Friday, March 13, 2020

And Rachelle Anne Rachel Rachel...

And on it goes with more ridicoulous requests. The girl Rachelle or roach as my mother began to call her always let herself into our back door and started in on my being her mother. She did not match my husband nor myself, and well was not our race either. He was not amused, he left with the back door swinging.
We have gone to court a number of times, but to no avail, she even claimed barack as her daddy when asked if she could produce any man of her color as a daddy. He had shook hands with a National Park tour guide and got his picture snapped. I lost my job and still cant find the work history.
Her aggressiveness knows no bounds, showing up, always with  the blond who was supposed to have given birth to her. The idea is it was my fault for the situation as she had gone out with my brother Jimmy. Jimmy is not my brother but his mother might be African since she was from Brazil.
Jumping on me and jabbing me with a needle were her usual playbook. Then she would sit there holding my hand while the drugs took effect, telling everyone she was my daughter. I have lost of jobs and now have no acknowledgement of having worked at all.
My purse and bags were her mothers top achievement. Sending in the girl when I had relatives, especially when I attempted to adopt and was pushing the girl around in a stroller. The girl was taken from me because I did not know how to take care of children, namely this small midget, not even 5 feet tall versus my 5 6 frame. I was allowed to see my adopted daughter once after she was grown and had had a child of her own. Strolling along with her, side by side baby carriages for an afternoon of sun. It ended badly as the girl attacked me and now the girl runs away every time she sees me, with even more children and no marriage as I had planned for after she went to college.
The young African girl also has children and her teenager is horrible. She reminds me of all things of Mellissa Sue from Little House. She has the same bubble forhead and the type of arrogance her character displayed. The girl is already 5 feet tall with big teeth and well still does not look like my husband, no long gone.
My husband looked like one of those characters from the film Witness with Harrison Ford. Amish and polite, but now he is probably more like a Tolkien guy, a unique one of a kind type of guy, having lived on his own so long without ever giving me my freedom.

The other two Rachels, are of course not supposed to know their mothers due to adoption. They insist they are also my one and only. The little one looks just like Ted Kennedy and I know I never had a chance to get together with that man. Nor is she kind, having left her infant son behind in Scotland according to her, while she lives in a dream world. Making my own misery even more so than normal. She also used needles and hand holding to make the claim she was my daughter. She also does not look like my husband.

As for the last Rachel, there are actually many of them but this one is big, 6 feet tall and mountainous in her frame. She has been arrested in the past every time I tried to go anywhere near the Native American heritage sites or the national parks. I am part native American and was once well known and my father respected. These white girls are also not the correct race nor are they able to understand what it means to disrupt someone elses life. Either they get what they want or I get nothing at all.

My father lost his life to too many  kids showing up especially at the events he was expected to be given something. He was a Korean war hero and lost his life to poverty because these girls were told they could lie about whom they are not related. The girls also have the same mental problem of not being able to discern that enough is enough. The daughter likes to say I am her grandmother and wants to know why I don't share my food stamps like all of them with her. They get 600 dollars a month for a mother of two children and a full amount of welfare, since she also never got married nor finished school.

I get a third of my welfare, because I have a bed in a shelter while everyone around me uses way to much time on pizzas, movies and non essentials. I have no work prospects due to a broken back and no work history nor any one coming near me from my former life. I guess it was the two dozen non kids who showed up with me drugged and without me asking for money that caused it all. My former life seems gone forever, while there seems no where to go now that all of these people have the same problem of getting even with me due to my not remembering giving birth, I remember not being pregnant and having examinations proving I was not their mothers. I would like to see these girls go to the same crazy ward while their children go to someone else to raise besides my self or any remaining family or friend whose lives have also been destroyed by too much popularity or whatever the cause of so many non biological kids demanding I acknowledge them when it is against the law to stalk a relative or look at their personal things or know what they spend time and money upon.

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