Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Different shades of grey


What the hell
Wore grey

Hey guys
Her husband is on trail
And she expected

To sit next 
To her foes
Not her piers

Was not nice to her
At all 

While Hillary
Did everything 
She could

To cause her 
Now Kamala

Is sitting behind her
As the adversary
Who ousted her husband

With a win 
Rosalyn may not even

Be known 
To her due to their age
Where are the other 

Hillary brought hers
But the others were

Left at home.
A tribute to a lady
Who was modern

In her views
But also steadfast
Stood by her man

When he was in trouble
Over the Iran hostage thing
They all looked beautiful

Even little Amy
Was a shining star
Having matured

Into a beautiful woman
After suffering 
An awkward adolescence

At the White House 
In full view of the world press
Seconded by Chelsea

Who started off
In shorts 
And ended it in a mini skirt

Im not sure what
Melanie had hidden under
Her grey wool coat

But it was not a decadent
Fur as even Pat Nixon
Was criticized for wearing

Maybe it was a pantsuit
As most modern women wear
Probably also black

But her statements
Of outerwear
Are already known

And she is from another
Area of the world
Wear making an appearance

Would be questioined
At the best
But she did show

Despite the constant 
Barrage by the press
What are the different

Areas of grey
Portrayed here at a funeral
While the world

Is at war?
Hostages appear to be
The main reason

For the Gaza attack
In order to free
The Prisoners 

Israel has been holding
Will we ever learn
Not to run head first

Into a windmill?
First genocide
Of the Donbass people

And now an icky sticky
Situation of hostages
In exchange for inmates

Well, we are the world power
Even China and Russia
Are having their troubles

No Christmas for the Russians
They don't want large gatherings bombed
Nor is China doing well

With the flu season
Another outbreak?
Please not that

I have not even recovered
From this last one
And there is still 

That trail to go through
Preventing a President
From doing his duties

By allowing prosecution
Is not a wise thing
Nor is allowing an angry mob

To assemble without dispersal
The Boston Tea Party 
All over again?

And whose fault is it
The local police 

Or the federal authorities
Who did not decide sooner
That there might be a bomber

Or a man welding a gun
At this sad event?
I am not pointing fingers

As one who worked 
In government jobs
Usually got the rotten assignements

But still don't want anarchy
Nor children not going to bed
In their own homes

Well done Melanie
Who did what she ought to have
While the rest of the world waits ...

Saturday, November 25, 2023

For sale!

Hitlers supposed Mansion
In the woods.
Is for sale

Did you find this one
As well?

He has been selling
All of the places
Associated with my family

Just because he was told
Not to but is going 
To do it anyways.

Perched high in the mountains
Set on a beautiful natural lake
It is still standing

But then it is 
Less than a hundred years old
Built about 1943 or so

But it is not 
In Germany
But Argentina

In Patagonia
Nestled right up
Against the tail

Of South America
Not Brazil on the east
But the west coast

Where there is 
A whole town
Built by Germans

Many migrated
There using false
Paper work

Everything about them
Is fake and phony
Imagine running away

After falsely
Claiming to be 
The Aryan race

The Aryans 
As everyone else 
Knows left by way

Of the Caucasus mountains
They may have gone to India
Or they might have made it

To America
The Incans might
Have known of another

Race even further down
Not small Amazonians
But light complected

Anyways there are so many
Stories of this land
To the south of Texas

The city of gold
Maybe it was theirs
Having left Europe

Carried with them
All the things they needed
After all there is another

Race just as mysterious
The Scythians 
Who once lived

Where that horrible genocide
Is taking place
They left behind gold

Real beautiful gold
But no one knows
From where they came

Nor where they went
Those in the know

In Arabia
Started destroying 
All the books on the world

Before the Catholics 
Were allowed to take
Back their land of Iberia

Trips to the American
Continent must have occurred
As there is too much 

Non information 
An entire continent
That no one had heard 

With astronomy and calendar
As well as writing and mathematics
Fully developed race

Which the Aztecs
Took over in middle America
But what of the south

Only the Inca were found
And those cannibals 
Of the Amazon river

Two races disappeared
From Europe
A city of gold

Which was never found
Nor have the gold items
Of the Jewish nation

While a system
Of communications
And trade were known

Among the Americans
Hmm, maybe
Hitler did find them

The Aryans 
In Argentina
Building a town first

And then a house
On a lake which might
Have the answer to a few things

Such as if Hitler
Did live here
Is he buried here?

Why did Suzie P
Know of this place?
And did the Von Traps

Get to this lake
Having run away
From Hitler

But maybe 
They  were simply
Leading the way....

Nice guy 
And large family
Wonder why so many?

And who were her family
She was an orphan
Given a lot of lee way

By the nuns
Who was she related?
Clever to live first

And then provide
A backdoor
They are probably 

Not guilty
But there were many
Nazi artifacts found

In Argentina
The land of Evita
And cowboys

Horses and cows
Not Texas
But Argentina

Provided beef
By boat for those
Who could afford

To ship it.
What else went on

In that house
My grandmother 
Made it to Brazil

And may have gone
To this lake house
She was a radio reporter

Often invited places
Not to her benefit
She had flashes

Of past experiences
For which the second husband
Would have her locked up

He was never loyal
Nor faithful
But for some reason

She still cant define
She found herself 
Married to a Portuguese

From Brazil
I recall her stories
And remember

Being taken to a similar
Place and kept hostage
Every time I escaped

I was taken back
One time something bad
Had happened 

The woman with a child
Of her own screamed
And ran off into the woods

Jessica is her name
She had switched places
With my sister

She had not known
There was two of us
I found my sister buried

In the front yard
Wrapped up in a sheet
I dragged her down 

To the lake 
And pushed her across

Accustomed to water
Having been born in the ocean
She was thankfully

Not dead yet
And those on the other side
Helped us escape

My younger brother
Shudders when kilts
Are mentioned

He was forced to wear
His in the wrong country
They said they thought

He was a girl
He also had a bad
Incident occur

To him on a lake
But Suzie knows
Where this place is located

She is not what she says
Showing up with a girl
Named Janet 

Who was born when
I was only six years old
No one is that niave

To believe a six year old
Gave birth 
Would put the Virgin Mary

To shame!
Janet was instructed
By Suzie to take 

My groceries from me
And my wallet
And when she found out

Where i was staying
Dragged me out
And throw my clothes

In the street
Her and her boyfriend
Juan Barron

Not allowed
Which is how I ended up
Being placed in a shelter

And what began 
My cry's for help
She also had drugs

From a mental ward
Not given to any patient
But only those with 

Serious disorders
Such as Jimmy 
And his companion Cathy

Red dots on my body
And scared out of my mind
Screaming for no reason

Except she has come again
To get even with me
For not wanting her 

My sister did die
When she was not six years old
That whole year

All sorts of crazy women
Claimed I had left behind
Thier own babies

Playing Mariam
But they did not have 
A Moses for the world

Bastards and bitches
All of them
Wanting only to kill me

And my family
While they live 
High on the hog

Just as Jimmy
Always presents himself
To me as a pig or hog

Cant see anything
Beyond that pig snot
Surprised he has not 

Attempted to sell this house
Although there is nothing left
Just like Suzie to raid it.

Maybe the lake 
Is the location of 
The city of gold?

Or Hitlers grave
We might not ever know
In an era of genocide of neighbors


Sunday, November 19, 2023

The name is Winters


My real family name

Is spelled many different ways

It is phonetic inaccurate

Really it is not 

Wheat nor Wyat

But Winters

Those who survived

Those who arrived

Those from Winterland

Many want to suppose

They have the right 

To know our name

But why should 

We provide it

To thieves and liars

Braggarts and boasters

Who will simply take

It for their own

Once there was

A wonderland

On the beach

Full of carnival rides

For all to enjoy

And a train to take 

Them home

It is now called

Ocean beach

And no one remembers

The family which owned

The land that hoodlums 

Have taken over

There is also the 

Wonder bread factory 

In town which 

Everyone goes by

Without looking

Because there was once

A small village 

By the bay

With a water fountain

And a chocolate factory

And a sugar factory

As well

It was called

Saint Claires

Only a sign

For a broom factory

Remains of this old place

There is a place called


Up north

Some guy came upon

A homesteader

Buried him in the backyard

And went and sold

His orchards of fruit

Fruit orchards

Were once prized

Look a prize steer

At a state fair

The town sits 

Where two different 

Train lines once verged

Convenient for wholesale

It is now a sad town

Below the Berryessa lake

Where they drowned 

A town in order

To provide

Irrigation for that

Other place

Called Napa

Valley of the moon

Vinters were seen

As better than others

And there of course

Is the source 

Of the real name

Wine growers

Fruit if the gods

A Hungarian count


First Sherif 

Of Santiago

Called San Diego

Grew his own grape

On the slopes

Just above the

Lindberg airfield

Then set himself up

In the Napa region

Renowned for its wine

But first there was another place

The university of Davis

Sits on top of the original

Homestead of the real man

Named Winters

It is also known

For its wine reproduction

Having discovered

Those grapes were golden

That their building sit on top

Indians used to use

The creek for their own usage

And the first stop

On the old Pony Expresso

Out of Sacramento 

No one notices 

These things

Due to the interest

In all things scientific

It has the largest

International school of Medicine

Its primary students

Being from China

And they want us

To believe they are not

Doing experiments

On the students of the college

Which is still just

Berkeley's experiment

No one takes one

Seriously if they claim

To have graduated

From this college

But those people

Whose lives were lost

To greed 

Even know squat

In someone else's house

And claim to be 

Related to royalty

There was once travel

By ship 

Long before there were

Trains and stagecoaches

From the tip of Baja

To the north

There were different

Pieces of the same family

One lied in a similar bay

To the golden gate

It was also called

Winters haven

For withstanding the storms

Of winter and 

Producing  fruit

Those orchards 

Or gardens

Were wiped out

By a bad couple

Who still lay claim

To the property

Of several old ladies

Who inherited

And won the right 

To it at the original royal

Estate of Chapultepec

Those people gave

Others the impression

They could tear down

The trees and build houses

Now it is nothing but

A dust bowl

With tumbleweeds

But  was once a beautiful

Jardins with grapes

And roses growing

Through the wintertime.

The family have all been 

Murdered or falsely 

Convicted of crimes

They did not commit

While retarded individuals

Are told they can own

Something when the law

Says they cant even drive

Which is why 

Betty A

Uses a false identification.

Just as jimmy

Uses a fake driver's license

But when men such as

Don Wiens

Have multiple alias

And no one notices

How crooked he is
Nor his wives 

Crime sheet

It is long

From stealing fruit

From a fruit stand

To grand theft auto

Enormous amongst

Of well wishers

Showed up for their

Disfellowshipped sons

Funeral just because

He was out robbing. 

People when his truck

Skidded into a tree

Perhaps if he was not

Being pursued by

The police at the time....

Anyways the family

Are Sicilian

French owned islands

Off the coast of Italy

Which were originally 

Settled by fleeing Jews

Everyone thinks of the mafia

Instead of pirates 

Who took others precious


But it was the French

Who tamed the wilderness

Made it into a wine 

And rose region

Who does not know

A good French winery?

Napoleon ruled the world

For a short time

Just as France once

Was recognized

As a world power

After all they sent

William the Conqueror

To England

They beheaded the only

Royal monarch 

Of Mexico 

Once a French country

After they sold

What was left of

The Western Mississippi

To Thomas  Jefferson

We are still French

Not a mixed race

Of Aztec and Jewish


The truth of the matter

Is that the Conquistadors

Were sent as conversos 

To eliminate another race

Because they were going 

To be exterminated otherwise

Just as those African men

Emancipated by Lincoln

Became Indian hunters

The Buffalo hunters

Killing what was left

Of the original inhabitants

It has gone on 

All though history

The expulsion or extermination

Of another race

Usually by another group

Of lower life forms

Gaza is not really

Jewish nor Muslim

But somewhere in between

Used by mercenaries

To cause havoc

For a land already

Beset by a long history 

Of bloodshed

The land of milk and honey

Also known for its wine

When will it stop?

My family have nver

Been free from

The Germans who came

To get even 

For having lost a war

Vivian Granada's mother

Came to see what harm

She could do

Then married an American military

Gave birth to her first born

In Germany but not to its

Father, she has a different one

Than the other six

Her mentally ill daughter

Has hit me over the head

So many times

Because she was told

By an American Judge

That I did not give birth

When I was three nor six

But she wont accept it

If I see her son 

I will shoot him

As a Nazi

Then feed him to the sharks

In the land

Where the first child

Is said to be called

Cecelia or Sicily

All those who have

No real birth certificates

Should be not stupid

The time is at hand

When those gun and drug smugglers

Need to be taken down

How many more journalist

Are going to die

Just because they speak

The truth ?

When will Odessa

Come forward

And explain it was 

All a mistake?

They just wanted

Thier freedom to keep

On using the port for 

Thier greed

Not to be bombed themselves

Let them have their


Those Russians

Who stopped him

In his tracks

The shit digger


They were the ones

Who dug sewers

In the old days

So low on the totem pole

Swamps are nice places

To be born

He changed his name

To Hitler

And changed the world

Or did he?

Maybe it was always

This way.

Winters storms

Winters wheat

Winters gardens

Vinters from the old days

Of the Roman Empire

Even the Pope had to 

Seek safety in France

When Charlemagne 

Threatened his life

History is full 

Of them 

Those who make war

On others 

Killing the true heirs

Look at William

He created a whole new

Universe with his conquest

Had a castle built

Called Windsor

What does that name imply?

My mother will tell you

That we are the real


How naive and simpleminded

Are those who listen to her

And her damaged brain

She just wanted

To put her hands

On the butts

Of idiots

And  whisper into 

Thier ears that they

Could kill the queen

She would make them 


Not really but she kept 

On trying

Never getting it right

There will be a thousand at least

Waiting for her return

To explain to her 

What their lives became

When they found out

They could not be royal

At all

None of them 

Will be her own


Wine anyone?

Grapes traveled all the way

From the Roman empire

Stomped on

And pulled up

Just for another tower...

Saturday, November 18, 2023

The best of both worlds


Just say the word
Sounds  ...

Was one of those things
That happened to America

Until some stupid film
Ruined it
Sound sophisticated.

Italian gelato
And expresso
The best of both

The sweet delicate flavors
Of iced cream

Minus the heavy cream
And heavy syrups
Made more old style

And the not to sour
Pressed coffee beans

With a hint of spice
What could be better?
Pouring the strong brew

Over the slightly sweet
Cream of iced perfection?

Rum cake with 
Layers of pudding
And coffee.

Hmm, my taste
Is the Affagato
With expresso gelato

Just to wipe away
Any soft epicureans
Such as Jimmy

Who prefers
A Banana split
Once had one of those places

High up Bankers Hill
Called Hillcrest
Ice cream shop

Does anyone remember
Those places?
It is still there

Called Chocolate
It serves fresh California. 
Crepes and other types

Of food from Europe
And they have a gelato bar
With all the surprises 

Of a good European
Mix of real flavors
From Raspberry with alcohol

To various chocolates
With real mixtures
And expresso or coffee

And then they have
Those mirrors
In the corner

To watch them make
Not the food 
But Expresso martinis

Wonderful world
Expresso and gelato
And Vodka

What could be better?
A pacific Asian conference
In San Francisco

Where they have
Italian food in
A Special area of town

Try San Diego
Next time

We have a Little Italy
And a Gas Lamp Quarter
Which serves high end

Food from old Europe
And there are amazing 
Gelato bars

And Crepe places.
We also have sea world
And Safari world

All those talks
And what do we get?
The Pandas

Might be coming back
You know
They took them away

From America
China did
No more Panda bear

Was it the Pandemic
Or America
That caused China

To yank the lease?
Well, they are speaking again
And those cute not so little guys

Might be coming home
A first-class zoo
Always has a panda bear

Along with a tiger exhibit
And there is also the zoo.
Not that anyone can get to it

It takes at least. 
Three different public buses
To get to Balboa park

And the zoo
From any hotel
Which is why they rent cars

Those who can
And then drive out
To the Safari 

To experience 
Africa up close
As well as that 

Other mandatory stop
Sea world
They have those scary rides

And really cute
Sea creatures
Such as killer whale

Which they have trained
To do circus acts
They even have 

Emperor penguins
A baby girl has been born
Without a name

Perhaps they can decide
On a name for her as well
While they keep us from

Another war in Asia
What are we going to do
About Israel

Nothing we can do
It is off limits
Which is Ukraine? 

Got so much attention
Does anyone know
Why there are so many

At or already
Spewing ash

And hot lava
Into the air?
Old Aztec one

And Iceland
Have made themselves

But there is a circle
Around the Pacific Ocean
Of live volcanos

Just like the ring of fire
Of the earthquakes
Which are ongoing

Indiana and the Philippines
Have felt the wrath
Of God firsthand

Wish Jimmy had not tripped
In Arizona 
When he went to be executed

The machine was not plugged in
While they worked on it
Jimmy worked out a probation plan

With not the state of Arizona
But the American government
He has been on probation

This whole time
Working out everyone else's
Misery into his own advantage

This is a stupid kid
He is working hand in hand
With government agencies

And still gets it wrong
Which is where all the fires come from
When he gets it wrong

He has immunity. 
To go about his old business
Of destruction

There are a number of old houses
Wondering why their little plaque
Has been removed

And a bulldozer
Is calling them friend
That old hotel up there

On Bankers Hill
Built when it was
Winters township

Is gone along with
The gas station
And post office

The only thing worse
Would be a bunch
Of Africans showing up

And shadowing me
For no reason at all
Except I got hacked

And Scammed 
Almost went to jail
Just because I am not allowed

To cash my own checks
With my government issued
Name on them

Just because
Those people say no
They have been making it clear

They are the ones
Involved in human trafficking
And drug smuggling

I know a few who are
Gun experts
And a couple of diamond traders

Worlds sometimes collide
I am not into thefts
Nor murders

But those suicides
And near misses
On the highways

And railways
As well as those 
Military ones who go down

Considered at fault
The operator
Of the vehicle

Wonder how much
Jimmy went into in Africa.
After getting in close

With Muslims 
In the Arab world
Why is my old homestead

Being occupied
By heavy East Los Angleen's
And why am I seeing 

Everyday at my bus stop
Individuals from elsewhere
Who are talking on the phone

About me in a foreign language
I now from their eyes
And behavior

Reminds me of Paris
In the old soviet days
All those followers

And then the upstarts
Watching us 
For no reason

Except Jimmy 
Gave them the impression
We were important

To the Presdient.
Look at me
Not even invited 

To this conference
And I was a flower girl
At Jills wedding

Missed her granddaughters
Finally remembered 
To send a card

Which Jimmy 
Has probably already 
Snitched out of the Post Office

Poor old Plains
Both of them now 
In Hospice

Bring on those Pandas
We need some peace 
Of mind

While some of us
Still enjoy the expresso
If not allowed the sweet Gelato.

Best to the Carters
In their last year or so.
Maybe the Press

Could let up on 
Old Joe
He is doing his best

And those stairs 
Are not easy
Did anyone see

The spread
Putin put on
For his latest meal

No more apple farm
Nor sweet berries
And salmon 

But a neat tight
Group of foods
For each of his guests

And himself
Military style
Each one had his own

Cafeteria style 

No sharing 
No waste
Just plain fare

When is America
Going to get 
That this guy

Is not going away?
But Jimmys
Usefulness is over

Would someone
Please run him over?
While we get on 

With the business
Of being Americans
I want fish

Not fowl
For my holiday festivities
And ocean air

Come on everybody
Get with it
The end of the world

Is at hand
Volcanoes erupting
And devastating earthquakes

Being felt
Revelations speaks of them
And then it is all over

And perhaps 
Vodka if not gelato,

And get
Out of my town!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Dear Mr. Xi


Dear Mr. Xi,

Repeat after me

I want to go

To the Ice cream shop

At Ghirardelli Square

Where they make 

Thier own ice cream

To go along with 

World famous chocolate.

Welcome to San Francisco!

A former resident of

One of the finest cities

Of the world

Now forgotten

To those who prefer

Disney land


You will want

To know a few more


I want to go to a good


Where they serve real meat.


Is not the place

You wish to go.

It is unfortunately

One of the oldest

In America

And very American

You will not find

Authentic Asian food

Anywhere in America

They have all been 

Cooperated by Betty Crocker

White flour 

For everything

No rice wrappers

No rice noodles

Even the Saki

Probably has a preservative

Called Gluten in it.

You might also 

Say I hear they 

Make Bison Burgers

Buffalo is the beast

Of the Native Americans

They now raise them 

For places such as 

Burger Lounge

Or maybe some good


Japanese raised beef

Is served at some fine

Restaurants along the wharf

Real authentic food

Might be found

In the North Beach

Italina fare without 

Those noodles

That Marco Polo 

Brought back

But converted

From a rice product

To an African grain

Called wheat


Vice President Harris

Who is also a former

San Francisco

Can take you and your wife

Out on the town

Avoiding the tourist traps

Unless you want to go

To one of those places

Clint Eastwood

Made famous

When he was making 

Those movies in town.

Then again there 

Is always the consulates list

Of gluten free places

That means they don't use

Wheat or white flour

Instead of the stuff

Back at home

Do not want to be off

Your game 

When making your speeches

After all that American gluten

I bet even Joseph Biden

Might remember a few

Seafood places 

Although he seems 

To be getting thin 

In his hair

And the journalist

Are suggesting

He does not know 

From day to day

Best of Luck

In finding something

That will not make


Don't forget

The Ice cream shop

Make your own 

American Sunday

With real hot fudge

And whip cream

With a cherry on top.

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...