Tuesday, October 31, 2023

And then there is all hollows eve


He was being very careful
His father always said 
He was careless

Could not get anything right
Which is why he was sent
To that place 

Where they make men out of you
By tying you down
And giving you drugs

And then forcing you 
To do it their way
While using electric charges

He hated his father
All because he wanted
To play with the little girl

He did not know it was wrong
To jump on top of a child
She was pretty 

Wasn't she?
He was not going to get
Any girl any other way

Pick them when they are young
Well, he found one he wanted
She was introduced to the Queen

Even his dad had to do what
She told him to do.
And as for that woman

He says is his mother
Somone needs glasses!
His eyes are all weird

They say he has albinism
What does that men
No focal point in his eyes

Like little red rat eyes. 
Anyways he lied to some men
In order to get into their van

And learn how to make
Others suffer for his crimes
Convicted killer

Criminally insane
He made sure the family
Went trick or treating

They were Christians
Most people did not go out
Begging for candy

But she had taken him in the south
Where they don't believe in god
God? Who was he?

Carefully he picked up
The Gillete razor blade
And slid it into the apple

He had learned just where
To make the incision
Apples were good food

They were sure to pick them
Over cheap candy
All the kids had to be out

She was the first to notice
That the apple was funny
She had lost her teeth

And could not munch down
But she had tenderly nibbled
Only to have her lip cut

She screamed out loud
And then got quiet
It was him, jimmy

He had put razor blades 
In the apples
She knew she had seen him

In the neighborhood
Which is why she was being careful
She had to find the others

He was the other run
Siting on the sidewalk
With his hand carefully

Shoved inside
He had bitten down
And he knew there was

A razor blade stuck
Into his tongue
She found him 

And carried him down 
To the corner 
Where the police where 

Just waiting for trouble
She showed him her apple
Then pointed at her brother

His hand was forced out
And then the cop cried
They were lucky with that one

The cops were screaming
At everyone to go home
Sirens were blazing

When the mother got home
She knew her kids 
Would not be outside

But they were not inside
The were gone 
Scratching at the door

Brought the younger one
With blood over her
Pink ballerina outfit

She had her younger brother
In her hands
Trying to drag him backwards

He had gotten frustrated 
With her when she would not 
Bite down for him

To eat the apple
So he took it from her
And slit his tongue

A frightened sister
Wanted to know where 
The other one was

They often hid from her
She was so bossy
Only being an adult

When her father was not
Around because 
Her mother had brain 

Cancer growing more 
Childish each day
The grandparents did not 

Know what to do
But there it was a tongue
In her hands

She screamed into the phone
Then carried the boy 
Into the car 

Driving crazily down 
The street to the hospital
Where the cops were waiting

Another one they said
Straight into surgery
Apparently someone 

Was giving out apples
With razors in them
Betty A dressed as a witch

Was still walking around
When she found out 
What jimmy had done

To her basket of apples
She dematerialized
Not going back to prison

Was she not her.
He was satisfied 
They had both been taken

Into the hospital
One of them lost his tongue
The other one  just cut

They would both have
To be cared for by the 

While the two girls
Who missed the experience
Would be his to own.

Four kids
Two girls
His to own 

For life
His father had told 
Them that he was insane

They don't know
What happened
But he was going

To rape their girls
He had court orders
But somehow the kid

Kept getting away
He had gotten so crazy
They had to use adult measures

On his son 
Which he was sure would 
Not happen again

He heard about the razors
And knew what to do
He picked up the phone

And called the mother
Who said she would take 
Him to Europe with her

Six weeks later
A week before 

On his birthday
He got even with them
Arranging for a little accident...

Got one of them!
Now the other one
Was going to be his

While the boys 
Were one more time
Sent away

When would it end?
No one knew
Know they don't care

It has been so long ago
When a whole group
Of them spent 

Halloween in the hospital
Getting stitches 
And not able to eat the candy...

Who cares about jimmy
Let him have what he wants
They will never be

Princes nor princesses
It had all started
At Disneyland 

Where some one got 
The idea they would
Be real royals 

If only they did 
What the kid said
His father was that show...

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