor facility for cooking their fish. They also don't have facilities where they live either. 

Someone caught a baby shark and threw it back in the water! Now fear might have been a factor but just dumb ignorance more like. After all, a baby will someday grow up to be a big daddy. And if there is one baby, there are probably more...

As for mama, she is worriedly strolling around the block where all the nice marina yachts are parked, and all those sports men are riding small tiny water scooters or flat boarding it inland away from the ocean surfers and those nasty full sized sharks...

There have been a number of evacuations in California, all my old stomping grounds. It is too bad the family with Jewish roots keeps pretending to be Mexican and have stolen the property meant to be shared with the entire family who are neither Catholic nor Mormon as they are Christians. 

Someday Chewie called Jesus will meet another Jesus called Hugh! And then those pretty dishes and books and even the hand machines in the garage will have to be replaced because I am tired of being told the adopted children born not in Mexico plan to inherit from a nice Lutheran woman who outlived my own mother and grandmother.

As for baby sharks, it is the birthday of the small Olympic hero who once had to carry a torch of the Olympic all the way to Mexico city because no one showed up on the correct days of delivery. The old calendars were still in vogue. He is now the President of his own country and in complete isolation as his adopted daughters choose not to live in the country they were not born nor the illegal alien who only pretended to be interested in anything Russian, she prefers German or Italian.

Five foot nine inches and in his dancing shoes, not his running shoes. He celebrates the first weekend after the Month of October begins. Now the old Gregorian had a thirteen day gap between East and West. I wonder which side is his real day of birth? 

He says he is now sixty three or is it fifty seven? I must be thinking of someone else who also uses other people identities and birthdays are always his to own and all the presents as well. God rest the soul of his real biological father Captain Kangaroo, a good Jesuit. 

PS. We had an electrical fire ignite behind the bug box, one of those inflatable contraptions with red power outlets. Fortunately, only one person was sitting nearby and it put itself out with the new safe switches. A great big puff of black smoke engulfed the poor person just to find another way of aggravating her day. And the lights still did not come on until the man at city hall flipped the switch at six am sharp. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Has the smoke cleared yet?

 Smoke and fire and fire and smoke.

The California skies are filled with one fire after another. If it is not deluge of rain hitting the west coast which is not hurricane just moving through it is those long dry spells.

For everyone in locked down, it was not pleasant to watch their favorite shows and get as much take out as possible. Everyone was informed of our plight and knew not to go out of doors unless necessary.

And then the parks and beaches opened up and was there a sudden surge to go visit these sites that most havnt thought of in decades. All those exercise nuts have filled the areas out of doors with their personal trainers and extra equipment. One cant walk without being run over by joggers or run into with hot mamas with strollers and their toddling soon to be middle age husbands.

So, who knew not to pull out a barbeque pit in the middle of a dry season? And in California? Why was there a out of door party with a special device which would then set an entire park on fire, causing evacuations? And who thought it out to get out of the way of the lightening strikes by not building in what the Midwest would call hurricane alley. Certain areas of the Bay area experience alot of storms and rain and lightening come with the bill of sale on the house.

Well, the construction workers will be happy to get back to work, especially those who don't have six months savings in the bank. At least the banks have not closed down, although they want to charge one for everything they can, including check fees when there is no charge and what not.

It seems, we have all being waiting to exhale or see the clear skies with no smoke. It has been a long month of nothing to do but wait out the meager supplies at the end of summer. Going back to school never looked better and fully equipped with face visors as well as face coverings, and hand sanitizers plus work tablet. 

Are the libraries every going to open again? And will the books be on display or do we just get pictures of them? And what about all those museums, when they do open, will it be with a room deodorizer? Or as my local place, an exterminator came calling. 

They shut the whole place down for the day, claiming it would only be a few hours and then made us wait until supper time. Then the floors were not washed, the air not purified, they used large fans to blow out the smell of the chemicals, and the laundry was not completed. All of the laundry had to be in bags, tagged and stacked for the laundry, only half of it was done and then the rest of us had to wait till after midnight to get it out of the bug box, because they would not allow us to have our belongings until they were washed or zapped by the special bug box they have designed.

Meanwhile, those who had their laundry done are still lining up everyday to get ahead of their neighbors who just want their sheets and personal things done. Oh, and someone forgot to duct tape the moveable wall between the exterminated room and the one next door which is used for the medical unit on site. Those fleas were faster than the cockroaches, they ran straight for open air, while the roaches have been turning up all week feet pointed towards the ceiling. One wonders where they were hiding?

Well, it is flu season and we were told to line up for the flu shot. I came down with a cold, and not in the spring when I usually get one. I have not been to the beach except once all summer and then it was every person for themselves, with children walking all over your personal belongings. I still cant get down on the ground and then back up. As for the pool, the reservation system makes it almost impossible to get a lane at any time of the day.  

Oh, and Judge Ruth died while attempting to get over Cancer. It is a difficult struggle, getting old and dealing with a disease such as Cancer. I bless her family, for my own mother was never taken care of, especially by the lieing bastard who gave everyone the impression he was her son instead of a celebrity kid who did not want to use his own name.

Jim took every thing he could from her, including her life and while she was alive, he still uses her husbands drivers license. And he never gave back her bank account, her property, or even the fur coat her grandmother had left behind. He also strolled personal body parts when he could get his hands on them, wanting to sell them on the black market.

Or those expensive insurance paid treatments he handed out like candy to his specials  friend, instead of allowing her to ever have the right to relax, have a vacation or even get well. Her brain was 80 percent gone to cancer, leaving her with the mentality of a small toddler or infant, while he still goes around bragging about the work he has not done with his own fingers but always giving the impression it is his information when in fact he just found a method of having children jab an adult and receive the essential knowledge second hand.

As for all those children including Meagan Markle, who thought shaking my hand meant they were my children with the right to my name, and my things, including my career and relatives, they are just waiting executioners orders. Kind of like watching your own father set on fire by the same christians who keep going over to your friends with their hand outstretched. When the smoke cleared, the friend forgot who was the owner of the properties, including the name on the license and a burnt crisp was all that was left of a man who once stood up to a crowd wanting to take care of an African man, or who gave lectures warning of the destruction properties of such things as fertilizers. 

And then there was the individual who thought they could walk into a house and kidnap an infant out of its mothers arms, good thing the grandfather was there to struggle for the right to know his own grandchild. Mr. Montana was not going to let go or give a stranger a chance to raise his own. 

How many other children can say the same thing, thier own parents not their own and the grandchildren who show up are not even close to looking like their parents or the cousins who are obvious about replacing the real family members. My mothers aunt and uncle both died after her in nursing homes, because someone thought they would take advantage of the situation.

Some people don't know how lucky they are to walk into a room and not have someone jab them with a needle that acts like a diurectic causing an embarrassing episode. Or open the door to a girl one recognizes as having a court order not to come near you or your mother. And she had her boyfriend with her, Prince Harry. 

Pretending non recognition or that they were religious nuts did not go well. She still insisted on coming inside and slapping me around when I would not give in to her being from my vagina. What benefit was it to her to say she was illegitimates? The boy married her anyways and now has a baby that does not match either her claimed mix race mother nor the non biologicals one who is tanned all year long. 

Has the smoke cleared, and the government authorities had time to clear their desks of back requests to have some not use the wrong name or the wrong girl being allowed use other peoples relatives while the real one is attempting to live in homeless shelters instead of palaces that don't want her kind. 

The lying, stealing, cheating and abusive ones with no conscious of a dying woman with brain cancer not even being able to recognize herself in a class photo. Her family properties are gone to others while this girl still presents herself as if she is expecting someone to care about her ill gotten gains. 

Can one imagine pretending to be from a minor, a teenager considered too young to give birth and with no known father. Who wants to see her all white infant anyways. It is not mixed race, nor his he really a real prince just as she is not ever going to be a princess from birth as a bastard born out of wedlock.

Only a social worker could cause so much difficulties. Providing information to the wrong people, mixing up files, refusing to process requests and just plain lying to those asking questions. Before Doria became a Yoga Instructor she was probably the first African female in the office and no one asked questions as she got to do what she wanted. 

Some people would probably like to have their real files and their real relatives instead of the blackmail, extortion and confusion of the wrong child with the wrong family and what not. When will the smoke clear and the government employees go to work, such as who was really hired for the job instead of a blonde blue eyed man showing up in a suit when before he was pushing a mop as the janitor but knows who is on vacation and who is not coming back from paradise.

Good old Jimmy, he has a dozen aliases, and more than a hundred non children. All he knows is to lay his penis out for others to see, knowing that some men are missing theirs as well as staring with his non seeing eyeball, he could not even get through an eye exam without someone else doing it for him.

As for those such as dear Meaghan who stoled an old family house just to play a game on someone who is never going to acknowledge that her broken pelvic bone can produce anything out of it, even a tampon. But those like her and her special needs mother know nothing more than pretending to be something they are not, including wearing larger shoes than necessary. 

Why cant her now husband buy her an extra pair so she can start off the day in the correct size and then graduate to the larger size when her tiny feet swell? The same for the other one, why cant William afford more material for his anorexic wife. She has starved herself so thin, for those one time dresses that just get thrown away after one wearing. 

Really, what is that about, even the Queen wore the same outfit throughout the war and then saved some of her fancy dresses to hand down to her granddaughters. Can one imagine, little Charlotte wanting the slut dress she wore for her wedding after the see through one she wore to Eton and then the non top swim wear she got photographed? 

Personally, Charlotte, I would save my allowance and pay for my own wedding gown, unless Camilla has something tucked away because grandma Carol was poor before she had a book of the month club out of her garage and has absolutely nothing to offer in the way of hand me downs worthy of a Windsor wedding. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

I'm the other daughter

The other daughter who nevers gets anything she wants at all. My mother denied me the right to life and always removed anything of mine for herself to own. She thought she had the right to own the right to my  lap and my nipples, insisting on choosing and placing the wrong child on my lap.
She wanted me not to have children of my own, always sold my boyfriends to other girls, insisted on having lesbian relationships for me. She wanted to be the male head of house, she wanted to be the male head of house. The dominate male owner of a woman's body and soul.

She refused to leave it alone of having retarded men assigned to me, so she could be the male who made the decisions. Stupid idiots, who wanted to keep grabbing my left hand and nodding their head up and down. Because she had already given them the right to my possessions and that included my personal knowledge and thoughts inside my head. 

She also wanted to go around and tell my work mates and former school friends that her daughter was a whore. She would than present a African black child as evidence her daughter did not know what she was doing. After all, she had produced the wrong race, and she clearly wasn't capable of understanding what an African man wanted nor needed nor expected. Hence they were abandoned children.

Really they were her little friends children who did not know not go out with her non son of the family named Jim. He did it every time as an imp sterile bastard of some other woman. Her son was not handsome but he was blond and blue eyed. And every one of his girlfriends produced a black colored child. Whom she would then demand to own the right to place on my lap and insist I could not remember giving birth.

As it was if one listened she was telling the truth, I could not remember because it had not occurred. I did not know the experience of the erotic African male, because it had never happened.
The racism went on and on with her mind twisted by the illegal alien German rejects who arrived in America not to become good citizens but to corrupt us as communists with no regrets.

Her dementia was noted early and she kept after her own husband who was her childhood sweetheart about having black hair and not being white. He was a mixture of old east coast Dutch and native American. She was  herself brown as a French descendant with Scandinavian relatives. 

What would John Kennedy have done if he had lived and watched his son who was not blond and blue eyed as himself not get a single girl of his own, but one who had already had a baby out of wedlock? 
This idea of the blue eyed blond male being a demi god with no intelligence but only the ability to nod his stupid head up and down. Stare or eyeball someone and demand he has the right to you and then not even have the ability to work nor make an income nor anything else except a limp dick and a bad attitude towards women in particular. 

As for the black children, it does not take a genius to understand the mother is being mean and cruel. The girls such as Melissa Sue Anderson and Kim Basinger who made it public that they were either married or carrying the child of one Jim, have no reason to misunderstand that their daughters do look like them, even if they are a different color.

How much control does a mother need over her daughter that even when she is size zero, the same people who just wanted her to drop her weight actually be given a chance at life, instead of an auto accident that left her handicap and with no hope of ever getting rid of the memories of the years of harassments of the no dead mother who it turned out to have brain cancer and was probably not responsible for anything she did.

For the last time, I did not have sex with John Kennedy jr, nor Barack Obama. I would appreciate each and every African child who does not understand that I am not their mother nor any of the black haired girls, to keep showing up expecting me to provide them with anything at all, including a pedigree. 
My ancestry is mine and I am native American, I am not sharing this with anyone of a different color. I am the other daughter, my younger sister died leaving me with a mess, a woman who never did know which girl I was nor how to handle her own biological son, who was dark haired.

When does it stop the constant decry of illegal alien's in this country who think they can simply own the right to your and your possessions? Or the right to keep approaching someone else and saying they are related to you? Or just thinking they are going to move in on something of someone else?

If I had a son, I would not have the daughter of Demi Moore have a casual relationship, Demi is a prime example of everything that goes wrong in the world. She moved in on Bruce Willis, wont leave him alone, even in lockdown where he had to wear matching pajamas with her and her new spouse. Meanwhile, her multitude of children probably have different fathers and just seem to think they actually deserve someone else husband or show the young children that they are nothing to them, because of course she can just have more to replace them as my mother tried to do with myself, the first born of a  bunch of unfortunate dark haired children. 

Monday, August 31, 2020

Where do they all come from?

The worst possible situation has developed. The kids of shown up and in force. The past life I lead was full of travel and hardship. I was a daughter of civil engineer needed in other areas of the world and a granddaughter of war heroes. I was also a photographer and journalist before my medical condition prevented me from being able to be comfortable in any situation. 

The children began arriving before I was old enough to have children. Sometimes they claimed to be my siblings or insisted I was not the real daughter. My siblings and I took turns being abducted, not for our pleasure but those who already begun to stalk and harrass my grandparents over other issues. 

For the most part, they wanted not money but access to certain types of things such as citizenship and easy home ownership. Money was often part of the bargain and my family paid dearly, including an umber of bank robberies. In fact, there were so many bank robberies the government was wondering who was doing what, but my mother was the unlucky owner of a brain going bad and usually gave her plans away ahead of time.

Then there were the kids that were born before I could menustrate. I now have 45 year olds threatening me when I am not much over 50 myself. I also have a mouse trap, a broken pelvic bone. I was almost sawn in half when I was three. My sister had just been born, and those holding me left me in a pencil factory close to where my parents were staying but no one was supposed to know. The blade slipped between my legs and stopped when it meet bone.

It still shows on my x-rays, a straight cut right through the pelvic bone. It has a habit of collapsing or inverting. Snap, into a  mouse trap, very painful but also not capable of having a natural child birth even if I had gotten pregnant. I am also one of those women, who have irregular periods, and even now I have fibroids which develop as fast as they are removed. If I had my ovaries removed, they would still grow, so I  have gone through radiation and other things, but am waiting for the real doctor to do the proper procedure. 

Ironically, I am considered too old to have children since I have never had any, at least not out of my vagina. My husband and I attempted the artificial lab rat route, but the surrogate mother indicated she had decided to keep the embryo which was not hers but mine. It is a longer story than todays limit.

The issues are that everywhere I went, a child would be lead over to me to take my hand and my wallet. Or plopped down on me to distract me from what was going on around me. I have been hit on the head, kicked in the head, punched in the head and jabbed with needles and by very small children. All of whom were told I was their mother. 

They were lied to and did not make into my regular life, except to show up at my house of worship to get me in trouble, each and everyone of them. It became ridiculous to the point a judge brought me to explain why their were twenty plus children with me listed as their mother. I complained it was more, closer to two hundred. 

We had the children explained I was not their mother, in some cases proving who their parent was or had counselors brought in to speak to the parents and the children about the emotional situation developing. None of it worked. They all took money and my career. My mother died of brain cancer, never treated due to the game of keeping us from guessing what they were after. A decade after her death and after I have been denied entrance to each and every family property or business I once worked they have arrived in mass.

They pretend they do not know each other but they are not good enough to not show off their aggression when not given into about being allowed access to myself. They come in different colors and sizes, small midgets and dwarfs which it is impossible for me to produce as I am over the average short range but not tall enough to produce a 6 foot daughter. They are often African with no bearing as to whom their father would be and I have no idea. Or even Asians, Philippines, and Muslims who pretend to be Mexicans. 

They will not give in that I am not their mother and they have no right to me as a person. Nor is it allowed, even by the Catholic charities to be stalked and harrassed about being born out of wedlock. I was married and my husband was neither Asian nor African. They don't seem to understand anything at all and I am going to begin criminal proceedings against them and the agencies that gave my location away.

I am not joking of the hostilities showed towards me and often the group threat of me conforming. This is what caused my mother to have a mental breakdown. I thought I was having a nervous breakdown, but I am not imagining these people exist and they are often present when I begin to get upset about some of the things I went through. Frustration, Exhaustion and nerve damage from the many injuries I sustained are the answer not a crazy ward.

AS for those who abducted my mother and claimed they had her living with them, I did have a surviving sibling who was also concerned as to why mom wasn't with him since our one sister died to the situation. My grandparents died early deaths and my father was murdered by the same group who had been following us around. A strange situation when the kids claiming to be in school with you are also the children of those who want revenge on your grandparents for the war years. 

I am bringing charges of abduction and false imprisonment on my mother as she had obvious dementia. Wrongful death or manslaughter for those who interfered in her behalf but provided no medical. As for the little stalkers I am going to send the little ones to prison or foster care where they will not be falsely told I am grandma and insist they want presents of my own personal belongings. The adults can be deported because even the white ones were more than likely born in Germany or Mexico since they have no real birth certificate and cant seem to be positively identified. 

Good bye and good riddance is my answer to the multiple grown ups who want nothing m ore than references to my own relatives and introductions to those I know. It is against the law to create a setting where they can get close enough to cause trouble and accept from others monies and other things but not even attempt to show a person humanity which they have not. 

They don't want me to be their friend or parent but for me to provide for their bastards and allow them a life of fantasy such as Meagan fell into, falling on her face, doing a belly flop by producing a baby which does not look like either of her parents if they were in fact her real parents. 

They are one and all disinherited, denied access to my personal papers and other belongings, rejected for not showing up sooner or attempting to get married, a job, an education or anything at all. All they do is that annoying head bounce up and down to my no and offer nothing but pure hatred. They have been told in front of a judge and in my presence that I am not their mother but instead they have brought their children in for more of the fun game that developed in denying my mother the right to know which one of the children was her real daughter and what not.

I hope this makes other feel happy because I am not going to be drugged the rest of my life and when the phony sibling who also says he is my spouse or my papa has the guts to show up without me having a needle mark I will have him arrested, convicted and excuted for the benefit of all the little ones who have no place to go because they had no one in the beginning. An abortion would have been better than raising one and all to continue the obvious threat to a family who were nothing more than old American stock. 

Where did they come from anyway? Not my belly nor my vagina nor my husband, but the imagination of a crazy man and a woman lost to her own friends. Sad when some need help and others want nothing more than to shame the group they are identified with, the lack of adulthood and maturity is greatest among the staff who clearly have no real training and continue to label medical problems with mental ones as they themselves never got the paid for welfare checks and psychologist visits they were supposed to be forced to attend. 

Maybe Homeland security can make a statement as to why their are so many of them and in the same facility and none of them about to give in to the trueness of me not being their mother. I am not going to tolerate any my abuse towards myself and those who cant understand where babies don't come from, can either go back to the their country of origin or spend their life in a mental ward. 

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...