Friday, March 31, 2023

("Pervoye Aprelya, nikomu ne veryu") First of April, I trust nobody"


Ukrainian style 
April fools day 
Traditional Odessa Parade

Until just a few years ago
The big event in Odessa
Carnival style is the parade

Honoring April Fools day
When people dress up
And play tricks on each other

It is also called the great Hoax
To cause someone to believe
Something that has not really happened

This was my poor mothers mind
In her Dementia world
She thought one day we would wake up

And it had just been a trick
A hoax that our lives had been taken away
By this cruel monster who did not even want us

In Ukraine I presume that even 
The great Zelensky as he will come to be known
Is not going to go out and pull a prank

He is all serious now 
That his reputation has been challenged
Jimmy has clearly been working for him

As his manager
He has caused all sort of things to go wrong
In my world and in America

Besides the continued riots 
In Paris and for no reason at all
There have been a series of tornadoes

Wrecking hell all over the place
There was even a spout spotted
In my own valley way out in California

At least the ungrateful weather person
Claimed we had just had hail and a possible tornado
While I was standing waiting for my shuttle

To come back for me
Mike has a thing of never being available.
But I needed my water and was standig in the rain

Waiting and waiting in the very spot
She claimed these impossible things had occured
I do know that a few hours ago

I felt a sharp jolt 
Instead of a gentle rolling motion
A California earthquake

Not to far from my location
And only a 4. something
It was sharp enough to move my bed

And I bet those buildings downtown.
Felt the jolt and probably hopped.
They are foolishly building 

On old Marina district
Also called the mud flats
Digging down twenty feet

Sending metal stabilizers downwards
While sending up wards too many stories
Of plate glass buildings

On the first day of the four 
The Aztecs made it to the finale
This is college championships.

Playing in the four different cities
One of them being San Diego.
Enjoy the thrill of the field

That field was once the clubhouse
Pool club and tennis club
Across the street from the then new Hilton

All that green is on top of land fill
Below were those pools for Olympic swimmers?
Might shift a bit at middle field 

If a stronger one comes along
It might just cause a domino affect
One crashing into another 

Until well the only ones standing
Are those made of good old brick.
Anyways this has been not to good a week

I had my medical appointments canceled
Had to reschedule both of my female diagnostics
Don't worry, I only have four or five tumors

Protruding out of my abdomen and throat
Next week, next year...
It has been a decade I have been dealing 

With the problem and at least three times
Jimmy has interfered with my exams
Entering the room himself to perform

The task himself, not a doctor
Not even a high school drop out
He never made it to the eight grade

But he shows up when he wants
Walk in locked doors and jabs
The doctor with a paralyzing drug

To sit down and start playing
With those little tools 
He is such an imbecile 

And yet he cant stop making it worse
On purpose and then goes through his 
Routine he did not know any better

Makes me wonder why he wont take
An eye exam but had my mother take his for him
Those blue eyes of his just might be my missing ones!

Trying to keep him from finding out 
With a new doctor and all
Oh, and yes the new doctor

Sent me a Dear Patient letter
Really, it is dated for tomorrow
He is no longer working with the group

I switched over to just recently
In order to get away from Jimmy influence
I am still going to file malpractice.

But with a third party causing the situation
I now have new appointments. 
But no primary doctor 

I am to think it is no jimmy.
In the Middle Ages they switched things around
They altered their calendars and all.

Due to Constantine altering the Roman world
With his mothers new religion
New customs emerged but old ones had not died

Then along came Bishop Gregory 
Who did not like the Julian old roman calendar
Created a new one of his own

Altered the dates a little bit as well
The first of the year was no longer
At the advent of spring 

The beginning of the famers year of planting
But to the dead of winter
Using the so-called birth of Christ

As his measurement to forward 
January 1st as the new start date
Instead of April 

And his calendar also corrected. 
A minor point that the lunar and solar
Calendars were off by about four or five days

They simply disappeared one year
In the fifteenth century
Causing an enormous amount 

Of problems for many who did not live 
By a calendar but by seasons 
Many came out of their rooms

For the annual celebration 
Of the new year in the spring
Reveling in having survived winter

Only to be laughed at by half of the population
Of whom spent their good fortune 
In the dead of winter and were low on their stock

In the East they kept the old thing
Evolving into a thirteen-day difference 
Between east and west when they tried to collarlate 

In Odessa, which is now Ukraine 
They began to show a lot of fun
With a huge parade and pranks

On the folks of the city
And the country adopted these
Shanigans full heartedly

Even seeking to include others
In their hoax that they are not a heathen 
Nation but a god fearing one

Unlike the old Soviet system
That forbade religion of any kind
Especially the Jewish one which 

Which kept entire communities?
Tied to the local religious leader
Now they are shoving the Ukrainian Orthodox

Out of their country as they attempt.
To become more western in their eyes
May as well send in micky mouse

To be their leader
For all his worth 
The Stand up comedian has made a stand

Not for justice but corruption
How much embezzlement are we going to hear about?
Meanwhile, through Jimmy he has caused

An astonishing thing to occur
First the American President 
Has been indicted with his arrest eminent

And then of course his enemy
The Russian President has been falsely accused
Of child stealing instead of rescuing abandoned children

Who Ukraine choose not to care for themselves.
And has an arrest warrant issued for him
His daughter in Holland must be getting worried

For her own safety
As she was always getting in trouble on purpose
In order for him to come to her aid.

Even billionaires have their limits
Jimmy is no billionaire himself
But knows a lot of drug dealers 

He does what he wants 
Because there are always little girls
Who need to have a needle between thier toes

I could not even get the tax preparers 
To come to their scheduled session 
To ensure I have mine down right.

I once worked for the internal revenue service
But I keep being told I don't know how to do things
I swear I saw the old lady walk by with her device

But she vanished in the hallway
Then her helper arrived and sat down
With those of us who had been wiating

For an hour just because they cant do it right
Never on time is my motto
These professionals never get to their schedule

They make you wait three hours for the doctor
Only to be escorted out the side door
Because it is closing time

What a grand hoax 
This century has become
One wonders if Barack was really the president

And not a spokesperson for a commercial
What of Kamala
Is she a figment of our imagination?

What does it matter anyways?
Millionaire African men slapping each other.
Over a woman who shaved her head.

Demi Moore did that for a movie
Lost her husband over it as well.
While my faithful went for a walk on the beach

And decided I was no longer needed
His family certainly dont want old school
But new fades such as the delusions

That Jimmy makes others believe in
This week I found an old bible
Printed the year I was born 

On a shelf in a place it should not have been
It is amazing how  many people believe 
They can walk into someone else house

And evict the owners
Remove their personal items
And then lie to everyone about it.

The grand hoax
Is of course the evil one is going to win
Instead of righteousness and humanity

Trust no one!
This is what I have always lived by.
It is others who don't understand that it is not real....

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