Monday, December 4, 2023

Sunsets over the kingdom


The sunsets 
Over the furtherest
Part of the Roman Empire

Hadrian's wall 
Boundary between
Scotland and England

Rome spread itself out
Over the land of the known
World of Egypt and Babylon

Then it went east
Towards India and China
As well as north

The lands of the Barbarians
Celts and Druids
Fearsome hateful people

No one could tolerate
Them amongst the civilized
Rome had made itself over

Into a Democracy
Of thin ice 
Of diplomacy

And Ceasars ruling
The whole world
With their fists

And little knowledge
Of whom their people
Were but instead 

Hellenized them
Christianized them later
But first a wall 

Was built all across
Europe a no mans 
Waste land of inferiors

Hadrian's wall in Scotland
Was to keep them out 
Of the now Roman England

Not wanted nor willing to accept
Other areas of Europe 
Was the same

You shall not pass beyond
These gates nor wall
Keep out and don't bother

What a way of viewing
The world!
One used to run 

For the Border
When times were difficult
Such as robbing a bank

But now they are climbing
Over the walls to get in
Just to rob us blind

This Theresa and her family
For instance have done nothing
But insist they own everything

Of mine just because
They are Mexican
All hers she said

And then her son Juan
Thinks he can say he is my son
He has been tearing down

One Hundred year old houses
Because he never lived
In anything better

Than a makeshift room
In Mexico where they don't
Build to last at all.

My monies 
My properties
My titles

I cant even get my 
Work history 
Because of Theresa and Juan

Both of whom use my name
But don't ever give me anything
I can even cash a check

With my name on it
Because it is their name
To use in America

This highway robbery
Has been going on for a long time
Just because they are immigrants

No they are really wicked people
And have committed crimes
Perhaps now that they have made

An Example of the Santos guy
Caught lying to get elected
And using other people funds

Just because as a Latino
Who was raised Catholic
In a communist country

He has now been kicked out
Of his own office
Maybe I can get some justice

In the outright case
Of having too many children
Told with heroine 

That I am their mother
All they were supposed to do
Was steal my wallet 

And my suitcase
And not allow me to be employed
Instead these selfish and greedy

Bitches want to fill the airways
With their bullshit
Always caring on about

The plight of these people
Being bombed and forced out
But they never provide 

The information that they
Themselves all have the same mother
Whom they forced out of her own homes

Meanwhile down 
In Communist country
They have finally found

An ambassador
Guilty of being an agent
For a foreign country

The land of the cigars
My grandmother  lost most

Of her income 
Having listened to her friends
In Miami 

Invest in this commodity
That everyone wants

No harm to anyone
It was the fifties
She never recovered  

I myself always 
Had a boat to go 
When I was blocked

From my own place
Of dwelling
Even Meredeath Brokaw

Has the habit 
Of needing a place to stay
I know her husband

Who grew up poor
With immigrant parents
Instead of a wealthy doctor father

Does not know 
How many times his wife
Has pulled that stunt

On someone else
She seems to need
Free hotel rooms

Or just takes over 
Your apartment
When she does not care

To tell her husband
What she has done
With his money

There is this story
I once lived and worked

In Florida 
But my boat was stolen
I reported it to the authorities

As is required
Especially so close
To the border 

Of another country
They had found my boat
I got the call

While working in DC
I had to come now
To reclaim the boat

Or I might be up
On charges of smuggling
It was presumed 

That was the reason
For the theft
I was given permission

To go to Havanna
In order to legally 
Retrieve my stolen property

I was also informed 
Once I was there 
That there was a death

It seems it was Jimmy
Who had stolen the boat
And the Cubans

Said he was dead
Provided me with a death certificate
All is well that ends well

I had to go out to supper
With the officials 
As I was expected

To show I had nothing
To do with his death
But as it is a habit

I crossed someone's path
I was ruffied
Date rape drugged

I woke up in a cell
In Guantanamo?
I don't know where

But it was not pleasant
And then I was in California
Without my boat

My passport
And my memory of what
Happened when someone

Thought I could recognize him
It might have been this Manual
A former American Ambassador

It might not have been
Anyone I could even finger
But it was someone

Who pulled some strings
In Michellle's birthplace
My grandmother got

That phone call as well
Someone was stuck
In Cuba with a newborn

Could she help?
I found her at the bottom
Of the stairs 

In her Los Angeles apartment
Dead and broken
Everyone had used her

And now they had thrown
Her out
Grandma fell down the stairs

Is all stupid 
Peter Barmettler
Would keep repeating 

Over and over again
He had been making my mother
Believe he wanted to be her

Son in law
No, he only wanted her money
And now her mother was dead

And he was no more 
Then fifteen years old
Had she found out?

It was probably 
Who did the dead

He simply wants
To have his way
And kills to get it

I also found my grandfatehr
Dead in my LA apartment
When I was working on television

It is only because 
I was on a live broadcast
That I did not go to prison

Not that the police did not
Stop watching me for the first

I have gotten
Alot of parking tickets
And speeding tickets

I once got one
For driving to slowly
Onto a highway 

Just because
They say they want 
To come inside

Our borders
Does not mean
They want to be American

Those walls
Were meant to keep
Out the thieves and the pirates

As weel as bring peace
And prosperity
To the entire kingdom.

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